- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, February 3, 1997
- Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, February 3, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
96-707 - Yosemite NP (California) - Follow-up on Winter Storm Impacts
The park has released a preliminary report on damage sustained in the early
January floods and on recovery and repair costs and upcoming needs. The
overall price tag has been placed at $178 million. Here's an itemization,
with estimates rounded off:
o Roads - $36.3 million
o Trails - $4.3 million
o Utilities - $6.1 million
o Buildings - $84.1 million
o Grounds (including campgrounds) - $13.1 million
o Natural resources - $4.3 million
o Cultural resources - $.7 million
o Lost or damaged property - $2.8 million
o High country (estimate) - $12.9 million
o Emergency, short-term incident response - $13.4 million
The flood report, which was issued on Friday, had this to say about the
upcoming recovery effort: "There are some benefits that will come from the
effort to recover from this devastating storm. Many of the structures that
were destroyed or severely damaged were in a flood plain. The park has a
comprehensive, nationally debated and approved GMP that will guide the
recovery effort and the relocation of [the damaged] facilities to a more
protected and suitable location at a minimal additional cost. The added cost
of relocation will be minimal when compared to the combined cost of
rebuilding in place now, and in the near future relocating these facilities
in accordance with the GMP...Many of the facilities that will be
rehabilitated or reconstructed were substandard and part of a large backlog
of work needed in Yosemite. The recovery effort will substantially reduce
this backlog." The text of the report is available on the Internet (www.nps.
gov/yose/whathapp.htm). Meanwhile, work continues to get the park up and
running again. The new sewer connection between Yosemite Valley and El
Portal was encased in concrete on Friday to stabilize it in the event of
future flooding. The Badger Pass ski area opened to the public for cross-
country skiing on Saturday. All other road closures and public use
restrictions remain in effect. Management of the incident was transferred on
Sunday from the NPS Type I incident management team (Steve Holder, IC) to the
Northeast Region's Type II team (Skip Brooks, IC). A total of 589 people
(504 NPS, 32 Forest Service, 50 Mariposa County, two BLM and one USGS) are
currently committed to the incident. [Scott Gediman, IO, and Greg Stiles,
Plans Chief, "Highwater '97A Incident", YOSE, 1/31, 2/1]
97-35 - Hawaii Volcanoes NP (Hawaii) - Follow-up on Volcanic Eruption
The Napau Crater eruption continues. Six fissures have been intermittently
active, the most recent of which is just a few hundred yards south of the
campsite at Napau. Lava from the fissures covers about 64 acres of mostly
unvegetated ground. The Pu'u O'o cone is collapsing and has generated a
cloud of pulverized red cinder which is blanketing the ground downwind of the
cone. Fires ignited by surface flows are being monitored and suppressed as
appropriate. Chain of Craters road remains closed, but all summit area
trails have been reopened. A total of 48 park employees and two helicopters
have been assigned to the incident. Yvette Ruan is IC. [Yvette Ruan, CR,
HAVO, 1/31]
No submissions.
Status of NPS-9 Revisions - The fourth draft of NPS-9 was completed on
January 31st. The original review team which met at FLETC last spring will
reconvene during the week of March 3rd (again at FLETC) to ensure that the
document says precisely what the Service wants it to say and to convert the
document into Director's Orders 9. Following that review and the document
conversion, DO-9 will be transmitted to the field for final review and
comment. [Rick Gale, RAD/WASO]
Contamination Liability Lawsuit at Padre Island - On January 22nd, Austral
Oil Company and American Exploration Company filed a lawsuit against the
Service. While most of this complex suit has to do with contract law,
American is asserting that the NPS is prohibited from exercising authority
over mineral operations in the park beyond any requirements imposed by the
state of Texas. A similar assertion was made in a lawsuit filed in 1994, but
was unsuccessful. Because of some issues pertaining to transfer of ownership
between companies, American is also contending that the NPS cannot hold them
liable for any site contamination problems. The solicitor's office in Santa
Fe is coordinating the Service's response to the suit. [Pat McCrary,
Superintendent, PAIS; Linda Dansby, SWSO]
No submissions.
