- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, March 31, 1997
- Date: Mon, 31 Mar 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, March 31, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-121 - Zion NP (Utah) - Falling Fatality
T.E., 12, fell to his death at the Emerald Pools on the afternoon of
March 28th. Bystanders attempted CPR and reported the fall to park rangers,
who responded with advanced life support equipment. Due to the extent of
T.E.' injuries, life-saving attempts were not successful and he was
pronounced dead at the scene. According to eyewitnesses, T.E. had taken
off his shoes and was wading in Heaps Creek when he apparently ventured too
close to the edge of the middle pool, slipped, and fell about 100 feet to the
base of the lower pool. A joint investigation by the park and county is
underway. [Denny Davies, PIO, ZION, 3/30]
97-122 - Biscayne NP (Florida) - Boat Accident with Serious Injury
On the afternoon of Sunday, March 23rd, a collision occurred between a
personal watercraft (PWC) and a dinghy near Sand's Cut, a 200-yard-long,
sandy, semi-submerged area where a large number of boaters, sunbathers, jet
skiers and fisherman converge on the weekends. The operator of the PWC was
traveling along the edge of the mangrove shoreline at about 25 to 30 mph when
he rounded a point and was unable to avoid colliding with the trolling
dinghy. The operator of the dinghy suffered an injury to his lower spine; he
was immobilized and transported to Mercy Hospital in a Metro Dade police boat
with a park EMT on board. The operator of the PWC was charged with unsafe
operation. The park is in the process of creating a slow speed zone that
will encompass this high use area to help prevent this type of accident and
protect the shallow sea grass beds found there. [Wayne Elliott, CR, BISC,
No submissions.
Reports pending.
No submissions.
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
4/7-11 -- Basic Technical Rescue, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT. No tuition;
other costs funded by benefitting accounts. Program code 5399.
One-page nominations are to be sent to Ken Phillips at Grand
Canyon NP by February 15th. [Charles Anibal, WASO]
4/7-5/11 -- Horse Mounted Patrol, Yosemite NP, CA. The course is designed to
develop basic to advanced horsemanship skills for both front and
backcountry stock use and includes both classes and hands-on
training. Candidates must be from areas where horses and/or
mules are used in patrol, maintenance or interpretive functions.
Funding by benefitting account. Contact: Billie Patrick, PO Box
577, Yosemite, CA 95389 or via cc:Mail at NP-YOSE. [Steve
Hastings, HOAL]
4/10* -- "Going Digital: Research Opportunities and Trends in Archives and
Libraries," College Park, MD. Contact: 301-713-7010 ext. 259.
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
4/12* -- "Museums, Education and the New Technology: The Internet and
Multi-Media Applications for the 21st Century," University of
Delaware, Newark, DE. Contact: 302-831-1251 or via e-mail at
bryant.tolle@mvs.udel.edu. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
4/14-16 -- Introduction to Pluggers, Anchorage, AK. Workshop on military
global positions systems, or "pluggers." Overview of NPS staff
responsibilities and limitations on use of these units. Contact:
GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-
969-2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
4/16-18 -- Introduction to Pluggers, Anchorage, AK. See above.
4/15-17 -- GIS for Managers, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI. Includes
a half-day hands on session with ArcView, GIS case studies and
applications for park resource management, decisions support
tools, and budgeting and planning park-based GIS implementation.
Contact: GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong
at 303-969-2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
4/17-18* -- "Archival Access Points," workshop, Society of American
Archivists and New York State Archives, Albany, NY. Contact:
SAA, 312-922-0140. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
4/21-25 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Zion NP, UT.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
4/21-25 -- Same as above, Apache-Kid Wilderness, NM. [Roger Semler, GLAC]
4/28-5/2* -- Wilderness Planning Workshop, Stovepipe Wells, Death Valley NP,
CA. The workshop will provide participants with an interactive
forum for learning about and discussing wilderness planning.
