- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, September 2, 1997
- Date: Tues, 2 Sep 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Tuesday, September 2, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-515 - Grand Teton NP (WY) - Climbing Fatality
On August 23rd, L.F., 42, a professor at the University of Wyoming,
was reported overdue from a solo climb on the east face of Mt. Teewinot.
Initial search efforts involving a helicopter and ground team were
unsuccessful. On the following morning, search activity was expanded to one
helicopter and 42 personnel, with four dog teams on the lower portion of the
mountain and eight climbing teams on the upper face. Yellowstone rangers,
Exum Mountain guides, and other volunteers participated in the effort.
L.F.'s body was located by a climbing team about 25 feet down in a deep
moat (a crack between snow and rock) late that morning. The causes of death
were determined to be a subdural hematoma and hypothermia. L.F. was an
experienced mountaineer and backcountry user. [Colin Campbell, CR GRTE,
97-516 - Grand Teton NP (WY) - Rescue
A 32-year-old climber from Ketchum, Idaho, was injured in a 50-foot leader
fall while climbing the Lower Exum Ridge route on the Grand Teton on August
22nd. D.S. was leading the third pitch when he fell, pulling out two
camming devices and one piton. D.S.'s rope, which was severely damaged in
the fall, snagged over a rock horn, stopping him 15 feet short of a ledge.
D.S. was assisted down to the Lower Saddle at 11,600 feet by Jenny Lake
rangers and Exum Mountain guides, then flown in the park contract helicopter
to a Jackson hospital. [CRO, GRTE, 8/29]
97-517 - Devils Tower NM (WY) - Rescue
On August 21st, K.P., 49, of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, fell six
feet while leading the "Direct Southwest" 5.7 route on Devils Tower.
K.P., who weighs 220 pounds and is diabetic, shattered two bones in his
ankle during the fall. The park SAR team performed a difficult, four-hour-
long technical rescue operation, which included a 170-foot, single-point
litter lowering, followed by a long scree evacuation. Ranger Greg Fontaine
was incident commander and Mike Gallant was litter attendant. K.P. was
transported to a hospital in Gillette for surgery. [Jim Schlinkmann, CR,
DETO, 8/29]
97-518 - Grand Teton NP (WY) - Assist; Rescue
The park received a request for assistance in the rescue of an injured
climber from the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Sublette County
Sheriff's Department on August 21st. E.E., 17, a visitor from
Massachusetts, had sustained injuries in a fall while descending the
southwest ridge on Fremont Peak in the Wind River Range on the previous
afternoon. She spent the night at 12,600 feet, weathering a severe storm
which brought lightning, rain, snow, and high winds. Rangers were flown to
the Fremont Peak area in the park's contract helicopter. One ranger was
inserted on a ledge at the accident site via helicopter shorthaul and
assisted two Forest Service firefighters who had reached the scene via
heli-rappel earlier in the day. The patient was extracted from the ledge via
helicopter shorthaul, then flown to a Jackson hospital, where she underwent
surgery for a lower leg fracture. [Colin Campbell, CR, GRTE, 8/29]
[Additional reports pending...]
No report today; fire summaries will resume tomorrow.
Report pending.
No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, conferences and events, and a second, which contains
workshops and training courses. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
Postponed -- The Sixth World Wilderness Congress has been postponed until late
October, 1998. It will still be held in Bangalore, India.
Contact: Vance Martin, 805-649-3535 or wild@fishnet.net, or Alan
Watson, 406-542-4197 or awatson/ int_missoula@fs.fed.us. [Wes
Henry, RAD, WASO]
9/6-10* -- 1997 National Dam Safety Conference and Exhibit Show, Pittsburgh
Hilton and Towers, Pittsburgh, PA. Contact: 606-257-5146.
[Charles Karpowicz, FMD, WASO]
9/10-11 -- International Energy and Environmental Congress, Richmond, VA.
One of several regional conferences sponsored by the Association
of Energy Engineers focusing on energy conservation and renewable
energy. Contact: Ted Collins, 202-586-8017. [Steve Hastings,
9/10-13* -- Alaska Recreation and Parks Association Trail Conference,
Juneau, AK. Contact: Ron Freeman, 907-586-8872. [Sheila Lee,
9/11-13* -- "A Blue Ridge Heritage Corridor: Celebrating Our Past, Creating
Our Future," Seventh Biennial Linear Parks Conference, Lake
Junaluska, NC. Contact: Appalachian Consortium Linear Parks
Conference, University Hall, Boone, NC 28608. [Sheila Lee, NCRC,
9/21-27* -- "Excellence in Wildlife Stewardship through Science and
Education," Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, Snowmass,
CO. Contact: Kathy Jope at NP-PNRO. [Kathy Jope]
9/22-23 -- Annual Council Meeting, The Wildlife Society, Snowmass Village,
CO. Contact: Harry Hodgdon, The Wildlife Society, 301-897-9770
or tws@wildlife.org.
