- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, June 23, 1997
- Date: Mon, 23 Jun 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, June 23, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-279 - Great Smoky Mountains NP (TN/NC) - Lightning Injuries
A violent thunderstorm passed through the Gatlinburg area on the afternoon of
Sunday, June 22nd. Around 3:30 p.m., rangers responded to a report of hikers
struck by lightning on the Laurel Falls trail. Upon arrival, they found six
individuals being assisted to the trailhead by other visitors. Three
different groups of hikers saw lightning run across the ground in front of
them, knocking people to the ground. The father in a family of three from
Michigan suffered burning feet and numbness; the mother had an elbow injury
and numbness and their son had an elbow injury. A Louisiana man lost
consciousness and had to be carried to the trailhead. And a woman who
witnessed the incident experienced a stress reaction, including anxiety and
high blood pressure. The injured were transported by ambulance to a
hospital, but none had to be admitted. [Jason Houck, CR, GRSM, 6/23]
97-280 - Gulf Islands NS (MS/FL) - Ship Grounding
A 70-foot shrimp vessel grounded on the south shore of Petit Bois island in
the Mississippi district in the early morning hours of June 18th, probably
during rough weather. The boat reportedly contains 2,500 gallons of diesel
fuel. A Coast Guard strike team will remove the fuel; park staff and the
Coast Guard's Marine Safety Office are coordinating efforts to salvage the
vessel. The island is part of the park's designated wilderness. This is the
third vessel grounding in the district with significant long-term impacts
since April. [CRO, GUIS, 6/20]
97-281 - Blue Ridge Parkway (VA/NC) - Assault
On June 19th, federal felony arrest warrants were issued for Keven Batton of
Waynesboro, Virginia, charging him with attempting to run down a group of
approximately a dozen people with a motor vehicle at Rockfish Valley overlook
a week previously. The incident occurred after Batton reportedly beat-up his
girl friend. One person was struck and received minor injuries; four parked
vehicles were struck and damaged. Batton is a habitual offender with a
history of prior felony convictions. [CRO, BLRI, 6/20]
97-282 - Blue Ridge Parkway (VA/NC) - Abduction, Sexual Assault
On June 19th, Waynesboro police informed parkway rangers that a woman had
been abducted from a convenience store parking lot in that city, then driven
to the Greenstone overlook and sexually assaulted. Rangers are investigation
with city police officers. [CRO, BLRI, 6/20]
97-283 - Big Cypress NP (FL) - Assist; MVA with Two Fatalities
Ranger G.B. Wangerin was northbound on the Turner River road outside the park
when he came upon a single vehicle accident with fatalities. Wangerin and
the surviving passenger attempted CPR on one of the victims, but without
luck. Ranger Karl Spilde and county EMS and sheriff's department units
responded and rolled the vehicle off the second victim, who was pinned under
the truck's roof. Both victims were in their teens. The county is
investigating. [Bill Carroll, CR, BICY, 6/20]
Thu Sun % Est
State Unit Fire/Incident IMT 6/19 6/22 Con Con
OR Vale District North Canal - 2,200 2,200 100 CND
AZ State * Keystone - - 600 NR NR
* Mustang - - 650 100 CND
ID Boise District * Canyon Creek - - 800 100 CND
Heading Notes
Unit -- Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire -- * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex; LSS =
limited suppression strategy; CSS = containment suppression
IMT -- T1 = Type 1; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con -- Percent of fire contained
Est Con -- Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report; LPS = limited
protection status
Wednesday, 6/18 0 1 8 0 15 12 36
Thursday, 6/19 1 1 12 0 37 16 67
Friday, 6/20 1 1 7 4 27 12 54
Saturday, 6/21 6 0 8 0 14 2 30
Sunday, 6/22 6 0 9 0 31 5 51
Crews Engines Helicopters Airtankers Overhead
Wednesday, 6/18 2 26 7 2 0
Thursday, 6/19 4 46 10 0 2
Friday, 6/20 4 42 11 0 3
Saturday, 6/21 7 0 3 0 0
Sunday, 6/22 9 9 8 0 1
Large fire activity was reported in the eastern Great Basin and the Southwest
yesterday, but there was little fire activity elsewhere. Very high to
extreme indices were reported in southern California, Nevada and Utah.