Pet Enforcement - Boston NHP would like to hear from parks regarding
effective and created methods for pet enforcement, including approaches used
to accomplish same (pamphlets, press releases, etc.). If you can help,
contact Aimee Lowery at NP-BOST-CNY or by phone (617-242-5659) or fax (617-
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
2/10 -- Introduction to Records Management, National Archives, College
Park, MD. Overview of records operations, including
understanding terminology, concepts and requirements of records
management, introductory electronic records management, and
disposition programs. Prospective attendees must register at
least three weeks in advance. Cost: $140. Contact: George
Chalou, 301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/11-12 -- Disposition of Electronic Records, National Archives, College
Park, MD. Cost: $140. Contact: George Chalou, 301-713-7100 x
259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/13 -- Electronics Records Issues, National Archives, College Park, MD.
Overview of the major issues and problems faced in managing
federal electronic records. Cost: $140. Contact: George Chalou,
301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
2/19-21 -- Window Conference and Exposition for Historic Buildings II,
Washington, DC. Over 60 experts will discuss appropriate repair
and replacement of same. Tours, workshops, and exhibits by over
40 manufacturers and repair companies. Registration: $295.
Technical workshops will b offered after the conference; AIA
continuing education credits will be offered. Contact: Either
Brooks Prueher, 202-343-1185 (phone) or at NP-WASO-HPS (cc:Mail).
[Brooks Prueher, HPS/WASO]
2/20-23 -- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing: Basic and Advanced Courses,
Albuquerque, NM. Courses will be taught by Jeffrey Mitchell and
will cover critical incident stress debriefing and other aspects
of stress management programs. Contact: Institute for Advanced
Studies in Crisis and Disaster Management, 410-995-5124, or Deb
Boehme, New Mexico CISM, 505-827-1421. [Mark Maciha, CACA]
2/24 -- Managing Audiovisual Records, National Archives, College Park,
MD. Management of the special problems and requirements of
audiovisual records in a federal agency. Contact: George Chalou,
301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
3/4-6* Introduction to ArcView 3.0, Montana State University, Bozeman,
MT. Designed to provide participants with the basic capabilities
and limitations of ArcView GIS 3.0 using NPS data sets. Topics
include display, manipulation and printing of spatial and tabular
data; thematic mapping; image integration; heads-up digitizing to
produce spatial data; elementary spatial analysis. Contact: GIS
Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-969-
2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
3/10-12 -- Records Disposition, National Archives, College Park, MD. Cost:
$420. Contact: George Chalou, 301-713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
3/24-4/4 -- Special Operations Training, Tucson, AZ. The course is designed
for personnel who are directly involved in special law
enforcement operations in NPS areas. One-page nomination forms
must be received in FLETC by close of business on February 12th.
Tuition and per diem during training will be paid by a special
account; travel costs are paid by benefitting park accounts.
Contact: Aniceto Olais, ORPI, at NP-SOAR or 520-387-7661
extension 7201. [Aniceto Olais, ORPI]
4/7-11 -- Basic Technical Rescue, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. No tuition;
other costs funded by benefitting accounts. Program code 5399.
One-page nominations are to be sent to Ken Phillips at Grand
Canyon NP by February 15th. [Charles Anibal, WASO]
4/15-17* -- GIS for Managers, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Includes
a half-day hands on session with ArcView, GIS case studies and
applications for park resource management, decisions support
tools, and budgeting and planning park-based GIS implementation.
Contact: GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong
at 303-969-2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
4/21-25* -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Zion NP, UT.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
4/21-25* -- Same as above, Apache-Kid Wilderness, NM. [Roger Semler, GLAC]
4/28-5/2 -- Federal Records Management, National Archives, College Park, MD.
Fundamental policies, procedures and issues pertaining to the
life cycle of records. Cost: $600. Contact: George Chalou, 301-
713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
5/12-16* -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Sweetwater
Rocks, Lander, WY. Tuition is $650. Applications are due at
least one month before the course starting date and can be
obtained from the National Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-
4100 (307-332-8811, fax). Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-
888-7837. [Roger Semler, GLAC]
5/12-16* -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Stock Training Course, Huson, MT.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
5/13-14* -- Introduction to ArcView 3.0, South Florida. Location TBA.
Designed to provide participants with the basic capabilities and
limitations of ArcView GIS 3.0 using NPS data sets. Topics
include display, manipulation and printing of spatial and tabular
data; thematic mapping; image integration; heads-up digitizing to
produce spatial data; elementary spatial analysis. Contact: GIS
Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-969-
2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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