- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, March 21, 1997
- Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, March 21, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
96-679 - Indiana Dunes NL (Indiana) - Follow-up on Poaching Arrest
On November 16, 1996, D.R., 20, was arrested after he fired
several shots at a deer decoy being operated by rangers. He was charged with
using a weapon, illegal taking of wildlife, spotlighting wildlife, and
possession of marijuana, which was found in a search of his vehicle.
D.R. attempted to dispose of his .22 rifle by throwing it out the
window of his vehicle before being stopped by rangers. D.R.
subsequently pled guilty to all charges except for spotlighting of wildlife
in a plea agreement with the U.S. attorney. He will pay a total of $1,000 in
fines, and also agreed to forfeit his rifle. [Joe Wieszczyk, CI, INDU, 3/18]
Dinosaur NM (Colorado) - Bighorn Sheep Release
On March 19th, twenty-one Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep were released in
unoccupied historic habitat in the park. The bighorns were delivered to the
release site by helicopter because roads were impassable due to heavy winter
snows. This project was a cooperative effort by the NPS and the Colorado
Division of Wildlife. Ten of the sheep were fitted with radio collars; the
state will take the lead in monitoring the new population. This release is
the culmination of several years of habitat assessment and associated
planning. It is the first in a series of translocations, and is part of a
larger, multi-agency effort to restore bighorn sheep to historic habitats
throughout the Green River corridor. The program has been partially funded
through NRPP. [Stephen Petersburg, DINO]
Reports pending.
"Interim Change - Departmental Manual 446: Effective Immediately," signed on
March 13th by the acting director, DOI Office of Managing Risk and Public
Safety, and sent to all agencies:
"The President has directed all Federal Law Enforcement agencies 'to develop
a policy requiring that a safety lock device' as defined in our draft
legislation 'be provided with any and every handgun issued to your agency
law enforcement officers.' Further, the memorandum states: 'You should
ensure that all Federal law enforcement officers are informed of this policy
and that all issued safety lock devices are accompanied by instructions for
their proper use.'
"Attached [in the original memorandum, but not attached to the Morning
Report] is the President's memorandum and the specific language and
definition of 'locking device' as contained in the Anti-Gang and Youth
Violence Act of 1997, as proposed. While the act has not yet passed,
Congress has been urged to move this legislation quickly. And the Federal
Government has been directed to serve as an example.
"We are aware that some bureaus and many field units of the bureaus already
issue locking devices for issued weapons. We applaud this action and ask
that you now move to so equip all Departmental employees who are issued
weapons and/or carry authorized weapons. Further, we ask the Bureau Law
Enforcement Administrators to 'Go the Extra Mile.' We ask you to agree that
we will further modify Departmental policy to read that locking devices will
be issued for all issued and/or approved firearms regardless of description.
"Departmental Manual 446, Chapters 10 and 12 shall be modified to reflect
these changes.
"While the President's memorandum specifies law enforcement agencies, please
be advised that we will be forwarding a similar request to all bureau and
office heads, through the Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and
Budget, requesting compliance of all Departmental bureaus and offices who may
issue and/or authorize firearms for any and all purposes. We ask that you
implement this directive and Departmental Policy Change as soon as possible."
No submissions.
Every other Friday, the Morning Report will carry a listing of Worldwide Web
sites of use to NPS employees in the course of their work. Please send along
entries to the editor. Thanks to Malcolm Wilbur (CACO) and Frank Alvarez
(FRLA) for providing some initial entries for this section:
National Park Service
Congressional Affairs office www.nps.gov/legal
Department of Interior
DOI jobs listings www.usgs.gov/doi/avads/index.html
DOI IG reports www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/ig.html
DOI payroll, Denver www.dasc.doi.gov
Other Agencies
Comptroller General decisions www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/gaocd.html
GAO reports www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/gao.html
OPM jobs listings www.usajobs.opm.gov
USDA graduate school www.grad.usda.gov
Thrift Savings Plan www.tsp.gov
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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