MORNING REPORT

To:        All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:      Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:  Monday, May 4, 1998


98-167 - Hawaii Volcanoes NP (HI) - Follow-up on Search in Progress

As was noted on Friday, the search for S.-D.T., 26, has been
terminated.  Both the search and associated investigation have led park staff
to believe that he is dead and that his body will not be found.  S.-D.T. was
born and raised in the islands and was said to have been familiar with the
area.  USGS personnel who were in the area a few hours before the incident
occurred report that there were active flows on both sides of the bench where
S.-D.T. presumably fell.  This entire area is closed to the public, but
visitors continue to disregard the posted warnings in order to get closer to
the lava flows.  The remaining members of S.-D.T.'s group were issued
violation notices for entering a closed area.  [Yvette Ruan, CR, HAVO, 5/1]

98-176 - Canyon de Chelly NM (AZ) - Flooding

Rains which fell on the area last week led to high river flows which damaged
the bridge on the trail leading to White House Ruin.  The bridge has been
closed until repairs can be made.  The trail from White House overlook,
however, remains open.  [Tom Workman, CR, CACH, 5/2]

98-177 - Lake Mead NRA (NV/AZ) - MVA; Near Collision with Ranger

Ranger Tom McDermott was on patrol on Northshore Road on the evening of April
23rd when he saw a black Thunderbird heading toward him at a high rate of
speed (estimated at 80 mph in a 50 mph zone).  The Thunderbird was straddling
the center line, forcing McDermott to take evasive action to prevent a head-
on collision.  The driver lost control of his vehicle after passing McDermott
and the Thunderbird slid sideways off the highway and overturned.  Both
occupants suffered serious injuries and were flown by helicopter to the
University Medical Center in Las Vegas.  Blood was drawn from the male
juvenile driver, who admitted to consuming several beers.  He was arrested
for felony reckless driving after being released from the hospital and was
booked into the county juvenile detention facility.  [Susan Warner, LAME,

98-178 - Pictured Rocks NL (MI) - Assist on Search

On April 26th, R.M., 59, of Gladstone, Michigan, fell overboard from
his 19-foot fishing boat in Munising Bay near the Sand Point area of the
park.  R.M. reportedly sank from sight within a minute after falling into
the lake.  The county SAR team requested assistance from the park for
shoreline and water searches, and rangers Tim Schad and Larry Hach responded
in the park's 22-foot patrol boat.  Search and dive operations have been
underway since the 26th, but without result.  The search will be scaled back
to overflights and periodic shoreline patrols.  [Larry Hach, CR, PIRO, 5/1]


No entries.


Several reports pending.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

5/11-15    Course:    Compass II
           Location:  Anacostia Park, Washington, DC
           Details:   The course provides six universal essential
                      competencies at the entry level - resource
                      stewardship, fundamental values, leadership, NPS
                      operations, communications skills, and problem-solving skills.  
           Contact:   Learning Place BB or Dan Winings or Charles
           Phone/fax: 202-722-1339, 415-561-4111; ---
           E-mail:    Dan Winings at NP-ROCR; Charles Schultheis at NP-GOGA
           Submitter: Ann Johnson, Albright TC

5/11-15    Course:    Fundamental Principles of Administration
           Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
           Details:   Designed to provide training in essential
                      competencies for all functions of NPS administration
                      at the clerk/tech level.
           Contact:   Peggy Woodward
           Phone/fax: 304-535-6403; 304-535-6408
           E-mail:    Peggy Woodward
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/11-15    Course:    Basic Environmental Crimes Investigations
           Location:  Austin, TX
           Details:   Open only to personnel in Texas.  Sponsored by the
                      Southern Environmental Enforcement Network.
           Contact:   Lana Burwell
           Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

5/14-15*   Course:    Technology Transfer: Marketing Our Products and
           Location:  Denver, CO
           Details:   Free half-day basic course in technology transfer
                      given by the DOI technology transfer committee.  The
                      registration deadline is May 7th.
           Contact:   Denver Learning Center
           Phone/fax: 303-236-8576; ---
           E-mail:    Lindsay McClelland at NP-WASO-MIB
           Submitter: Same

5/17-20    Course:    "Desegregating The American Mind for the 21st
                      Century" and "Race Relations in the Work Force" -
                      Symposium, Panel Discussion and Training Session
           Location:  Brown vs. Board of Education NHS, Topeka, KS
           Details:   The annual symposium will commemorate the Supreme
                      Court's decision of 1954 ending segregation in public
                      schools.  It will be followed by a panel discussion
                      on diversity and race relations, and by a training
                      session on the same topic.
           Contact:    H. Tyrone Brandyburg
           Phone/fax: 785-354-4273; 785-354-7213
           E-mail:    Tyrone Brandyburg at NP-MWR
           Submitter: Sherie Maddox, MWRO

5/18-21    Course:    NPS Structural Firefighter Level II
           Location:  Mesa Verde NP, CO
           Details:   The course will be conducted over four 10-hour days. 
                      There is no tuition.
           Contact:   Steve Budd-Jack
           Phone/fax: 970-529-4461; 970-529-4479
           E-mail:    Steve Budd-Jack at NP-MEVE
           Submitter: Same

5/25-29    Course:    Structure Fire Pump Operator
           Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
           Details:   ---
           Contact:   Hal Spencer
           Phone/fax: 415-561-5133; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

5/26-27    Course:    Origins and Nature of New World Slavery
           Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
           Details:   Examination of the meaning of racial slavery as it
                      developed in the Western Hemisphere in general and
                      the United States in particular.
           Contact:   Marie Tyler McGraw
           Phone/fax: 202-343-5380 ; 202-343-1244
           E-mail:    Marie Tyler McGraw at NP-WASO-NRHE
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/27-29    Course:    Basic Environmental Investigations Training
           Location:  Las Vegas, NV
           Details:   ---
           Contact:   Kathy Braase, Western States Project
           Phone/fax: 602-542-8511; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCRO

