- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, February 20, 1996
- Date: Tues, 20 Feb 1996
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Tuesday, February 20, 1996
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
96-60 - USS Arizona (Hawaii) - Car Clout Arrests
Three young men were apprehended in a park parking lot while attempting to
break into a visitor's vehicle late on the morning of February 16th. Arresting
agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service had been watching the lot
as part of an interagency surveillance operation with the NPS. The method of
entry - gaining access to the trunk release by breaking the right rear
artificial vent window - matched that employed in previous car clouts. Car
theft equipment and a large knife were seized from the trio. There have been
ten car clouts in this lot since the first of the year, all under similar
circumstances. Charges are pending in federal court. [Bernard Doyle, LE,
No field reports today.
1) GPRA - The Service is seeking to implement the Government Performance and
Results Act (GPRA) in a manner that is field-based, will be useful to park and
program managers, and is integrated with budget, planning and related
disciplines. GPRA has a tight time line which requires both goal setting and
performance measurement. A GPRA strategic plan is now being developed which
includes resource stewardship, visitor/public experience, national partnership
and organizational effectiveness goals. A set of Servicewide goals and
performance measures are also being developed which parks and program offices
can employ to bridge between these four larger goals and specific area goals.
Because of the importance of these Servicewide goals and measures, the GPRA
steering committee is seeking input from throughout the Service. If you're
interested in reviewing and commenting on them, please send a cc:Mail message
to Michael Brown at NP-WASO-POPS as soon as possible. The comment period ends
by COB on February 29th. Questions should be addressed to Michael Brown at
202-208-7029 or Heather Huyck at 303-969-7012. [Heather Huyck, DSC]
No memoranda.
Calendar appears in the morning report every other Monday. If you know of a
conference, meeting or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please forward the listing to WASO Ranger Activities. Entries
are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in
which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries;
brackets at end of entry indicate source of information. NOTE: Due to the
number of entries submitted to "Calendar" and the limited space available,
brevity is appreciated.
3/5-6 -- Fourth Annual Meeting, Southern Campaign Revolutionary War Parks
Roundtable, Cowpens NB, SC. Contact: Pat Ruff at 864-461-2828 or
via cc:Mail. [Pat Ruff, COWP]
3/6-8 -- Annual Meeting, National Forest Recreation Association, Las Vegas,
NV. Contact: NFRA, 916-344-5050. [Sheila Lee, WASO]
3/9-12 -- 1996 National Trails Symposium, Bethesda, MD. Contact: Skye
Ridley, American Trails, 303-321-6606. [Sheila Lee, WASO]
3/12* -- "Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act: Review and Update
for Practitioners," Fort Worth, TX. Fee: $210. Contact: National
Preservation Institute, 202-393-0038. [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
3/12-14 -- "RIM Conference: Resource Issue Interpretation on the Colorado
Plateau," Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. This three-
day conference will focus on identifying resource issues common to
parks on the Colorado Plateau, defining management perspectives on
these issues, and identifying how these issues are being - or
should be - interpreted. Contact: Greer Chesher, 520-638-7766, or
Stew Fritts, 520-638-7902. [Greer Cheshire, GRCA]
3/14* -- "Magnetic Tape and Optical Disk: Current Technologies," sponsored
by National Archives, College Park, MD. Fee: $50. Contact: 301-
713-6705 (phone), 310-206-2815 (fax). [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
3/14-15 -- Second National Urban Rivers Symposium and Restoration Awards,
National Press Club, Washington, DC. Contact: American Rivers,
202-547-6900. [Sheila Lee, WASO]
3/22 -- "Getting Things Done: Results-Oriented Management for Archives,"
Jimmy Carter Library, Atlanta, GA. Fee: $119. Contact Society of
American Archivists, 312-922-0140 (phone), 312-347-1452 (fax),
cserve<internet:archives@miamiu.acs. muohio.edu (Internet). [Diane
Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/22 -- "Cyberspace for Archivists," Weaver State University, Ogden, UT.
Fee: $109. Contact Society of American Archivists, 312-922-0140
(phone), 312-347-1452 (fax), cserve<internet:
archives@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu (Internet). [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
3/26-27 -- "Archives, Personal Papers, and Manuscripts," University of
Washington, Seattle, WA. Archival cataloguing, bibliographic
components and record types, information source identification,
descriptive techniques, authority files, UMARC-AMC format. Contact
Society of American Archivists, 312-922-0140 (phone), 312-347-1452
(fax), cserve<internet: archives@miamiu.acs.muohio.edu (Internet).