NICC has posted a FIRE WEATHER WATCH for low humidity and low fuel moisture
for northern Arizona.
[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 6/20-22]
No submissions.
No submissions.
"Hurricane Preparation Meeting," signed by the associate director, park
operations and education, on June 12th, and sent electronically to all
regional directors and the chief of the Park Police. The contents follow:
"All predictions are that this hurricane season will have the potential to be
severe. The Department of the Interior is sponsoring a three day hurricane
readiness meeting in Fort Lauderdale, Florida beginning at 1300 on 07-15-97
and concluding the afternoon of 07-17-97. The National Park Service will
have a major role in this meeting drawing on the experiences during
Hurricanes Hugo, Andrew, Marilyn and others.
"The objectives of this meeting are to provide guidance for the preparation
and post hurricane response, provide guidance to establish a consistent
system of information management for the aftermath of hurricanes, identify
procedures for emergency funding requests, discuss post-hurricane resource
ordering procedures, and identify roles and responsibilities of cooperating
"While there are no national level funds available to support park attendance
at this meeting, we encourage those parks which historically experience
hurricanes to send participants. The meeting will be facilitated by Linda
Wright, so we can expect positive, clear issues and recommendations to be the
"Logistical details can be obtained from Jerry Land of the Office of Managing
Risk and Public Safety in the Department of the Interior (202-208-3721) or
Bob Panko, Fire Management Officer at Everglades National Park (305-242-
[Editor's note: Bob Panko asks that all interested parties contact him as
soon as possible via cc:Mail...]
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
7/7-11 -- Visitor Use Management for Managers, Mather TC, Harpers Ferry,
WV. This management level course is designed to provide
participants with an understanding of the legal responsibilities,
administrative aspects, and management applications of outdoor
recreation planning, wilderness management, emergency operations,
land policy and fee management, which will be accomplished
through a series of lectures, presentations by participants, and
group exercises. Contact: Chuck Anibal, 304-535-6215. [Joyce
Howe, STMA]
7/8-12 -- National DARE Officers Association Training Conference, Salt Lake
City, UT. Numerous educational opportunities will presented in
over 40 subject areas. Keynote speakers in the past have
included chiefs of drug policy enforcement, noted educators,
authors and Contact: Tom Cherry, 912-267-2795, or Wiley Golden,
912-267-2246; both are also on cc:Mail by name. [NPS, FLETC]
7/12-16 -- Wildlife Investigator Training, Sheraton Hotel, Colorado Springs,
CO. Sponsored by the North American Wildlife Enforcement
Officers Association and the Midwest, Southeastern and Western
Associations of Fish and Game Law Enforcement Officers. Tuition:
$75. Contact: Dave Croonquist, Colorado Department of Wildlife,
303-291-7216, or Glenn Smith, also CDW, 970-249-3431. [Bob
Martin, REDW]
7/12-16 -- 11th International Entomophagous Insects Workshop, Madison, WI.
Contact: M.R. Strand, University of Wisconsin. 1630 Linden Drive,
Madison, WI 52706, or via e-mail at mrstrand@facstaff.wisc.edu.
[Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]
7/15-17 -- Making Friends Seminar, Minneapolis, MN. Workshop for NPS and
wildlife refuge managers seeking professional assistance in
working with friends groups, volunteers, and other non-profit or
community organizations. Contact: Sue Waldron, 202-208-5477.
[Joyce Howe, STMA]
7/15-19 -- "Managing Preservation for Diverse Collections: The Nature of
Library and Archival Materials," Atlanta, GA. Contact: Ginger
Edmonson, 1-800-999-8558. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
7/17-18 -- Registration of Plant Pesticides, workshop, Arlington, VA.
Contact L. Sallmen-Smith at EPA via phone (703-308-7026, fax
(703-308-8176), or e-mail (sallmen-smith.laura@epamail.epa. gov).
[Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]
7/27-8/8 -- Eleventh Annual Western Archivists Institute, Stanford Terrace
Inn, Palo Alto, CA. Intensive two-week program. Contact:
Administrator, Western Archives Institute, 1020 O Street,
Sacramento, CA 95814, or call 916-653-7715. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
8/1 -- International Workshop on Vectors of Plant Pathogens: Methods and
Problems of Laboratory Rearing, Tucson, AZ. Contact: R.C.
