- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, January 12, 1998
- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, January 12, 1998
Broadcast: By 1000 ET
98-10 - Everglades NP (FL) - Aircraft Accident
Around 10 p.m. on January 2nd, S.M., 20, of Miami made a forced
landing in the park's wilderness area. He and passenger Tony Navarro were
returning to Miami from a flight to Key West in a rented Cessna 150 when the
engine stopped. S.M. said that Navarro pointed out that both fuel gauges
were reading empty, but added that he had flown fewer than three hours when
that happened. The airplane landed right side up in an area of rocky, wet
sawgrass prairie about four miles southwest of the South Florida Natural
Resource Center. The aircraft's nose gear broke off in the process, but the
plane remained relatively intact. The only injury was to S.M.'s wrist.
S.M. was able to radio his emergency to FAA Flight Service; they in turn
contacted Miami-Dade Air Rescue. Customs assisted in locating the downed
plane, and Air Rescue retrieved the pilot and passenger. On January 3rd,
ranger Ben Morgan and an FAA inspector went to the crash site to begin an
investigation of the incident. The aircraft was to be removed in a single
helicopter lift on January 9th under Morgan's supervision. Investigation
into the cause of the accident continues. [Phil Selleck, LES, EVER, 1/9]
98-11 - Blue Ridge Parkway (NC/VA) - Storm Impacts
Within about a 12-hour period on January 7th, portions of the parkway
received between seven and ten inches of rain, resulting in two major rock
and mud slides blocking the road at milepost 449 and at milepost 358, totally
closing public access to Mount Mitchell State Park. Federal Highway
Administration engineers have identified a massive potential rock slide at
milepost 428 which poses an extreme and immediate hazard to travelers.
Numerous smaller slides have also occurred. Trees have fallen across the
road, and several campgrounds, picnic areas and trails have been flooded.
Affected portions of the parkway have been closed for clean-up and repairs.
One employee suffered a broken collar bone as a result of a fall while
removing downed trees. [CRO, BLRI, 1/9]
No entries.
Incidental Business Permits - Special directive 95-10 calls for a review of
the incidental business permit program at the end of its first full year of
operation following the transition from commercial use licenses to incidental
business permits. The review will take place early this year. As part of
this review, copies of the required annual survey form are being solicited by
the Concessions Program Center (CPC) in Denver. Copies of the form can be
found as an attachment to the procedures in the special directive. Some
reports have been received, but many areas have not yet sent them in to CPC.
Please submit them if possible; if not, please advise Laurie Shaffer via
cc:Mail at NP-DEN3. CPC sends its thanks in advance for your assistance in
this matter. [Laurie Shaffer, CPC]
GPRA Goal Defined - The Risk Management Division has received numerous
questions regarding the definition of a visitor accident/incident in
reference to GPRA goal IIa2. The definition is as follows: "A visitor
accident is defined as an accidental event that results in a serious injury
or illness requiring medical treatment, a death, or property damage exceeding
$1,000." [Carol Wadlington, DRM, WASO]
Award - Last year, Trinity Ingle and Jeffrey Paul were each found guilty of
the murder of Sherman Williams at Hot Springs NP (95-395, June 26, 1995).
Ingle was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole; Paul
was sentenced to death. For their outstanding work in prosecuting the pair,
attorney general Janet Reno has presented assistant U.S. attorneys Steve
Snyder and Mark Webb with the "Director's Award" for superior performance.
[Rod Harris, CR, HOSP]
No entries.
No entries.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along. Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR
months before the event, EXCEPT in instances in which registration dates
close much earlier. Asterisks indicate new entries; brackets at end of entry
indicate source of information. Brevity is appreciated.
2/9-13 Course: DOI Radio Workshop
Location: Denver Sheraton West Hotel, Lakewood, CO
Details: The workshop will focus on training radio personnel
on narrowband radio technologies - specifically P-25
narrowband digital radio systems - and federal radio
frequency spectrum management processes. All
technicians and field personnel with responsibility
for radio systems and/or equipment should attend.
Contact: Frank Weed
Phone/fax: Reservations can be made by calling 1-800-987-2000
directly; specify DOI radio conference.
E-mail: NP-DEN3
Submitter: Frank Weed, FOTSC
2/9-13 Course: Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-804)
Location: Boulder City, NV
Details: The dates of the course have been CORRECTED. The
program will focus on a team approach to
archeological resource crime scene investigation.
Closes on January 14th.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
2/19-21 Course: Medical Diving
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Details: The course includes preventive and on-site emergency
care for injured Scuba divers.
Contact: Dive Rescue International, 201 North Link Lane, Fort
Collins, CO 80524
Phone/fax: 1-800-248-3483; ---
Submitter: Kinsey Shilling, CURE
2/23-25 Course: Ice Diving Operations
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Details: The course covers planning for and diving underneath
ice and includes hands-on training.
