- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, September 22, 1997
- Date: Mon, 22 Sep 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, September 22, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-582 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Rescue
On the afternoon of September 19th, D.W., 25, fell about 40 feet
while on a lead climb of an unnamed 5.9 crack on the South Nuttal Wall when
the rock he was using as a handhold pulled loose. D.W. fell back into
his belay; as he fell, two camming devices he was using as protection pulled
out of the crack and he fell unchecked to the ground, landing on his back.
D.W.'s partner saw that he was seriously injured and ran about three
miles to the nearest residence to call for help. Rangers received and
responded to the report about 90 minutes after the incident occurred. They
found D.W. semi-conscious and in shock at the bottom of a 120-foot
vertical cliff. Rescue efforts were complicated by a steep 70% slope which
was about 150 feet long and covered with a thick tangle of rhododendron
leading to the cliff edge. D.W. was stabilized at the base of the cliff
and a vertical raise was used to get him to the top. A litter carry and
four-by-four vehicle were used to transport him three miles to a farm field
where a helicopter was waiting. D.W. was flown to an advanced trauma
center in Charleston. Although the extent of his injuries were not known at
the time of the report, it's believed that he suffered a fractured back with
spinal injuries, a fractured pelvis, fractured ribs and internal injuries.
The rescue was a joint effort between the park and a volunteer fire
department from Fayetteville. [Rick Brown, Protection Unit Leader, NERI,
Fire reports have been suspended due to the current low level of fire
activity nationwide.
No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
9/29-10/4 -- "Our Shared Legacy: International Conference on the Conservation
and Restoration of Earthen Architecture," Rio Rico, AZ, and
Caborca, Sonora, Mexico. The conference will explore the
history, unique architecture and preservation challenges of the
Sonoran region of Mexico and the United States. One day will be
spent on a preservation needs assessment on Mission Cocospera in
Sonora. Contact: David Yubeta, TUMA, 520-398-2341 ext 23, or Ann
Rasor, ext 21. [Ann Rasor, TUMA]
10/2-8 -- Advanced Regional Wilderness Management Training, Tucson, AZ.
Lectures, case studies, written materials and a two-night
backcountry field trip. Designed to strengthen the understanding
of wilderness values and concepts and enhance line and staff
knowledge of current resources and management issues affecting
wilderness. Contact: Richard Conrad or Greg Kroll, Arthur
Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, 406-626-5208 x 14,
406-626-5395 (fax). [Joyce Howe, STMA]
10/6-8 -- Retrofitting for Accessibility, National Center on Accessibility,
Bradford Woods, Martinsville, IN. Contact: National Center on
Accessibility, 765-349-9240. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
10/6-10 -- Law Enforcement Advanced Interviewing Training Program (LEAINTP-
801), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Multi-disciplinary approach, utilizing
linguistics, psychology, criminology and sociology with the
principles of influence, negotiation and bargaining. See your
training officer for copies of the announcement and details.
Nominations close on September 11th. [Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC]
10/9-10 -- Universal Trail Assessment Process, National Center on
Accessibility, Bradford Woods, Martinsville, IN. Collecting and
formatting data on trail conditions so that potential users can
make informed decisions to determine if a particular trail is
appropriate to their individual desire for challenge. Contact:
National Center on Accessibility, 765-349-9240. [Joyce Howe,
10/12-13 -- "Leadership: Four Perspectives You've Never Considered," Harbor
Place Hotel, Fort Myers, FL. Servicewide training course offered
prior to Association of National Park Rangers' annual Rendezvous.
Designed to provide or refresh five of the eight universal
essential competencies - resources stewardship, fundamental
values, NPS operations, communications skills and problem-solving
skills - with new perspectives. Cost: $100. Registration
deadline: September 12th. Contact: Jeri Mihalic, 406-892-5151.
[Jeri Mihalic, GLAC]
10/14-15 -- Fire Protection for Historic Structures and Museum Collections,
Presidio, San Francisco, CA. This course will cover basic
practices and new technologies that focus on integrating fire
safety into park management. Contact: NPS Learning Place
bulletin board or Tony Knapp at 304-535-6732. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
10/15-16 -- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability
Act Workshop, Mather EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV. The workshop will
provide participants with specific information on the multiple
responsibilities involved in the proper response to releases of
hazardous substances into the environment, impacting NPS lands
and facilities. Contact: Dan Reimer, Environmental Protection
Specialist, 202-565-1261. [Steve Hastings, HOAL]
10/15-19 -- Colorado Fire Fighters Academy, Tamarron Resort, Durango, CO.
