- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, May 5, 1997
- Date: Mon, 5 May 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, May 5, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-179 - Yosemite NP (California) - Rescue
On April 24th, rangers responded to a report of an unconscious and
unresponsive 12-year-old male about a mile up the Mist Trail near Vernal
Falls. Ranger/medics Cameron Jacobi and Keith Lober found that the boy had
fallen about 30 feet and sustained a significant head injury. Advanced life
support was begun and a Lemoore Naval Air Station helicopter was summoned.
The boy was evacuated through a difficult hoisting operation among 150-foot-
tall trees. He was flown to Memorial Hospital in Modesto and has recovered
following hospitalization in the intensive care unit. [Brian Smith, SPR,
YOSE, 5/2]
97-180 - Hawaii Volcanoes NP (Hawaii) - Assist; Marijuana Cultivation Arrests
A month-long investigation into marijuana cultivation and transportation of
marijuana within the park initiated by park investigators concluded on April
26th with the arrest of five people and the seizure of two vehicles, 60
marijuana plants, processed marijuana ready for sale, and associated
paraphernalia. The investigation was begun as a joint DEA and NPS operation
after the cultivation site was found a quarter mile from the park boundary
during a marijuana eradication task force operation in which 33,000 plants
were sprayed or eradicated adjacent to the park. After consultation with the
U.S. Attorney's Office, the case was turned over to the Hawaii Police
Department for prosecution in the state court system. Video documentation
recorded by investigator Jeffrey Judd was pivotal in identifying the
suspects, vehicles and cultivation activity within the cultivation site, as
well as documenting the use of park roads for the transportation of processed
marijuana and cultivation supplies. Three suspects were arrested on scene;
the remaining two were arrested when they arrived at the police station to
bail out the first three. Charges are pending against the five and asset
seizure has been initiated on the two vehicles. Rangers Gail Minami and
James Mar assisted. [Greg Jablonski, Acting CR, HAVO, 5/2]
No submissions.
Regs/Jurisdiction Update - The following actions have recently taken place:
o 36 CFR Part 2: Minor corrections have been made to the package based on
comments received from the Solicitor's Office. The package will need
to go back to the Solicitor for surnaming.
o 36 CFR Part 14 - Rights-of-Way: This proposed rule was signed by the
Assistant Secretary on November 13, 1996 and was approved by the
Departmental Office of Regulatory Affairs. It is currently being
reviewed by OMB.
o 36 CFR Part 3: The second meeting of the 36 CFR Part 3 work group is
being held this week to continue the task of updating and rewriting
(where necessary) Part 3 on boating and water use activities. Any
comments should be sent to Bob McKeever at Lake Mead via cc:Mail or at
o 36 CFR 7.67: The negotiated rule for Cape Cod concerning off-road
vehicles will be published in the Federal Register on May 7th.
o 36 CFR Part 11 - Arrowhead and Parkscape Symbols: The rule is still
with the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
o 36 CFR Part 62 - National Natural Landmarks: The rule is still with the
Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks.
o 36 CFR 7.9, St. Croix National Scenic Riverway: The rule on zebra
mussels is still with the Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and
There have been no developments on jurisdiction issues. [Dennis Burnett,
Developmental Programs - The Department of the Interior has just announced
two developmental programs - the Senior Executive Service candidate
development program for employees in grades GS-14 and GS-15 and the team
leadership program for employees in grades GS-11 through G-14. Both
announcements are now on AVADS. Detailed information on these programs and
application forms are available through the Department by calling 202-208-
4741 or via the Internet at http://www.doi.gov/doi_empl.html. They will also
be available through your regional or system support employee development
office. The deadline for applications for both programs is June 30th.
[Lucia Bragan, WASO]
No submissions.
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, conferences and events, and a second, which contains
workshops and training courses. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
5/7-10 -- POSTPONED: "Gateway Communities and National Parks: Working
Together to Protect America's Cultural and Natural Landscape,"
sponsored by National Parks and Conservation Association. The
new date has not yet been set. [Andy Schultheiss, NPCA]
5/7-11 -- 31st Military History Conference, Buffalo, NY. Sponsored by the
Council on America's Past (CAMP). The public is invited;
membership in CAMP is not required. The program will include
site visits and papers dealing with a wide range of American and
Canadian military and naval history, with emphasis on the War of
1812. There will be tours of a dozen forts and several other
military sites. The conference will also include presentation of
40 papers and talks on military subjects. Contact: Council on
America's Military Past, PO Box 1151, Fort Myer, VA 22211. [Roy
Ashley, Greenbelt Park]
5/18-21 -- "Making History with Your Community," AASLH, Bethel, ME.
Contact: AASLH, 615-255-2971. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
5/28-30 -- "The Monument to Robert Gould Shaw and the Fifty-fourth
Massachusetts Regiment: History and Meaning," public symposium,
Boston, MA. The symposium is part of the centennial celebration
of the monument, and will also include a public ceremony at the
site of the monument and an encampment and parade of African-
American Civil War reenactors. No charge. Contact: Erin Beatty
at NP-BOST or 617-242-5668. [Erin Beatty, BOST]
5/29-31 -- Annual Meeting, Society of Southwest Archivists, Hotel Galvez,
Galveston, TX. Contact: 409-763-8854, ask for the archives.
[Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
6/1-6 -- 18th Annual Meeting, Society of Wetland Scientists, Bozeman, MT.
Will include special symposia on peatlands of western North
America and semi-arid riparian ecosystems. Field trips to
Yellowstone and surrounding areas. Contact: Leslie Krueger via
cc:Mail at NP-WASO-AQ or via the homepage at http:// www.sws.org.
[Leslie Krueger, AQD/WASO]
6/7 -- National Trails Day. Contact: National Trails Day Events, 301-
565-6714 (fax). [Tim Goddard, WASO]
6/9-15 -- Meeting, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and
Artistic Works, San Diego, CA. Contact: 202-452-9545. [Diane
Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
6/13-14 -- 25th Anniversary Celebration, Buffalo National River, Harrison,
AR. The park is trying to reach as many former employees as
possible. For information on events, send a cc:Mail message to
BUFF Administration with the words "Reply to Sender" (no quotes)
on the title line; no message text is needed. A reply will
automatically be sent. [John Linahan, Superintendent, BUFF]
6/25-27 -- "Interpreting Edison," conference, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
and Edison NHS, West Orange, NJ. The interpretation of Thomas A.
Edison's life and work will be examined by academic scholars, at
museums and historic sites, and in the classroom. Contact:
Leonard DeGraaf, EDIS, 201-736-0550, ext 22. [Leonard DeGraaf]
8/1-8 -- 31st Meeting, Appalachian Trail Conference, Bethel, ME. Contact:
Appalachian Trail Conference, 304-535-6068. [Tim Goddard, WASO]
9/25-29 -- Second World Congress, International Ranger Federation, San Jose,
Costa Rica. This notice is being posted earlier than usual
because early registration is important in order to provide
ascertain the number of delegates for purposes of congress
planning and reservation of hotel rooms. Registration is $600
per person for double occupancy and $850 for single occupancy in
a four-star hotel; the fee includes six nights' lodging, all
meals and tips, transportation to and from the airport, and
transportation for the field trips to several nearby Costa Rican
national parks. Congress organizers are asking that those
planning to attend register in advance - even with a partial
payment. Payment can be made by VISA or Master Card. Contact:
Lyn Rothgeb, Congress registrar, 730 East main Street, Luray, VA
22835; 540-743-1775 (fax and phone). [Bill Wade, SHEN]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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