- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Wednesday, November 19, 1997
- Date: Wed, 19 Nov 1997
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Wednesday, November 19, 1997
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
97-673 - Jean Lafitte NHP&P (LA) - Follow-up on Death of Park Employee
Ma.C., wife of ranger M. "M." C., who died of a self-
inflicted gunshot wound on October 29th, extends her thanks and gratitude to
all of you who called or sent cards to her. She would also like to thank
those who made contributions in his memory to either the Valley Forge Park
Interpretive Association or the American Heart Association. A memorial
service for M.C. will be held at Chalmette Battlefield at 2:30 p.m. on
Friday. His wife and mother will attend. [James Miculka, Area Manager,
Chalmette Battlefield, JELA, 11/18]
97-698 - Cumberland Gap NHP (KY/TN/VA) - Follow-up on Tunnel Fire
On November 11th, the park was advised of a fire burning in a railroad tunnel
within the park. On the following day, the tunnel was sealed at both ends
and pumped full of nitrogen gas in an effort to extinguish the blaze. The
tunnel was entered and inspected on November 17th; only glowing embers were
found, and these were extinguished - or so firefighters thought. When the
tunnel was reopened and being prepared for use, however, the fire rekindled
and firefighters had to be called back to make another effort to put out the
fire. Representatives from the Mine Safety and Health Administration have
been on scene, monitoring the situation. No additional details are currently
available. [Charlie Chadwell, SPR, CUGA, 11/18]
97-708 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Falling Fatality
K.R., 34, a paramedic with JanCare Ambulance Service, a local EMS
provider, was treating a traffic accident victim on the slippery ice covering
the Meadow River Bridge on the evening of November 15th when three more
vehicles skidded down the bridge and slammed into his ambulance and the
vehicle involved in the original accident. While trying to get out of the
way, K.R. slipped and fell over the bridge railing, landing in the woods
along the river bank about 300 feet below. Rescue workers reached him an
hour later and transported him to a local hospital, where he was pronounced
dead. [Rick Brown, Protection Unit Leader, NERI, 11/17]
No entries.
Risk Management - At 1:15 p.m. EST on December 1st, the Service will present
the first in a series of "distance learning events" via satellite technology.
The broadcast will target the improvement of a site safety program through
focusing on safe and at-risk behaviors of employees, emphasizing management
commitment and employee involvement. If you need more information on this
event, log onto the WASO Division of Risk Management home page at http://www.
nps.gov/riskmgmt, where you will find a direct link to information about the
distance learning event. If your site is planning to watch the broadcast but
you have not advised your regional employee development officer, you may
still register your site directly with Jim Boyd at Albright Training Center
(520-638-7984). Each registered sites will receive a packet of information
prior to the broadcast. [Shirley Rowley, DRM/WASO]
No entries.
No entries.
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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