9/25-26 -- Meeting, Oral History Association, Royal Sonesta Hotel, New
Orleans, LA. Contact: Call 817-755-2764, or send e-mail to
OHA_Support@Baylor.edu. [Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
9/25-28* -- Santa Fee Trail Association Symposium, Elkhart, KS/Boise City,
OK/Cimarron City, OK/Clayton, NM. Contact: Sue Richardson, PO
Box 366, Clayton, NM 88415. [Sheila Lee, NCRC, WASO]
9/25-29 -- Second World Congress, International Ranger Federation, San Jose,
Costa Rica. Registration is $600 per person for double occupancy
and $850 for single occupancy in a four-star hotel; the fee
includes six nights' lodging, all meals and tips, transportation
to and from the airport, and transportation for the field trips
to several nearby Costa Rican national parks. Congress
organizers are asking that those planning to attend register in
advance - even with a partial payment. Payment can be made by
VISA or Master Card. Contact: Lyn Rothgeb, Congress registrar,
730 East Main Street, Luray, VA 22835; 540-743-1775 (fax and
phone). [Bill Wade]
10/1-4 -- Annual Meeting, American Association for State and Local History,
Denver, CO. The meeting will be held in conjunction with the
Colorado-Wyoming Museums Association and will cover many aspects
of public history and interpretation. NPS speakers will be
featured. Contact: American Association for State and Local
History, 530 Church Street, Suite 600, Nashville, TN 37219-2325.
[Bill Gwaltney, FOLA]
10/2-4 -- "The Meaning of Museums: Will the Millennium Modify Our
Definitions?", Annual Meeting, Mountain-Plains Museum
Association, Missoula, MT. This year's session will focus on the
stated theme and on involving museums in the community. Contact:
MPMA coordinator, Jan Postler, PO Box 8321, Durango, CO 81301-
0203, 970-259-7866, or program chair Sue Near, Montana Historical
Society, 406-444-4710. [Matt Wilson, Curator, RMSO]
10/4-8* -- "Driving Forces: Forging Solutions," Annual Conference, Society
of American Foresters, Memphis, TN. Contact: SAF, 5400 Grosvenor
Lane, Bethesda, MD 20814-2198. [Kathy Jope]
10/8-11* -- 27th North American Symposium on Bat Research, Tucson, AZ.
Contact: Tom Griffiths, Illinois Wesleyan University, 309-556-
3230, or via Internet at tgriff@titan.iwu.edu. [Kathy Jope]
10/12-14* -- "People and Place: The Human Experience in Greater Yellowstone,"
Fourth Biennial Scientific Conference, Yellowstone NP, WY.
Contact: Joy Perius, 307-344-2209. [Sheila Lee, NCRC, WASO]
10/14-17* -- "Canals, Communities, Collaboration," 1997 World Canals
Conference, RI/MA. Contact: 401-724-2200 or BVTourism@aol.com.
[Sue Andrews, BLAC]
10/14-18* -- Annual Rendezvous, Association of National Park Rangers, Sheraton
Harbor Place Hotel, Fort Myers, FL. Contact: Bill Wade at 520-
615-9417 or jwbillwade@aol.com, or Tony Sisto at 360-699-9307 or
10/15-19* -- Annual Meeting, National Trust for Historic Preservation, Santa
Fe, NM. Contact: Michele Jones, 202-588-6039. [Sheila Lee,
10/18* -- Dedication, Women In Military Service Memorial, Arlington, VA.
New memorial on NPS lands at entrance to Arlington National
Cemetery. Contact: 800-222-2294. [PAO, NCRO]
10/25-29* -- "San Antonio Roundup," NPS Employees & Alumni Association.
Reunion will include visits to San Antonio Missions, Padre
Island, LBJ and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. There will also be a
Southwest dinner and Texas barbecue. All employees, retirees and
friends are welcome. Contact: Jennifer Mummart at 610-832-0555 or
via Internet at EastNatl@ix.netcom.com.
11/5-7* -- Eighth Annual Southern Appalachian Man and the Biosphere
Conference, Holiday Inn Sun Spree, Gatlinburg, TN. The objective
will be to work with communities to promote sustainable
development and healthy ecosystems in the southern Appalachians.
Abstracts on presentations are due by September 30th. Contact;
Ruthanne Mitchell or Gene Cox at NP-GRSM.
11/12-15* -- "Ecological Restoration Within a Regional Context," Society for
Ecological Restoration, Fort Lauderdale, FL. Contact: Society
for Ecological Restoration, 608-262-9547, or via the Internet at
ser@vms2.macc.wisc.edu. [Kathy Jope]
11/16-18* -- North American Conference on Pesticide Spray Drift Management,
Portland, ME. Contact: J. Dill, 207-581-3880 or umce@umext.
maine.edu. [Steve Cinnamon, MWRO]
11/19-21* -- World Energy Engineering Congress, Atlanta, GA. One of several
regional conferences sponsored by the Association of Energy
Engineers, focusing on energy conservation and renewable energy.
Contact: Ted Collins, 202-586-8017. [Steve Hastings, HOAL]
12/4-6 -- Reunion, Everglades 50th Anniversary Celebration, Everglades NP,
FL. A reunion is planned for this weekend during the anniversary
celebration. It will culminate with the dedication ceremony at
Everglades City on December 6th. Special activities will be held
for former employees. Contact: Sandy Dayhoff or Laura Cowan via
cc:Mail at NP-EVER. [Pat Tolle]
12/13-18* -- Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN.
Contact: ESA, 301-731-4535 or PUBINFO@entsoc.org. [Steve
Cinnamon, MWRO]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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