Subject: NPS Morning Report - 7/27/98
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 1998 10:28:27 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, July 26, 1998
All flags are to lowered to half staff today, Monday, July 26, 1998, in
commemoration of National Korean War Veterans Day. Flags will return to full
staff tomorrow morning. No Presidential proclamation has been issued,
however, regarding lowering flags to half staff in NPS units in homage to the
two officers killed in the line of duty at the Capitol last Friday.
98-432 - National Capital Parks (DC) - Assist; Officer Homicides
On July 24th, Eagle 1, the U.S. Park Police helicopter, was dispatched to the
Capitol following the shooting incident that occurred there. Pilot Kevin
Chittick and paramedics Dave Stallman and sergeant Kathy Haraseck responded.
Eagle 1 transported special agent J.G., who was in cardiac arrest, to
the Washington Hospital Centers, where he later died. Investigation of the
double homicide is being conducted by the FBI, Capitol Police, and D.C.
Metropolitan Police. [Henry Berberich, RLES, NCSO, 7/27]
[Additional incidents pending...]
The preparedness level has dropped one step, from Level III to Level II.
Thu Sun % Est
State Unit Fire/Incident IMT 7/23 7/26 Con Con
NC Pisgah NF Grandfather Cx T2 200 200 100 CND
AR Ouachita NF Rereg Complex II -- 265 265 100 CND
TX State Barrel Creek -- 600 3,900 100 CND
John Bell -- 400 2,500 100 CND
* Live Oak -- - 100 20 7/27
* Sixmile Creek -- - 200 80 7/27
* Oak Branch -- - 1,000 90 7/26
* Parker -- - 375 100 CND
* Dry Pond -- - 130 100 CND
* Pease River -- - 1,300 90 7/25
OK State * Weyerhauser -- - 368 UNK NEC
MI Huron NF Airport -- 100 70 100 CND
ID S. C. Idaho District Walcott 3 -- 700 700 100 CND
WY Worland District Devils Canyon -- 360 360 100 CND
Heading Notes
Unit Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team
% Con Percent of fire contained; UNK = unknown
Est Con Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report
Thursday, 7/23 2 8 12 0 135 64 221
Friday, 7/24 7 6 7 1 131 56 208
Saturday, 7/25 2 2 13 0 92 64 173
Sunday, 7/26 0 3 16 1 51 59 130
Crews Engines Helicopters Airtankers Overhead
Thursday, 7/23 61 239 57 15 205
Friday, 7/24 47 187 44 14 95
Saturday, 7/25 37 225 49 8 119
Sunday, 7/26 41 242 57 11 201
New large fires were reported yesterday in Texas and Oklahoma, but there was
little activity elsewhere.
Very high and extreme fire indices were reported in Georgia, Texas, Oklahoma,
South Dakota, Arizona, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, California, and Washington.
NICC has not posted any fire weather watches or warnings today.
[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 7/25-27]
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously. Brevity in entries is appreciated.
Dates: 8/31-9/4*
Course: Pre-Conference Workshops, SAA Meeting
Location: Orlando, FL
Details: Workshops to be held before the conference (see last Monday's
listing of meetings) include:
o Preservation Management (8/31-9/1). $279, 1.5 CEU.
o Basic Electronic Records Management (8/31-9/1). $279, 1.5
o Grant Proposal Preparation (8/31). $215, .75 CEU.
o Preservation Microfilming (8/31). $215, .75 CEU.
o Oral History: From Planning to Preservation (9/1). $215,
.75 CEU.
o Probing Appraisal Practice: Contending with Methods, Mayhem
and Madness (9/1). $215, .75 CEU.
o Understanding Archives: An Introduction to Principles and
Practices (9/1-2). $279, 1.5 CEU.
o Encoded Archival Description (8/31-9/1). $342, 1.5 CEU.
Contact: Diane Vogt-O'Connor
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: Diane Vogt-O'Connor at NP-WASO-CSD
Submitter: Same
Dates: 8/31-9/4
Course: Compass II: Universal Competencies and Orientation
Location: Albright TC, GRCA, AZ
Details: Offered Servicewide. Refer to the Learning Place bulletin board.