Basic to advanced structural and wildland fire suppression
topics. Contact: San Juan Basin Vo-Tech School, 970-565-8457 to
get a catalog and registration form; Steve Budd-Jack at NP-MEVE
for details (info requests to the school may also be sent to him
for forwarding). [Steve Budd-Jack, MEVE]
10/20-23 -- Clandestine Drug Laboratory Chemical Identification, San Luis
Obispo, CA. Contact: Peg Ryan, California Specialized Training
Institute, 805-549-3344. [Einar Olsen, RCR, NCSO]
10/20-23 -- Ninth Annual Meeting, Federal Preservation Forum, Aberdeen
Proving Grounds, MD. Includes workshops on National Register
nominations and on historic structure preservation. FPF is an
organization to foster communications among federal cultural
resource professionals and to further preservation goals.
Contact: www.ca.blm.gov/cdd/fpforum.html or call Greg Fox at 520-
670-6501. [Anne Vawser, MWAC]
10/21-24 -- Measuring GPRA Outcomes/Mission Goal II: Provide for Public
Enjoyment and Visitor Experience, Mather EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV.
Participants will discuss the importance and methods for
measuring this goal and will determine a practical means for
organizing the data collected for national reporting on the goal.
Contact: David Dahlen, 304-535-6215. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
10/21-24 -- REVISED: "Get the Lead Out: Lead-Based Paint Abatement For
Workers," Pecos NHP, NM. This workshop will cover everything an
employee needs to know regarding lead paint abatement. Contact:
Dorothy Printup, 301-663-8206. [Dorothy Printup, HPTC]
10/22-25 -- Making History with Your Community, American Association for
State and Local History, New Harmony, IN. Fee: $200. Contact:
AASLH, 615-255-2971, or aaslh@nashville.net. [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
10/27-31 -- Interpretive Competencies Workshop: Developmental Level Ranger
Careers Training, Mather EDC, Harpers Ferry, WV. This workshop
will allow participants to develop knowledge, skills and
abilities in one 200-level essential interpretive competency.
Contact: NPS Learning Place bulletin board, or Toni Dufficy at
305-242-7752. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
10/28-31 -- "Get the Lead Out: Lead-Based Paint Abatement For Workers,"
Harpers Ferry Center, WV. Nominations are due by August 29th.
Contact: Dorothy Printup, 301-663-8206. [Dorothy Printup, HPTC]
11/1* -- Seasonal Law Enforcement Training, University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, MA. The university sponsors the 285-hour FLETC approved
NPS seasonal law enforcement training course. Classes begin on
November 1st and continue on weekends through March, 1998. The
registration deadline/ confirmation date is October 17th.
Contact: Alice Szlosek or Trudy Goodchild, 413-545-2484. [John
Lynch, NERO]
11/3-7 -- ARPA Training, National Capital Region (XP-ARPTP-801). The
program identifies the need for the team concept for
archeological resource crime scene investigations. Course
developers have experience in both criminal investigation and
archeology. Contact your park training officer or regional
employee development officer for a copy of the announcement and
further details. Nominations close on September 30th. Contact:
Tom Cherry via cc:Mail at NP-WASO. [Tom Cherry, FLETC]
11/13-18* -- North American Technical Rescue Symposium/NPS Servicewide Search
and Rescue Meeting, Best Western Golden Sails Hotel, Long Beach,
CA. The NPS meeting will convene after the technical rescue
symposium. Registration for the symposium is $95 (NASAR and MRA
members), $130 (non-members). The NPS meeting will be for park
personnel representing active SAR programs and will address
several issues affecting NPS SAR policies. Agenda topics will
include SARPRO funding development, major SAR guidelines, use of
volunteers and emergency hires in SAR, and a national PSAR
campaign. If you plan on attending this important meeting,
please RSVP organizers JD Swed at DENA at 907-733-9105 or Ken
Phillips at GRCA at 520-638-7792. Contacts: Registration -
NASAR, 703-222-6277, reservations - Best Western Golden Sails,
800-762-5333 or 562-596-1631. [JD Swed, DENA]
11/4-5 -- Tax Incentives for Developing Historic Properties, ANA Hotel,
Washington, DC. Use of historic preservation tax incentives to
develop historic properties. Experienced financiers, developers,
bankers, experts from the NPS and tax specialists from IRS will
explain effective strategies for historic property development,
including earning tax credits for up to 20% of rehabilitation
costs, piggybacking other federal and local tax incentives, and
maximizing investment opportunities. Contact: Brooks Prueher at
202-343-1185 or at NP-WASO-HPS. [Brooks Prueher, WASO]
11/4-6 -- Programming and Budget, Tucson, AZ. The course is targeted at
the program management level, and is designed to provide the
participants with a better understanding of the NPS budget
process. Contact: Jan Gauthier, Mather EDC, 304-535-6215.
