- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, November 12, 1996
- Date: Tues, 12 Nov 1996
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Tuesday, November 12, 1996
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
96-657 - Biscayne NP (Florida) - Follow-up on Ship Grounding
Park divers examined the area around the stern of the grounded "Igloo Moon"
on Friday, November 8th, and found a disturbed area below the tanker's rudder
and a damage trail across two patch reefs. Corals and sponges within two
sections of the reefs - one measuring eight by 20 feet and the other eight by
30 feet - had been damaged and were marked with dark paint from the ship's
hull. The damage does not appear to be significant. Heavy fuel has been
removed from the ship, and the remaining diesel fuel was to be off-loaded by
Friday afternoon. A preliminary hydrographic survey to determine bottom
contours and the best means of moving the ship was also to be completed on
Friday. The cargo of butadiene, which remains in its refrigerated, liquid
form and therefore relatively safe, will be off-loaded within four to six
days. The permissible overflight altitude within the three mile radius no-
fly zone has been lowered from 3,000 to 500 feet, and the three nautical mile
radius surface closed area has been reduced to one nautical miles. [Gary
Bremen, IO, BISC]
96-659 - Golden Gate NRA (California) - Homicide
On October 26th, a hiker advised Park Police officers of a body near the Fort
Miley stables. Evidence, including handcuffs and a laceration to the throat,
indicated an execution style killing. The case was investigated by Park
Police detectives and FBI agents. Detective Steve Prickett disseminated an
all-points bulletin with a description of the unidentified victim and
searched missing persons entries which matched the victim's physical
description. On October 31st, Prickett was contacted by a representative
from the Vallejo police department, and they soon determined that there were
strong similarities between the victim and a missing person from that town.
Vallejo detectives brought in a suspect who confessed complicity in the crime
and identified an accomplice who was subsequently arrested by police in
Fairfield on a parole violation. The two suspects have implicated each
other. The motive for the crime appears to have been the recovery of a
stolen camcorder that had been sold to the victim. [Lt. Kevin Hay, USPP,
96-660 - Lake Mead NRA (Arizona/Nevada) - Remains Found
Two park visitors who were hiking in the desert near Boulder Beach found
human skeletal remains about 150 yards from Lakeshore Road. Park
investigators and Las Vegas homicide detectives conducted a search of the
area to recover the remains and fragments of clothing. The remains have been
identified as those of a female in her late teens by a local university
anthropologist who works with the city's medical examiner. The case remains
under investigation. [Malcolm DeMunbrun, CI, LAME]
[Additional reports pending...]
Regs/Jurisdiction Update - The following actions have recently taken place:
o 36 CFR Part 2: The proposed rule is still being reviewed by the
solicitor's office.
o 36 CFR 9B - Non-Federal Oil and Gas Rights: The NPS has resubmitted
this proposed rule, which has been on hold since 1994.
o 36 CFR Part 11 - Arrowhead and Parkscape Symbols: The proposed rule is
still being reviewed by the assistant secretary's office.
o 36 CFR Part 14 - Rights-of-Way: The proposed rule is still being
reviewed by the assistant secretary's office.
o 36 CFR Part 62 - National Natural Landmarks: The proposed rule is still
being reviewed by the assistant secretary's office.
o 43 CFR 10.12 - NAGPRA Civil Penalties: The proposed rule is still being
reviewed by the assistant secretary's office.
o 36 CFR Part 61 - Procedures for State, Tribal and Local Government
Historic Preservation Programs: The proposed rule was published in the
Federal Register on October 2nd. The comment period closes on December
o ANILCA 1307: This final rule establishes procedures for granting rights
and preferences in the award and renewal of competitive visitor service
authorizations for visitor service providers to conduct business on
national park system lands in Alaska. The rule was published in the
Federal Register on October 18th and will be final on November 18th.
o 36 CFR Part 3: A workgroup has been formed to address the update and
rewrite of 36 CFR Part 3, which concerns boating and water use
activities. The group has tentatively scheduled its first meeting for
o Jet Ski Issues: The response to this office's inquiry on jet ski use in
the national parks has been good. If you have not yet responded,
please do so.
o 36 CFR 3.6 and 3.23: The final rule for zebra mussels is being reviewed
in Ranger Activities.
o Boat Operations: Ranger Activities is asking for assistance from park
areas with boat operations on non-navigable waters under their
jurisdiction. Coast Guard regulations state that these regulations
apply to navigable waters. Ranger Activities is seeking information
from parks on how and/or if they are applying these regulations on non-
navigable waters. The office is particularly interested in parks with
tour boat operations on non-navigable waters and how these parks are
handling vessel inspections, licensing of operators and the enforcement
of other Coast Guard regulations. If any park has entered into an MOU
or MOA with the Coast Guard, please send a copy to Dennis Burnett in
Ranger Activities.
o BASE Jumping: BASE jumping is once again on the NPS front burner. Glen
Canyon NRA recently had two cases heard in two district courts, one in
Arizona and the other in Utah. The judge in Utah ruled that the
regulation found at 36 CFR 2.17 (aircraft and air delivery) was
ambiguous regarding BASE jumpers and dismissed the charges; the judge
in Arizona, who heard a similar case, upheld the regulation and the
charges. The NPS is appealing the Utah decision.
[Dennis Burnett, RAD/WASO]
No submissions.
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
12/8-13 -- Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation Seminars,
Tucson, AZ. Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $500 for members, $550 for
non-members. Deadline for applications is October 25th; they
should be sent to ANPR, PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831.
Contact: Ann Baugh, 520-638-2691, or Bill Wade, 540-999-3400.
[Bill Wade, SHEN]
1/5-10 -- Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation Seminars,
Cape Cod, MA. Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $500 for members, $550 for
non-members. Deadline for applications is December 6th (not
January 10th, as appeared last time); they should be sent to
ANPR, PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831. Contact: Ann Baugh, 520-
638-2691, or Bill Wade, 540-999-3400. [Bill Wade, SHEN]
1/19-24 -- School of RV Park and Campground Management, Oglebay Park,
Wheeling, WV. Training on all aspects of campground facility
management and operation. Cost: $710, including room and board.
Contact: Sue George, 800-624-6988, ext. 4019, or 304-243-4019.
[Mark Maciha, CACA]
2/19-21* -- Window Conference and Exposition for Historic Buildings II,
Washington, DC. Over 60 experts will discuss appropriate repair
and replacement of same. Tours, workshops, and exhibits by over
40 manufacturers and repair companies. Contact: Either Brooks
Prueher, 202-343-1185 (phone) or at NP-WASO-HPS (cc:Mail), or
write to Historic Window Conference, PO Box 37127, Washington, DC
20013-7127. [Brooks Prueher, HPS/WASO]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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