Closes: Application closing date: Not provided.
Contact: Betsy Haynes or Kevin Turner
Phone/fax: Haynes: 540-721-2094, Cobb: 415-289-2366; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Betty Browning, HOAL
Dates: 9/4-8*
Course: 1998 North American Association for Environmental Education
Location: Atlanta, GA
Details: The theme is environmental education and the urban setting.
Closes: Application closing date: Not provided.
Contact: NAAEE
Phone/fax: 937-676-2514; ---
E-mail: www.naaee.org
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: 9/9-11
Course: Principles of Access
Location: Lakewood, CO
Details: Training on the fundamentals of accessibility, laying the
foundation for understanding the characteristics and needs of
people with disabilities.
Closes: Application closing date: August 7th.
Contact: National Center on Accessibility
Phone/fax: 765-349-9240; 765-342-6658
E-mail: www.indiana.edu/~nca
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: 9/14-17*
Course: High Angle Rescue Update
Location: New River Gorge, WV
Details: The course is designed to bring technical rescue team leaders and
instructors up to current levels by using techniques developed in
British Columbia and now being used in many NPS areas.
Closes: Application closing date: Not provided.
Contact: Ron Matthews, DEWA
Phone/fax: 973-948-7761; 973-948-3648
E-mail: Ronald Matthews at NP-DEWA
Submitter: Same
Dates: 9/14-18# (dates changed from November to September)
Course: Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-809)
Location: Santa Fe, NM
Details: Fundamentals of ARPA.
Closes: Application closing date: August 5th.
Contact: Park/regional employee development specialists.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: 9/16-18
Course: Afterimages: Reformatting visual Materials in a Digital World
Location: National Archives and Records Administration Facility, College
Park, MD
Details: How to reformat endangered visual materials to obtain high
quality photographic and/or digital copies.
Closes: Application closing date: August 14th for early registration.
Contact: Ginny Hughes
Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 978-475-6021
E-mail: ghughes@nedcc.org
Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO
Dates: 9/22-24
Course: Visitor Use Management for Managers: Special Park Uses
Location: Mather TC, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: Management level course on the legal responsibilities,
administrative aspects, and management applications of special
park uses and fee management.
Closes: Application closing date: August 6th.
Contact: Chuck Anibal
Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: 10/1-3
Symposium: "From Research to Park Management and Public Information," 10th
Anniversary Stewardship Symposium, El Malpais NM
Location: Grants, NM
Details: The symposium will highlight past and present research (about 40
projects) and look to the future by developing a 10-15 year
research plan with participants' help. Saturday's workshops will
engage participants in identifying volunteer opportunities and
designing stewardship projects in ecology, caves and archeology.
Proceedings will not be published; copies of abstracts will go
only to those registered.
Closes: Application closing date: September 15th.
Contact: Resource Symposium, El Malpais NM, PO Box 939, Grants, NM 87020
Phone/fax: 505-285-4641
E-mail: Ken Mabery at NP-ELMA, or Ken_Mabery@nps.gov
Submitter: Ken Mabery, ELMA
Dates: 10/13-18
Course: Colorado Firefighters' Academy
Location: Tammaron Resort, Durango, CO
Details: A preliminary session, which will run from October 13th to the
15th, will provide training on S-205 and arson investigation;
there will also be one and two-day special topic classes in large
diameter hoses, pump operations and technical rope work. The
main fire academy class will follow from the 16th to the 18th.
Closes: Application closing date: Not provided.
Contact: Ann Johnston, San Juan Basin VoTech School
Phone/fax: 970-565-8457; ---
E-mail: ajohnston@sjbts.cortez.co.us
Submitter: Steve Budd-Jack, MEVE
Dates: 10/20-22
Course: Mentoring for Chiefs of Administration
Location: Mather Training Center, WV (plus employee duty stations)
Details: The program pairs proteges with mentors who serve as role models
and provide insight and guidance on how to enhance
competitiveness for advancement into and within the management
Closes: Application closing date: July 31st.
Contact: Jan Gauthier
Phone/fax: 304-535-6402; ---
E-mail: Jan Gauthier at NP-HFC1
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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