Morgan, CZI, 3400 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45220. [Steve
Cinnamon, MWRO]
8/11-15 -- Introduction to Park Program Management, Mather Training Center,
Harpers Ferry, WV. Contact: Mimi Woodward, AO, GEWA, 804-224-
8/18-22 -- Environmental Crime Investigative Techniques, New Orleans, LA.
Contact: Lana Burwell, Southern Environmental Enforcement
Network, 334-242-7369. [Einar Olsen, NCRO]
8/17-22 -- Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation Seminars,
Tucson, AZ. Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $500 for members, $550 for
non-members. Deadline for applications is July 14th; they should
be sent to ANPR, PO Box 307, Gansevoort, NY 12831. Contact: Ann
Baugh, 520-638-7982, or Bill Wade, 540-999-3400. [Bill Wade,
9/8-11 -- Preserving the Historic Designed Landscape, Mount Rainier NP, WA.
The course is designed to provide training and development in the
management of cultural landscapes, with a particular emphasis on
the issues related to historic designated landscapes in western
national parks. Contact: Anthony Knapp, 304-535-6178. [Joyce
Howe, STMA]
9/8-12 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Rafting Training Course, Vernal, UT.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
9/8-12 -- The New Superintendent, training course, Shenandoah NP, VA. The
course is intended primarily for newly assigned, first-time park
superintendents at the GS-12 or GS-13 levels. Assistant/deputy
superintendents and SO superintendents may also apply. The
course will focus on organizational values, philosophy, and
concepts that are critical to the thought process that a
superintendent uses to make decisions. Tuition: $375. Closing
date for nominations is July 7th. Contact: Jim Bellamy, HOAL,
520-638-7983. [Jim Bellamy, HOAL]
9/9-18* -- Cultural Resources for Managers, Mather Training Center, Harpers
Ferry, WV. A core course for all superintendents, cultural
resource managers, and other program managers involved in
cultural resource management. A variety of present techniques
will be used, including field trips, exercises and case studies
to familiarize managers with important cultural resource
stewardship issues. It will cover basic principles, regulations,
laws and policies. Contact: Mary Robinson, 304-535-6732, or Tony
Knapp, 304-535-6178. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
9/15-19 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Canoeing Training Course, Ely, MN.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
9/18-21 -- Rocky Mountain Anthropological Conference, Holiday Inn, Bozeman,
MT. A field trip is planned for the last day. Contact:
Information and registration information are on the home page at
http://www.montana.edu/wwrmac. [Ken Cannon, MWAC]
9/19-20 -- Health, Safety and the Environment in Architectural Preservation,
Norwich University, Northfield, VT. The workshop will focus on
health and environmental hazards inherent in materials and
processes used in building conservation and restoration.
Sponsored by The Preservation Institute. Contact: Historic
Windsor, Inc., 802-674-6752. [Steve Hastings, HOAL]
9/22-26 -- Master of "Leave No Trace" Hiking Training Course, Bethel, ME.
Tuition is $650. Applications are due at least one month before
the course starting date and can be obtained from the National
Outdoor Leadership School, 1-800-332-4100 (307-332-8811, fax).
Contact: NOLS or Roger Semler at 406-888-7837. [Roger Semler,
9/29-10/4 -- "Our Shared Legacy: International Conference on the Conservation
and Restoration of Earthen Architecture," Rio Rico, AZ, and
Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. Training course sponsored by the NPS,
Tumacacori NHP, and the Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e
Histoira of Sonora, Mexico. The conference will explore the
history, unique architecture and preservation challenges of the
Sonoran region of Mexico and the United States. One day will be
spent on a preservation needs assessment on Mission Cocospera in
Sonora. Contact: David Yubeta, TUMA, 520-398-2341 ext 23, or Ann
Rasor, ext 21. [Ann Rasor, TUMA]
10/2-8* -- Advanced Regional Wilderness Management Training, Tucson, AZ.
Lectures, case studies, written materials and a two-night
backcountry field trip. Designed to strengthen the understanding
of wilderness values and concepts and enhance line and staff
knowledge of current resources and management issues affecting
wilderness. Contact: Richard Conrad or Greg Kroll, Arthur
Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, 406-626-5208.
[Joyce Howe, STMA]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
for the Morning Report to your servicing hub coordinator.
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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