- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, May 20, 1996
- Date: Mon, 20 May 1996
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, May 20, 1996
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
96-94 - Padre Island (Texas) - Follow-up on Drug Arrests
On May 25th, a federal jury convicted R.V. and T.Z.
of Title 21 charges of possession and conspiracy to distribute 500 pounds of
marijuana. The two were arrested in the park on February 26th. The case
involved complex circumstantial evidence and lasted four days. Extensive
testimony was given by rangers Bret Morris, Tom Crowson and Dan Wirth. [Dan
Wirth, SOAR]
96-204 - U.S.S. Arizona (Hawaii) - Follow-up on Oil Spill
Significant progress was made toward the end of last week in cleaning up the
oil spill in Pearl Harbor. If all went well, the visitor center was to be
reopened on Saturday. The oil did not stain or damage the Arizona or its
memorial, and water visibility on Thursday was reported to be good. It
appears that between 200 and 600 barrels of oil spilled into the harbor.
[Jim Adams, USAR]
96-207 - Kaloko-Honokohau (Hawaii) - Serious Employee Illness
Francis Kuailani, superintendent of Kaloko-Honokohau, is recovering from the
heart attack which he experienced early on the morning of May 15th. He was
moved out of intensive care on May 16th, and may be released this week.
Notes can be sent to him at the hospital (Straub Clinic and Hospital, 888 S.
King Street, Room 336, Honolulu, HI 96813) or at home (Kona Pacific
Condominium, 75-5865 Walua Road, Apt. E-531, Kailua-Kona, HI 96740. [Jerry
Case, CR, KAHO]
96-213 - Natural Bridges (Utah) - Assault on Employee
Late on the morning of Thursday, May 16th, a female SCA out for a walk in the
park was approached by two men who were standing near their vehicle at a
pulloff at the park's entrance. One of the men accosted her, made a vulgar
comment which implied that he intended a sexual assault, then reached to grab
her, tearing the bottom of her shirt. She was able to escape into the woods.
Rangers Dougan, Ireland and Nickel began a search for the vehicle in
conjunction with county deputies, but without luck. The vehicle is described
as a white, late-model, short-bed pickup bearing white license plates. One
suspect is a white male in his early 40s, 6'1", 250 pounds, wearing a tight
blue t-shirt, jeans and a dirty brown cowboy hat; the other is a white male
in his 30s, 5'10", 175 pounds, with sandy blond, collar-length hair and a
full moustache. [Jim Dougan, CR, NABR]
% Est
State Unit Fire IMT 5/17 5/20 Con Con
CO Pike/San Isabel NF * Buffalo Creek T1 - 9,700 0 NEC
Arapaho/Roos. NF * Crystal T2 - 180 60 5/20
AZ Coconino NF * Horseshoe T2 - 7,500 20 NEC
MI Huron/Manistee NFs * Hagaman Road -- - 250 100 CND
CA San Diego RU * Pala -- - 350 25 5/18
Kern County * Blackwell -- - 500 90 5/17
FL Ocala NF Major #1 -- 1,510 1,600 48 6/1
GA Okefenokee NWR * Pintail -- - 300 95 5/18
Heading Notes
Unit -- Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire -- * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex; LSS =
limited suppression strategy; CSS = containment suppression
IMT -- T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con -- Percent of fire contained
Est Con -- Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report
Number 3 2 5 0 27 15 52
Acres Burned 750 6 3 0 28 5,255 6,042
Crews Engines Helicopters Airtankers Overhead
Federal 54 51 16 11 360
Non-federal 17 76 14 0 116
Large fire activity continued in the Rockies and Southwest and increased in
the East yesterday. High to extreme fire danger indices are occurring
throughout the Southwest. The governor of Arizona has declared that a state
of emergency exists in Arizona due to the high fire danger. A ban has been
placed on all open fires and smoking on public and private lands, and state
National Guard units have been authorized to assist federal land management
agencies. Fire restrictions are also in place throughout New Mexico.
Initial attack and large fire activity are expected to continue in the
[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 5/20]
No submissions.
Reports pending.
"Announcement", transmitted via cc:Mail to all employees by Director Kennedy
on May 17th. The full text follows:
"Several transitions will be taking place in the SES ranks over the next
several months.
"John Reynolds will be assigned to the position of Field Director, Pacific
West Field Area. The official date will be later this summer. Stan Albright
will continue as Field Director until on or about January 1, 1997, when he is
retiring. Deny Galvin will become the Acting Deputy Director behind John
"During the transition period, until January, John will be on detail to the
Director to take on two Servicewide tasks of primary importance to the
organization. Beginning immediately, he will work on them part time. Once a
specific transition date has been established, John will lead these projects
full time, until he takes over from Stan at the beginning of 1997.
"These tasks are:
a. to work with the Department to agree on organization principles and
alignments in the Washington Office and the Field Area Offices that
meet the letter and spirit of EO law, regulation and policy.
Representatives of the Department, NPS EO Officers, and others in the
Service will work with him.
b. to coordinate all on-going NPS efforts to create a comprehensive
Servicewide education program that takes us into the 21st Century.
These include, but are not limited to: the cooperative interagency
programs begun in the Southeast Field Area; the education initiative
led by Corky Mayo; Gil Lusk's task group looking at the Harpers Ferry
Center; our partnership work with the National Geographic Society; and
the National Leadership Council's communication planning efforts. This
work will be fully coordinated with the GPRA initiative.
"Initially, John will continue to work in his present office, but will move
to a new office on the front corridor when the transition between him and
Deny Galvin takes place. He will move to San Francisco at his convenience.