Topics include the planning framework, creating an environment
for meaningful public involvement, goals and desired conditions,
monitoring indicators, NEPA, developing and evaluating
alternatives, and implementing management direction. Contact:
Greg Kroll, NPS representative, Arthur Carhart National
Wilderness Training Center, by cc:Mail or at 406-626-5208
extension 14 (phone), 406-626-5395 (fax).
4/28-5/2 -- Federal Records Management, National Archives, College Park, MD.
Fundamental policies, procedures and issues pertaining to the
life cycle of records. Cost: $600. Contact: George Chalou, 301-
713-7100 x 259. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
4/30* -- "Donor Relations," workshop, SAA and Midwest Archives Conference,
Chicago, IL. Contact: SAA, 312-922-0140. [Diane Vogt O'Connor,
5/4-10 -- Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation Seminars,
Ontario, CA. Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $500 for members, $550 for
non-members. Deadline for applications is April 4th; they should
be sent to ANPR, PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831. Contact: Ann
Baugh, 520-638-7982, or Bill Wade, 540-999-3400. [Bill Wade,
5/6-8* -- Midwest Environmental Enforcement Association Training
Conference, Madison, WI. Some funding is available from the NPS
environmental crimes program; contact Einar Olsen via cc:Mail.
Contact: Eric Bryn, 847-742-1249. [Einar Olsen, NCRO]
5/12-16 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Sweetwater
Rocks, Lander, WY. Tuition is $650. Applications are due at
least one month before the course starting date and can be
obtained from the National Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-
4100 (307-332-8811, fax). Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-
888-7837. [Roger Semler, GLAC]
5/12-16 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Stock Training Course, Huson, MT.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
5/13-14 -- Introduction to ArcView 3.0, South Florida. Location TBA.
Designed to provide participants with the basic capabilities and
limitations of ArcView GIS 3.0 using NPS data sets. Topics
include display, manipulation and printing of spatial and tabular
data; thematic mapping; image integration; heads-up digitizing to
produce spatial data; elementary spatial analysis. Contact: GIS
Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-969-
2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
5/28-30* -- Basic Environmental Investigations Course, Salt Lake City, UT.
Some funding is available from the NPS environmental crimes
program; contact Einar Olsen via cc:Mail. Contact: Kathy Braase,
Western States Project, 602-542-8511. [Einar Olsen, NCRO]
6/2-6* -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Sierras, CA.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
6/3-5 -- Programming and Budget, Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry,
WV. The course is designed to provide management level employees
with a better understanding of the NPS budget process. Contact:
Mary Robinson, 304-535-6215. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
6/9-20 -- Fundamental Principles of Administration, Mather Training Center,
Harpers Ferry, WV. This two-week course is designed to provide
training and development in basic skills of NPS administration at
the clerk/technician level. Contact: Peggy Woodward, 304-535-
6403. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
6/9-20* -- Introduction to Archival Administration, Georgia Archives
Institute, Atlanta, GA. Tuition is $500. Enrollment is limited
and applications are due by April 1st. Contact: Dr. Donald
Oehlerts, 770-938-6372. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
6/12-13* -- Environmental Management Training, Boise, ID. Some funding is
available from the NPS environmental crimes program; contact
Einar Olsen via cc:Mail. Contact: Kathy Braase, Western States
Project, 602-542-8511. [Einar Olsen, NCRO]
6/16-20* -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Shenandoah NP,
VA. Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month
before the course starting date and can be obtained from the
National Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811,
fax). Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger
Semler, GLAC]
6/24-26 -- Introduction to ArcView 3.0, Santa Monica Mountains NRA, CA.
GIS Website, NPS GIS Bulletin Board, or Leslie Armstrong at 303-
969-2964. [Leslie Armstrong, AQD/WASO]
7/15-17* -- Making Friends Seminar, Minneapolis, MN. Workshop for NPS and
wildlife refuge managers seeking professional assistance in
working with friends groups, volunteers, and other non-profit or
community organizations. Contact: Sue Waldron, 202-208-5477.
[Joyce Howe, STMA]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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