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/26-28 -- Quarterly Interagency Wild and Scenic River Coordinating Council
Meeting, Portland, OR. River study or management issues of multi-
agency interest will be addressed. Agency personnel are invited to
participate in facilitated small group discussions focused on four
issues - external threats, recreation and public use, non-
indigenous species, and the wild and scenic river study process.
Contacts: Chris Brown, 202-343-3758; John Haubert, 202-208-4290;
Cassie Thomas, 617-223-5014; Tony Anderson, 715-483-3284. [Sheila
Lee, WASO; John Haubert, WASO]
3/31-4/2 -- "Rally II, Working for America's Real Places," Second National
Conference on Heritage Areas, Baltimore, MD. Contact: Sara
Polster, National Coalition for Heritage Areas, 202-673-4204.
[Sheila Lee, WASO]
3/7-10* -- "Fire and Ecosystem Management: Shifting the Paradigms from
Suppression to Prescription," Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference,
Boise Id. Contact: Leonard Brennan, Tall Timbers Research Station,
904-893-4153 ext.222; brennan@bio.fsu.edu. [Kathy Jope, CCSSO]
3/19-23* -- North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Tulsa,
OK. Contact: L.L. Williamson, Wildlife Management Institute, 202-
371-1808. [Kathy Jope, CCSSO]
3/26-30* -- "Integration of Cultural and Natural Ecosystems Across Landscapes,"
Eleventh Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Galveston, TX.
Contact: Robert Coulson, 409-845-9725; coulson@igis3.tamu.edu.
[Kathy Jope, CCSSO]
4/8-10 -- "Chart A Course for Preservation: A Workshop Promoting Cooperation
Among Maritime Parks," Salem Maritime NHS, Salem, MA. Contact:
Hallie Brooker, at 202-343-8170 or via cc:Mail.
4/9-10* -- Computerized Reservation System/Backcountry Permit Workshop,
Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. The workshop will introduce VURS, a new
computerized reservation and permit system which has been developed
by the Service's Administrative Program Center for any interested
NPS areas. The workshop will also provide a forum for the sharing
of ideas among parks with significant backcountry permit or
reservation programs. Contact: Julie Gillum, 801-259-3911 ext.
2143. [Julie Gillum, CANY]
4/10-15* -- Annual Meeting, Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, LA.
Contact: Program chairs Paul and Suzanne Fish, 520-621-2556
(phone), 520-621-2976 (fax). [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
4/13-17 -- "Planning for Tomorrow's World," APA National Planning Conference,
Orlando, FL. Contact: Renee Kaiser, 312-431-9100.
4/14-19 -- CANCELED: Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation
Seminars, Tucson, AZ. [Bill Wade, SHEN]
4/17-21 -- Annual Conference, American Planning Association, Orlando, FL.
Contact: 312-431-9100. [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]
4/19-21 -- "March for Parks", sponsored by National Parks and Conservation
Association. Contact: NPCA. ["The NPS Electric Courier"]
4/21-24 -- Scenic Byways '96, Tysons Corner, VA. Contact: American Recreation
Coalition, 202-662-7420. [Sheila Lee, WASO]
4/22-28 -- National Park Week. Contact: Sue Waldron, 202-208-5477.
4/24-28* -- 30th Annual Military History Conference, El Paso, TX. Contact:
CAMP '96 Conference, PO Box 1151, Fort Myer, VA 22211. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
5/1-3* -- First Conference on Research and Resource Management in Southern
Arizona National Park Areas, Hilton East Hotel, Tucson, AZ.
Contact: Tim Tibbitts, ORPI, 520-387-7662, x 7114. [Kathy Hiett,
5/2-3* -- "Seeking a Public Audience for Federal History," Annual Meeting,
The Society for History in the Federal Government, Cliffside Inn,
Harpers Ferry, WV. Lodging arrangements can be made by contacting
the Cliffside Inn (800-782-9437) before April 2nd. Contact: Bruce
Noble, 304-535-6158. [Bruce Noble, HAFE]
5/4-8* -- Annual Meeting, The American Association of Museums, Minneapolis,
MN. Contact: AAM, 202-289-1818. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
5/5-9 -- Annual Conference, National Association of Recreation Resource
Planners, Clearwater Beach, FL. Contact: Al Gregory or Tim
Bradley, Florida Division of Recreation and Parks, 904-488-2200.
[Sheila Lee, WASO]
5/15-18* -- Second National Conference, Women in Historic Preservation, Arizona
State University, Tempe, AZ. Contact: ASU History Department, Box
872501, Tempe, AZ 85287-2501. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
5/17-19 -- "Friends of Trashed Rivers," Coalition to Restore Urban Waters
Conference, Chicago, IL. Contact: Laurene Von Klan, 312-939-0490.
[Sheila Lee, WASO]
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests for
the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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