- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, May 2, 1997
- Date: Fri, 2 May 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, May 2, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-177 - Independence NHP (Pennsylvania) - Special Event
Independence Hall was the site of both the opening and closing ceremonies for
the Presidents' Summit On America's Future, an event in which 4,500 invited
delegates attended working sessions discussing volunteer solutions for
America's youth. Among those attending were more than 30 state governors,
delegates from the 150 largest cities in the United States, delegates from
each of the 50 states, members of Congress, cabinet secretaries, and
concerned citizens. The two hour opening ceremony on Monday, April 28th, was
attended by President and Mrs. Clinton, Vice President and Mrs. Gore, former
President and Mrs. Bush, former President Ford and Mrs. Reagan, with
President Carter speaking via satellite from Georgia. Speakers at the
closing ceremony on April 29th included Mrs. Clinton, former President Bush
and retired general Colin Powell. Oprah Winfrey served as master of
ceremonies for Monday's event. The summit organizers credentialed almost
2,200 media representatives. Independence NHP law enforcement rangers were
aided by 28 rangers and law enforcement professionals from 16 other parks and
two system support offices. The entire event, including set-up, has taken 11
days, with tear down still continuing. The event also attracted considerable
attention from groups wishing to demonstrate and distribute literature.
Seven permits were issued for First Amendment activities, including a 3,500
person rally by the National People's Congress and a gathering by a religious
group from Providence, Rhode Island, that brought along a 30-foot-high
statue. [PAO, INDE, 5/1]
97-178 - Yosemite NP (California) - MVA with Fatality
J.F., 57, of Fresno, California, was riding his motorcycle on Chapel
Straight on Southside Drive on the afternoon of April 27th when a vehicle cut
in front of him. J.F. was thrown from his bike and sustained severe head
injuries. Rangers and medical personnel responded to the accident. J.F.
was taken to Yosemite Medical Clinic, then flown to Doctors Medical Center in
Modesto, where he was declared dead about three hours later. The driver of
the other vehicle involved in the accident reportedly saw that J.F. was
injured but left the scene. Rangers found him later that day at Chinquapin
on Highway 41 between Yosemite Valley and the park's south entrance. The 54-
year-old German national was taken into custody by rangers and charged with
involuntary manslaughter. J.F. was wearing a helmet at the time of the
accident; the helmet, however, was not Department of Transportation approved.
[PIO, YOSE, 4/28]
No submissions.
Demonstration Fee Program - All questions pertaining to purchase and ordering
of automated fee equipment (Tranz 330 credit card machines and VenTek pay
stations) and related collection and deposit issues should be addressed to
one of six people:
o Steve Tisinger, Accounting Operations Center
o Colleen Wilson, Accounting Operations Center
o Lisa Royal, Accounting Operations Center
o Tim Stone, Ranger Activities, WASO
o Jennifer Getz, Ranger Activities, WASO
o Meg Leffel, Ranger Activities, WASO
It would also be appreciated if parks and offices could have one person
coordinate queries regarding the plastic card collection program. Some
confusion arises when multiple calls are received from different staff
members in the same park. [Steve Tisinger, AOC]
No submissions.
No submissions.
Every other Friday, the Morning Report will carry a listing of Worldwide Web
sites of use to NPS employees in the course of their work. Please send along
entries to the editor. Thanks to Richard Quin, Phil Musselwhite and Flip
Hagood for providing this week's additions. All new entries are marked with
National Park Service Sites
Congressional Affairs office www.nps.gov/legal
Training and Development office www.nps.gov/training
NPS Web page development info www.nps.gov/helpdesk (user name: NPS,
password: Mather)
Current VIP opportunities www.nps.gov/volunteer
Press releases, park news, more www.nps.gov/pub_aff/pressrm.htm
Q&A with volunteer NPS historians www.nps.gov/crweb1/history/askhist.htm
Geologists-in-Parks program www.aqd.nps.gov/natnet/grd/geojob/geojob.htm
Harpers Ferry wayside exhibits* www.nps.gov/waysite
Department of Interior Sites
DOI jobs listings www.usgs.gov/doi/avads/index.html
DOI IG reports www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/ig.html
DOI payroll, Denver www.dasc.doi.gov
Other Agency Sites
Comptroller General decisions www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/gaocd.html
GAO reports www.gpo.ucop.edu/search/gao.html
OPM jobs listings www.usajobs.opm.gov
USDA graduate school www.grad.usda.gov
Thrift Savings Plan www.tsp.gov
New legislation (NECTEA) re:
funding for park roads www.fhwa.dot.gov
GSA per diem rates* www.policyworks.gov/org/main/mt/homepage/mtt/perdiem/travel.sht
OPM locality pay rates* www.opm.gov/pay/index.htm
Other Park-Related Sites
Student Conservation Association* www.sca-inc.org
Links to NPs worldwide*
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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