- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, December 23, 1996
- Date: Mon, 23 Dec 1996
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, December 23, 1996
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
96-702 - National Capital Parks (D.C.) - Bomb Threats
On the morning of December 18th, the Washington Post received an anonymous
call in which the caller said that a bomb was going to explode in the
historic area on Pennsylvania Avenue at 10 a.m. Park Police officers
searched the area but found nothing. The scheduled time of detonation passed
without incident. Earlier that morning, NPS maintenance employees were
removing the abandoned belongings of several homeless people in that area
when passersby challenged their actions; the phone call was traced to a
nearby public telephone. Later that afternoon, a suspicious package was
found near a tree in the Ellipse. The area was evacuated and emergency
ordnance disposal teams were summoned. They determined that the package
contained clothing and other personal items. [Bill Lynch, LES, NCFA]
No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
1/5-10 -- Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation Seminars,
Cape Cod, MA. Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $500 for members, $550 for
non-members. Deadline for applications is December 6th (not
January 10th, as appeared last time); they should be sent to
ANPR, PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831. Contact: Ann Baugh, 520-
638-2691, or Bill Wade, 540-999-3400. [Bill Wade, SHEN]
1/13-14 -- Files Improvement, National Archives, College Park, MD.
Fundamentals of developing and using filing systems for the
management of federal recores, including principals, case filing,
subject filing, practices, technology (including electronic
records), and applications. Cost: $280. Contact: George Chalou,
301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
1/19-24 -- School of RV Park and Campground Management, Oglebay Park,
Wheeling, WV. The school is divided into two phases of four days
each in consecutive Januarys. Training on all aspects of
campground facility management and operation. Cost: $710,
including room and board. Contact: Sue George, 800-624-6988,
ext. 4019, or 304-243-4019. [Mark Maciha, CACA]
1/29-31* -- "Federal and International Scientific Permits: A Workshop for
Natural History Museums and Collectors," San Diego, CA. Contact:
619-232-3821 ext. 226 (phone); 619-232-0248 (fax);
libsdnhm@class.org (Internet). [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/10 -- Introduction to Records Management, National Archives, College
Park, MD. Overview of records operations, including
understanding terminology, concepts and requirements of records
management, introductory electronic records management, and
disposition programs. Prospective attendees must register at
least three weeks in advance. Cost: $140. Contact: George
Chalou, 301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/11-12 -- Disposition of Electronic Records, National Archives, College
Park, MD. Cost: $140. Contact: George Chalou, 301-713-7100 x
259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/13 -- Electronics Records Issues, National Archives, College Park, MD.
Overview of the major issues and problems faced in managing
federal electronic records. Cost: $140. Contact: George Chalou,
301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/19-21 -- Window Conference and Exposition for Historic Buildings II,
Washington, DC. Over 60 experts will discuss appropriate repair
and replacement of same. Tours, workshops, and exhibits by over
40 manufacturers and repair companies. Registration: $295.
Technical workshops will b offered after the conference; AIA
continuing education credits will be offered. Contact: Either
Brooks Prueher, 202-343-1185 (phone) or at NP-WASO-HPS (cc:Mail).
[Brooks Prueher, HPS/WASO]
2/24 -- Managing Audiovisual Records, National Archives, College Park,
MD. Management of the special problems and requirements of
audiovisual records in a federal agency. Contact: George Chalou,
301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
4/7-11* -- Basic Technical Rescue, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. No tuition;
other costs funded by benefitting accounts. Program code 5399.
One-page nominations are to be sent to Ken Phillips at Grand
Canyon NP by February 15th. [Charles Anibal, WASO]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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