Contact: Dive Rescue International, 201 North Link Lane, Fort
Collins, CO 80524
Phone/fax: 1-800-248-3483; ---
Submitter: Kinsey Shilling, CURE
2/25-28 Ice Rescue
Location: Fort Collins, CO
Details: The course includes certification for teaching ice
Contact: Dive Rescue International, 201 North Link Lane, Fort
Collins, CO 80524
Phone/fax: 1-800-248-3483; ---
Submitter: Kinsey Shilling, CURE
3/9-11 Course: Principles of Access
Location: Martinsville, IN
Details: Designed to introduce park and recreation
professionals to the fundamentals of accessibility
and to lay the foundation for understanding the
characteristics and needs of people with
Contact: National Center on Accessibility
Phone/fax: 765-349-9240; ---
E-mail: www.indiana.edu/~nca
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
3/9-13* Course: Compass II - Orientation to NPS
Location: Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon, AZ
Details: This is the entry level Servicewide course for
universal essential competencies. The course
addresses resources stewardship, fundamental values,
NPS operations, communication skills, and problem-solving
skills. There is no length of service
restriction. Non-NPS federal employees and employees
of NPS partners (such as cooperating associations)
may apply. There is no tuition charge for NPS
employees; non-NPS employees will be charged $100.
Closing date for nominations is February 6th.
Contact: Kathy Hart, TICA
Phone/fax: 801-756-5239; ---
E-mail: Kathy Hart at NP-TICA
Submitter: Kathy Hart
3/2-13 Course: Managers Institute on Public Policy
Location: Washington, DC
Details: Designed to give superintendents and other managers a
better understanding of the legislative branch of the
federal government and the impact its actions have on
executive agencies, the media, and the policies of
DOI and the NPS and their interrelationships.
Tuition is $825. Nominations are due by December
Contact: Jim Bellamy
Phone/fax: 520-638-7983; ---
Submitter: Jim Bellamy, ATC
3/9-13* Course: Workshop on Managing Visitor Use in Wilderness
Location: Folsom, CA
Details: Participants will analyze problems associated with
heavy recreational use in wilderness study areas and
examine a range of tools to address them.
Contact: Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness
Training Center
Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395
E-mail: Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
3/10-13* Course: The Information Ecosystem: Managing the Life Cycle of
Information for Preservation and Access
Location: College Park, MD
Details: The course teaches managers how to create, manage,
adapt and reuse information in a project setting.
Tuition: $285.
Contact: Gay Tracy, Northeast Document Conservation Center
Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 978-475-6021
E-mail: tracy@nedcc.org
Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, DCA/WASO
3/15-20* Course: Wilderness Stewardship Training, Southeast
Location: Islamorda, FL
Details: Course emphasis will be on coastal and wetland
wilderness issues.
Contact: Greg Kroll
Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395
E-mail: Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
3/8-13 Course: Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation
Location: Lowell, MA.
Details: Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP
seminar. Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $600 for members,
$700 for non-members. Deadline for applications
(purchase order, SF-181, personal check or money
order, etc.) is January 30th; they should be sent to
ANPR at the address below.
Contact: ANPR, c/o Bill Wade, 5625 N. Wilmot Road, Tucson, AZ
Phone/fax: 520-615-9417; 520-615-9474
Submitter: Bill Wade
3/16-20 Course: Visitor Use Management for Managers
Location: Shepherdstown, WV
Details: This management level course is designed to provide
the participants with an understanding of legal
responsibilities, administrative aspects, and
management applications of outdoor recreation
planning, wilderness management, emergency
operations, land policy, and fee management.
Contact: Learning Place bulletin board, or Charles Anibal
Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; ---
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
3/16-20 Course: Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-805)
Location: Lincoln, NE
Details: The program focuses on a team approach to
archeological resource crime scene investigation.
Closes on February 17th.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
3/17-26 Course: Cultural Resources for Managers
Location: Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: This is a core course for superintendents and program
managers who have major cultural resource management
Contact: Tony Knapp
Phone/fax: 304-535-6178; ---
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
3/23-27 Course: Law Enforcement for Managers (LEM-801)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: The course provides an orientation to federal law,
NPS authority and jurisdiction and other issues to
upper level managers. Closes on February 10th.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
4/6-10 Course: Concession Contract Development
Location: Salt Lake City, UT
Details: Registration deadline is January 15th.
Contact: Dee Highnote, Concessions, WASO
Phone/fax: 202-565-1217; ---
Submitter: Concessions, WASO
4/20-24 Course: Servicewide Basic Technical Rescue (Program Code
Location: Island-In-The-Sky District, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT
Details: Training for personnel with an active role in the
rescue and evacuation of injured persons from heights
and difficult terrain. This will be a physically
demanding course with frequent exposure to acute
heights. Class size limited to a total of 40
participants. Placement priority will be given to
personnel from parks with technical SAR programs.
The class will be 40 hours long and will include a
night training exercise. Motel accommodations are
available in Moab and camping is available near the
training site. There is no cost for the course. One
page training nominations are due by February 17th
and should be sent to Grand Canyon NP SAR coordinator
Ken Phillips.
Contact: Ken Phillips, GRCA
Phone/fax: 520-638-7792; 520-638-7838
Submitter: Ken Phillips, GRCA
4/27-5/1* Course: Wilderness Planning Workshop
Location: Parsons, WV
Details: The workshop will present a forum for learning about
and discussing methods for developing programmatic
wilderness management direction.
Contact: Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness
Training Center
Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395
E-mail: Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
5/4-8* Course: NPS Leadership Seminar
Location: Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon, AZ
Details: Seminar for leaders at all levels who did not attend
during the main phase of the leadership seminar
program over the past two years. Tuition is $500,
$300 for Benchmarks assessment. Closing date for
nominations: February 9th.
Contact: Ann Izard, GRCA
Phone/fax: 520-638-7894; ---
E-mail: Ann Izard at NP-GRCA
Submitter: Ann Izard
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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