5/27-29    Course:    Developing and Working with Friends Groups
           Location:  Shepherdstown, WV
           Details:   Workshop for NPS and FWS employees interested in
                      creating or energizing a friends group.
           Contact:   Sue Waldron, NPS Partnership Office
           Phone/fax: --- ; 202-273-0426
           E-mail:    Sue Waldron at NP-WASO-MIB
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

5/28-29    Course:    Passages to Freedom
           Location:  Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
           Details:   Exploration of the history of the American anti-
                      slavery movement.
           Contact:   Marie Tyler McGraw
           Phone/fax: 202-343-5380 ; 202-343-1244
           E-mail:    Marie Tyler McGraw at NP-WASO-NRHE
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/1-5*     Course:    National Wildfire Investigation Training (XP-NWITP-802)
           Location:  Boise, ID
           Details:   FLETC program, developed with NPS and USFS, for
                      enforcement staff who have previous investigation
                      training.  Topics include determining fire cause,
                      fire origins, fire scene processing, and arson laws. 
                      Nominations close on May 14th.
           Contact:   Park or regional employee training officers
           Phone/fax: --- ; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC

6/1-5*     Course:    Masonry Preservation Skills Workshop
           Location:  Carl Sandburg NHS, Flat Rock, NC
           Details:   Craft skills, treatment techniques, materials
                      selection and application.  Participants will
                      participate in a historic preservation project. 
                      Application deadline: May 18th.
           Contact:   Christian Bookter, BLRI
           Phone/fax: 828-298-6262; 828-298-0402
           E-mail:    Christian Bookter at NP-BLRI
           Submitter: Same

6/1-26     Course:    Tribal Communities and Spiritual Traditions (Newberry
           Location:  Chicago, IL
           Details:   Participants will examine themes pertaining to four
                      North American Indian communities.
           Contact:   Marie Tyler-McGraw
           Phone/fax: 202-343-5380; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/1-7/24   Course:    Seasonal Law Enforcement Training
           Location:  University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
           Details:   The cost is $1,450.  Deadline for nominations: May
                      15th, or until the class fills.
           Contact:   Alice Szlosek or Trudie Goodchild, Division of
                      Continuing Education, Umass, Box 31650, Amherst, MA
           Phone/fax: 413-545-2848; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: John Lynch

6/2-4      Course:    Budget Process for NPS Managers
           Location:  Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
           Details:   Managerial aspects of the NPS budget process.
           Contact:   Mimi Woodward of Jan Gauthier
           Phone/fax: 804-224-1743 (Woodward), 304-535-6215 (Gauthier)
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

6/8-12     Course:    Firefighter Level I
           Location:  Yosemite NP, CA
           Details:   ---
           Contact:   Deron Mills
           Phone/fax: 209-372-0327; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

6/8-13*    Course:    Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
           Location:  Redwood N&SP, CA
           Details:   Offered regionwide.  Refer to the Learning Place
                      bulletin board.
           Contact:   Scot McElveen, or Denise Cobb
           Phone/fax: McElveen: 760-786-3245, Cobb: 702-293-8978; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL

6/15-19    Course:    Preservation Skills Workshop
           Location:  Grey Towers NHL, Milford, PA
           Details:   Hands-on workshop for developmental and full-
                      performance maintenance employees involved in the
                      preservation of historic structures.
           Contact:   Dorothy Printup, Historic Preservation Training
           Phone/fax: 301-663-8206; 301-663-8032
           E-mail:    Dorothy Pintup at NP-HPTC-1
           Submitter: Same

6/22-26*   Course:    Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
           Location:  Mather TC, WV, and Albright TC, GRCA
           Details:   Open to all employees and partners.  Refer to the
                      Learning Place bulletin board.
           Contact:   STMA: Dianne White or Laurie Heupel
                      HOAL: Theresa Griggs or Alisa Lynch
           Phone/fax: White: 505-785-2232 x 321, Heupel: 919-728-2250
                      Griggs: 415-556-0505, Lynch: 915-477-2251 x 196
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL

6/22-26*   Course:    Expanding Education in the National Parks: A Train
                      the Trainers Opportunity
           Location:  Lowell NHP, Lowell, MA
           Details:   The course focuses on knowledge and skills needed to
                      prepare for the benchmark competency for "Preparing
                      and Presenting an Effective Education Program." 
                      Trainers will be able to present Module 270
                      curriculum to NPS staff.
           Contact:   Elizabeth Hoermann, Lowell NHP
           Phone/fax: 978-970-5021; 978-970-5030
           E-mail:    Betty Hoermann at NP-LOWE
           Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA

7/14-17    Course:    Basic Environmental Crimes Investigations
           Location:  Little Rock, AR
           Details:   Open only to personnel in Arkansas.  Sponsored by the
                      Southern Environmental Enforcement Network.
           Contact:   Lana Burwell
           Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

8/3-7      Course:    Fire Officer
           Location:  Golden Gate NRA, CA
           Details:   ---
           Contact:   Hal Spencer
           Phone/fax: 415-561-5133; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Jim Farrel, NPS/NIFC

8/17-21    Course:    Environmental Crime Investigation Techniques
           Location:  Chattanooga, TN
           Details:   Open to personnel in Alabama, Florida, Georgia,
                      Kentucky, Mississippi, North and South Carolina, and
                      Tennessee.  Sponsored by the Southern Environmental
                      Enforcement Network.
           Contact:   Lana Burwell
           Phone/fax: 334-242-7399; ---
           E-mail:    ---
           Submitter: Einar Olsen, NCSO

                            *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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