- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, March 4, 1996
- Date: Mon, 4 Mar 1996
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, March 4, 1996
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
[This section contains reports of incidents required under reporting criteria
issued in December, 1995, by the Associate Director, Park Operations and
96-88 - Hawaii Volcanoes (Hawaii) - Storm Damage
The park was subjected to severe tropical storm winds over the weekend.
Winds blew the roof off of the Volcano House, a concession-managed hotel.
There were no injuries, but the roof landed on and damaged several parked and
unoccupied cars. Visitors were relocated to other lodging. Many trees are
reported down and one campground was closed due to the possibility of
injuries to campers. [Jim Martin, Superintendent, HAVO]
96-89 - Fort McHenry (Maryland) - Special Event
At the request of the Secret Service, rangers from Fort McHenry and Hampton
provided security and support for Vice President Gore during a visit to
Baltimore on February 29th. The vice president landed by helicopter,
traveled by motorcade into Baltimore to deliver a speech, and returned about
90 minutes later for a return flight to Washington. The arrival and
departure occurred after park closing and therefore caused little impact to
visitors. Rick Apfel coordinated NPS activities with the Secret Service and
other federal and city agencies. [Hugh Manar, AC, FOMC]
[This section includes - but is NOT limited to - reports on notable resource
management projects or the attainment of significant benchmarks in such
projects; new threatened and endangered species listings, significant changes
in status to listed species, or new threats to listed species; significant
lawsuit pertaining to park natural or cultural resources; newly discovered
threat to park resources; reintroduction of a species to a park; any resource
management action or action affecting park resources which is inherently
No submissions today.
[This section contains brief summaries of important, practical operational
information which needs to be conveyed to the field or FROM parks to other
field areas].
No notes.
[This section provides brief summaries of important memoranda which have been
issued from WASO to the field].
No memoranda.
[This section contains requests for and offers of information, material,
resources or assistance. Anyone may make a submission, as long as the
submission is within the context of NPS operations].
o Colonial has a 1971 International fire truck available for transfer.
Second gear does not work and the 200 gallon water tank has a small
leak, but it runs okay. The truck has about 12,000 miles on it. The
acquiring area must pick up all costs associated with the transfer.
Call Terri Newsom at 804-898-3400 ext. 69 or contact him via cc:Mail by
name. [Terri Newsom, COLO]
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings and conferences. If you know of a conference, meeting, workshop or
training session with Servicewide interest and implications, please send the
information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the
event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates close much earlier.
Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of
information. Brevity is appreciated.
3/12 -- "Section 106 of the Historic Preservation Act: Review and Update
for Practitioners," Fort Worth, TX. Fee: $210. Contact:
National Preservation Institute, 202-393-0038. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/12* -- "Invasive Exotic Plants: Biology and Management in the Mid-
Atlantic Region," Villanova University, PA. Registration: $65.
Contact: 215-247-5777 ext 156 or 157. [Charles Rafkind, COLO]
3/14 -- "Magnetic Tape and Optical Disk: Current Technologies," sponsored
by National Archives, College Park, MD. Fee: $50. Contact: 301-
713-6705 (phone), 310-206-2815 (fax). [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
3/22 -- "Getting Things Done: Results-Oriented Management for Archives,"
Jimmy Carter Library, Atlanta, GA. Fee: $119. Contact Society
of American Archivists, 312-922-0140 (phone), 312-347-1452 (fax),
cserve<internet:archives@miamiu.acs. muohio.edu (Internet).
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/22 -- "Cyberspace for Archivists," Weaver State University, Ogden, UT.
Fee: $109. Contact Society of American Archivists, 312-922-0140
(phone), 312-347-1452 (fax), cserve<internet: archives@miamiu.
acs.muohio.edu (Internet). [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/26-27 -- "Archives, Personal Papers, and Manuscripts," University of
Washington, Seattle, WA. Archival cataloguing, bibliographic
components and record types, information source identification,
descriptive techniques, authority files, UMARC-AMC format.
Contact Society of American Archivists, 312-922-0140 (phone),
312-347-1452 (fax), cserve<internet: archives@miamiu.acs.
muohio.edu (Internet). [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
3/27-29* -- "Reptiles, Rivers and Relics," Spring Workshop, Region 2,
National Association for Interpretation, Westview on the James,
Richmond, VA. Cost: $75 - $100, lodging extra. Registration
deadline is March 11th. Contact: Kris Paavola, 804-748-1124.
[Cindy Donaldson, GREE]
4/8-10 -- "Chart A Course for Preservation: A Workshop Promoting
Cooperation Among Maritime Parks," Salem Maritime NHS, Salem, MA.
Contact: Hallie Brooker, at 202-343-8170 or via cc:Mail.
4/9-10 -- Computerized Reservation System/Backcountry Permit Workshop,
Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. The workshop will introduce VURS, a
new computerized reservation and permit system which has been
developed by the Service's Administrative Program Center for any
interested NPS areas. The workshop will also provide a forum for
the sharing of ideas among parks with significant backcountry
permit or reservation programs. Contact: Julie Gillum, 801-259-
3911 ext. 2143. [Julie Gillum, CANY]
4/14-19 - Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation Seminars,
Tucson, AZ. Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $500 for members, $550 for
non-members. Deadline for applications is March 11th; they
should be sent to ANPR, PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831.
Contact: Ann Baugh, 520-638-2691, or Bill Wade, 540-999-3400.
[Bill Wade, SHEN]
4/24-27* -- 11th Annual National Forum and Training Institute of the
Roundtable Associates, Inc., Hyatt Regency Hotel, Cincinnati, OH.
A gathering of park, recreation and conservation professionals to
examine urban park policies in recreation. [Ronald Mack, NCRO]
4/28-5/3* -- "West by Northwest: Exploring Common Ground," 1996 Resource
Stewardship Workshop, Pacific West Field Area, Golden Gate NRA,
San Francisco, CA. Exploration of some of the complex issues
managers face; identification of priorities and actions that will
guide the field area toward better resource stewardship.
Contact: Judy Rocchio, 415-744-3872. [Nancy Hendricks, LAME]
[This section contains observations pertaining to either the National Park
Service or closely related issues, such as wilderness and conservation, and
should include the author and the date and source of the quote].
Today's quote, another in the series on particular parks, concerns Biscayne
and was submitted by David Cullison. It has particular attraction and appeal
to those of us weathering March in northern tier states:
"The beauties and possibilities of the country appealed to me at once
strongly. No sea-lover could look unmoved on the blue rollers of the Gulf
Stream and the crystal-clear waters of the Reef, of every delicate shade of
blue and green, and tinged with every color of the spectrum from the
fantastically rich growths on the bottom, visible to the last detail through
this incredibly translucent medium. It scarcely resembles northern sea-water
at all - a cold, semi-opaque, grayish-green fluid, which hides the mysteries
of the bottom. Drifting over the Florida Reef on a quiet day one may note
all the details of its tropical luxuriance twenty feet below, and feels
himself afloat on a sort of liquid light, rather than water, so limpid and
brilliant is it."
Ralph Middleton Munroe, describing his first
visit to the area in 1877, "The Commodore's
Story: The Early Days on Biscayne Bay," 1930
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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