"I am asking Deny Galvin to assume immediately responsibility for the SES
application process. There will be a mass advertisement for SES positions
being vacated by buyouts and retirements and for positions that may become
open as a result of current SES incumbents applying for different positions.
In addition, the advertisement will cover the allocation of current NPS SES
allocations not being used to new SES positions. Examples include, but are
not limited to: Golden Gate National Recreation Area and Great Smoky
Mountains National Park. The final list remains under discussion.
"This advertisement will be a single, integrated process.
"The Service will affirmatively encourage a diverse range of applicants to
apply, so that we may meet the highest standards of professionalism in our
leadership and recognize the diversity of the American population.
"The vacancy announcement is being written now, and will be released as soon
as possible. It will be open for 30 days, or longer.
"The applicant pool will be rated and ranked by an SES board two weeks after
the application period closes. The board will be closeted until its work is
completed, and certificates of eligibility can be prepared.
"The ranking board tentatively consists of: Kate Stevenson, Mike Soukup, Joe
Doddridge, Bob Stanton, B.J. Griffin, Mike Finley, and Matt Millenbach from
BLM. The membership may be altered slightly before it is made final. In no
case will anyone who may apply serve on the board.
"The Secretary will approve all final choices. He may want to be given
alternatives or options, rather than simply a final list to approve."
I&M Web Pages - The Service's inventory and monitoring program has just
opened a page on the Worldwide Web. You can reach them at HTTP://www.
aqd.nps.gov/nrid/im/index.htm. Comments and feedback should be sent to Joe
Gregson at NP-WASO-WR.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, conferences and events, and a second, which contains
workshops and training courses. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
5/15-18* -- RESCHEDULED: The Second National Conference of Women in Historic
Preservation, which was to have been held last week at Arizona
State University, was rescheduled for 3/13-16, 1997. Particulars
will appear when the date gets closer. [Vivien Rose, WORI]
5/30-6/2 -- Annual Meeting, Society for Industrial Archeology, Sacramento,
CA. Sponsored by California State Railroad Museum. Contact:
916-445-7387 (phone), 916-327-5655 (fax), csrmf@ns.net, or
Duncan_Hay@nps.gov. [Duncan Hay, NMSC]
6/1 -- National Trails Day. Contact: American Hiking Society, 301-653-
6704. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
6/5-7 -- "Partnership Opportunities for Federally-Associated Collections,"
conference, Berkeley, CA. Will address major issues pertaining
to long-term management of federally-associated collections.
Contact: Fritz Stern, Phoebe Hearst Museum of Anthropology, 510-
642-6271 (fax) or fstern@uclink3.berkeley.edu. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
6/8-12 -- National Convention, Audubon Society, Washington, DC. Contact:
Gail Turner, 301-499-0219. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
6/9-14 -- Seventeeth Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Kansas
City, MO. Contact: David Wiley, 800-627-0629. [Leslie Krueger,
6/10-14 -- "Coast to Coast: 20 Years of Progress," 20th Annual Conference,
Association of State Floodplain Managers, San Diego, CA.
Contact: Charlie Stockman, 202-343-3672. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
6/10-16 -- Annual Meeting, American Institute for Conservation of Historic
and Artistic Works (AIC), Norfolk, VA. Contact: AIC, 202-452-
9545 (phone) or vnyaic@aol.com. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
6/12-15 -- "New World: Historic Natural History Collections," Annual
Meeting, Society for the Preservation of Natural History
Collections, Philadelphia, PA. Contact: Elana Benamy, Academy of
Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 215-299-1137 or 1170 (phone) or
benamy@acnatsci.org. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO]
6/20-24 -- "Beyond the Banks," American River Management Symposium,
Columbus, OH. Contact: Caroline Tan, 406-549-0514. [Sheila Lee,
6/20-24 -- Quarterly Meeting, Interagency Wild and Scenic River Coordinating
Council, Columbus, OH. Contact: Chris Brown, 202-343-3758.
[Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
7/9-12 -- "Wetlands '96: Forming Fair and Effective Partnerships,"
Association of State Wetland Managers National Symposium,
Washington, DC. There will also be a session on wetland, flood
plain, and river on-line services and GIS applications. Contact:
518-872-1804. [Leslie Kreuger, AQ/WASO]
7/17-19 & 22-23 -- Annual Conference, Society of Ecological Restoration,
Brunswick, NJ. Contact: 608-262-9547. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
7/21-24* -- Rocky Mountain Field Trip on Environmental Issues in Oil and Gas
Operations, Hovenweep and nearby areas, CO. Participants on the
trip, jointly sponsored by BLM, the Colorado School of Mines and
the Service's Geologic Resources Division, will visit
environmentally and culturally sensitive areas which have oil and
gas exploration or production issues. Contact: Bruce Heise at
NP-WASO-GRD or 303-969-2017. [Bruce Heise, GRD/WASO]
8/4-7 -- 28th Annual Meeting, Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation,
Sioux City, IA. Contact: Robert Gatten, 910-334-5391, or Joy
Vogt, 605-945-3452. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
8/14-18 -- Oregon-California Trails Association Annual Convention, Elko, NV.
Contact: Helen Sundall, 402-397-9794. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
8/25-29 -- Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Dearborn, MI.
Contact: Frank Panek, 703-358-1856. [Sheila Lee, T&GD/WASO]
"To work merely for the present constitutes, from all points of view, a
betrayal of human obligations."
Rene Dubos, from "Quotes:
Conservation, Parks, Natural
Beauty," DOI, 1966
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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