[Joyce Howe, STMA]
11/4-6 -- "Strategic Directions: Refocusing the Mandate," Intermountain
Region Chief Rangers' Workshop, Lakewood, CO. Focus on
supervision, policy/law and the ranger's role beyond law
enforcement. Contact: Joe Evans at NP-ROMO. [Joe Evans, ROMO]
11/5 -- "Have You Got the Blues? Architectural Records: Their
Identification, Management, Storage and Treatment," Syracuse
University, Syracuse, NY. Contact: Susan Dubois, 215-545-0613,
or ccaha@shrsys.hslc.org, or 215-735-9313 (fax). [Diane Vogt
O'Connor, DCA/WASO]
11/5-7 -- REVISED: International Preservation Trades Workshop, Frederick,
MD. This workshop features craft demonstrations in masonry
conservation, timber framing techniques, epoxy repairs, and much
more. Contact: Dorothy Printup, 301-663-8206. [Dorothy Printup,
11/17-21 -- Instructor's Workshop in Special Park Uses, Las Vegas, NV.
Designed to develop a cadre of instructors to train employees
with responsibility for special use permitting. Concentration on
basic authorities and procedures. Participants will learn basic
instructional skills and techniques. Contact: Charles Anibal,
Mather EDC, 304-535-6215. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
11/18-20 -- Wilderness Arid Lands Restoration Training, Palm Springs, CA.
Training will provide both classroom instruction and field
exposure to techniques and knowledge required for successful land
restoration in arid environments. Contact: Greg Kroll, Arthur
Carhart National Wilderness Training Center, 406-626-5208 x 14,
406-626-5395 (fax). [Joyce Howe, STMA]
11/19-21 -- Appalachian Trail Scenic Trail Critical Incident Management
Workshop, USFWS National Conservation Training Center,
Shepherdstown, WV.. The intent of the workshop is to bring
together various local, state, federal and private managers of
the Appalachian Trail to develop a critical incident management
plan for the trail. Contact: Robert W. Gray, CR, 304-535-6278 or
by name on cc:Mail at NP-WASO. [Robert Gray, ATTR]
12/1-2 -- Small Craft Enforcement Training Program (SCETP-801), FLETC,
Glynco, GA. Designed to meet the needs of law enforcement
officers assigned to inland water law enforcement. Includes
instruction on operation and navigation of highly specialized
enforcement watercraft. See your training officer for copies of
the announcement and details. Nominations close on October 22nd.
[Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC]
12/1-12 -- Physical Fitness Coordinator Training Program (PFCTP-801), FLETC,
Glynco, GA. Upon completion, participants will be able to
conduct FLETC's five-part physical efficiency battery (PEB), as
well as additional assessment modes. See your training officer
for copies of the announcement and details. Nominations close on
October 22nd. [Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC]
12/8-12 -- HazMat Clandestine Drug Lab Waste Operations, San Luis Obispo,
CA. Contact: Peg Ryan, California Specialized Training
Institute, 805-549-3344. [Einar Olsen, RCR, NCSO]
12/9-12* -- Basic Environmental Crimes Investigations, Biloxi, MS. The
course is for environmental regulators and law enforcement
personnel. Tuition: $250. Sponsored by Southern Environmental
Enforcement Network. Contact: Lana Burwell, 334-242-7369, NLT
September 30th. [Einar Olsen, RCR, NCSO]
12/8-12 -- Universal Design Training Course for Parks, Recreation and
Interpretive Environments, New Orleans, LA. The National Center
on Accessibility will host this training course, which is ideal
for designers, architects, engineers, interpretive specialists,
curators and exhibit planners from park, recreation, museum,
outdoor education and historic environments. Contact: National
Center on Accessibility, 765-349-9240, or by e-mail at their home
page at www.indiana.edu /~nca. [Joyce Howe, STMA]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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