Subject: NPS Morning Report - 9/14/98
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 11:33:59 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, September 14, 1998
98-584 - Jean Lafitte NHP&P/New Orleans Jazz NHP (LA) - T.S. Frances
Heavy rains from Tropical Storm Frances caused serious street flooding in the
greater New Orleans area on September 11th and lead to the closure of the
headquarters area for the two parks to permit staff to get home safely.
Trails and interior roads in the Chalmette and Barataria Preserve units were
also flooded and accordingly closed; Acadian sites remained open. The
entire area received more than 20 inches of rain between September 11th and
13th. The Chalmette unit may open today, but it's doubtful if the Barataria
Preserve will reopen due to strong south winds pushing water into the
preserve and keeping flood waters from subsiding. At present, it appears
that no park employee suffered any personal property damage and that property
damage to the parks has been minimal. It's probable, however, that park
staff will soon be engaged in clean up of downed trees, storm debris and
possibly sediment. [Jim Carson, JELA/JAZZ, 9/14]
98-585 - Zion NP (UT) - Flooding
High river flows in the North Fork of the Virgin River forced a temporary
closure of the access to Zion Lodge on Saturday, September 11th. Over two
inches of rain fell on the park during the 10th and 11th, causing the river
flow to jump from 280 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 4,200 cfs over a four-
hour period on Saturday. The river damaged a retaining wall along the scenic
drive in the canyon, then undercut the road, creating a sink hole 30 feet
long, 15 feet wide and 20 feet deep. The closure affects only the last six-
and-a-half miles of the dead-end canyon drive. All other roads and services
remain open. Federal Highway engineers arrived in the park over the weekend
to begin assessing damages and developing repair plans with park staff.
[Denny Davies, ZION, 9/11]
[Additional reports pending...]
The preparedness level has dropped one step from Level III to Level II.
Wed Sun % Est
State Unit Fire/Incident IMT 9/9 9/13 Con Con
MT Bitterroot NF Bitterroot Cx T1 4,090 4,090 100 CND
Flathead NF Challenge T1 9,000 8,800 95 9/14
Bowl T2 3,072 3,340 100 CND
Kootenai NF Dome T1 3,340 3,340 100 CND
Kopsi Creek T2 1,060 1,060 100 CND
Lolo NF Boulder Lake T2 220 220 100 CND
Miles City District Trumbo -- 1,300 1,100 100 CND
TX State Hill -- 100 118 100 CND
Reststop -- 500 500 100 CND
Pleasant View -- 100 100 100 CND
Danville -- 100 100 100 CND
* Tom B -- - 105 100 CND
* Brazos -- - 100 100 CND
* Hawkeye -- - 100 100 CND
* Corbitt Ranch -- - 100 100 CND
* Spring Canyon -- - 150 100 CND
TN Cherokee NF * Buzzard Roost -- - 285 75 9/13
Heading Notes
Unit Agency = BIA area; NF = national forest; RU = CA state resource
or ranger unit; RD = state ranger district; District = BLM
district; NWR = USFWS wildlife refuge
Fire * = newly reported fire (on this report); Cx = complex
IMT T1 = Type I; T2 = Type II; ST = State Team; FUT = Interagency
Fire Use Management Team
% Con Percent of fire contained; UNK = unknown
Est Con Estimated containment date; NEC = no estimated date of
containment; CND = fully contained; NR = no report
Thursday, 9/10 5 2 9 2 89 36 143
Friday, 9/11 0 14 7 0 803 30 854
Saturday, 9/12 1 3 2 0 18 17 41
Sunday, 9/13 0 3 0 0 38 9 50
Crews Engines Helicopters Airtankers Overhead
Thursday, 9/10 127 335 63 5 1,192
Friday, 9/11 88 324 64 6 959
Saturday, 9/12 61 202 45 2 588
Sunday, 9/13 37 165 28 0 372
There was little fire activity yesterday.
Very high and extreme fire indices were reported yesterday in Texas,
Nebraska, South Dakota, Idaho, Montana, Washington and Oregon.
No fire watches or warnings have been posted for today.
[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 9/11-14]
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously. Brevity in entries is appreciated.
Dates: October 1 - 3
Symposium: "From Research to Park Management and Public Information," 10th
Anniversary Stewardship Symposium, El Malpais NM
Location: Grants, NM
Details: The symposium will highlight past and present research (about 40
projects) and look to the future by developing a 10-15 year
research plan with participants' help. Saturday's workshops will
engage participants in identifying volunteer opportunities and
designing stewardship projects in ecology, caves and archeology.
Proceedings will not be published; copies of abstracts will go
only to those registered.
Closes: Application closing date: September 15th.
Contact: Resource Symposium, El Malpais NM, PO Box 939, Grants, NM 87020
Phone/fax: 505-285-4641
E-mail: Ken Mabery at NP-ELMA, or Ken_Mabery@nps.gov
Submitter: Ken Mabery, ELMA
Dates: October 13 - 18
Course: Colorado Firefighters' Academy
Location: Tammaron Resort, Durango, CO
Details: A preliminary session, which will run from October 13th to the
15th, will provide training on S-205 and arson investigation;
there will also be one and two-day special topic classes in large
diameter hoses, pump operations and technical rope work. The
main fire academy class will follow from the 16th to the 18th.
Closes: Application closing date: Not provided.
Contact: Ann Johnston, San Juan Basin VoTech School
Phone/fax: 970-565-8457; ---
E-mail: ajohnston@sjbts.cortez.co.us
Submitter: Steve Budd-Jack, MEVE
Dates: October 19 - 23
Course: 1998 National Interpreters' Workshop and Interpretive Management
Location: Anchorage, AK
Details: The theme of the annual workshop is "Interpretation and Tourism."
The workshop also offers many training opportunities that
interpreters may use to personalize their professional
development and meet the needs of NPS interpretation.
Closes: Application closing date: October 3rd.
Contact: NPS via the Internet (below)
Phone/fax: 1-888-900-8283 ; ---
E-mail: naimbrmgr@aol.com
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: October 19 - 30
Course: Defensive Tactics Instructor Training (DTITP-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Course developed by NPS/FLETC and FLETC Physical Techniques
Division to standardize methods/techniques of both instruction
and practical field applications. The course combines three
previous courses into one - non-lethal techniques, impact
weapons, and OC spray - and teaches a continuum of skills and
Closes: Application closing date: September 22nd.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
Dates: October 19 - 23
Course: Firearms Instructor Refresher Training (FIRTP-902)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: The course offers core and elective subjects designed to keep NPS
firearms instructors current on training fundamentals.
Closes: Application closing date: September 22nd.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
Dates: October 26 - November 6
Course: Firearms Instructor Training (FITP-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: The course provides training in firearms instruction.
Closes: Application closing date: September 21st.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
Dates: October 16 - November 6 *
Course: Technical Investigative Equipment Training (TIETP-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: The course is designed for experienced federal law enforcement
officers whose primary assignment is directly associated with the
installation, operation and maintenance of surveillance
Closes: Application closing date: September 21st.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
Dates: November 7 - March 20 *
Course: NPS Seasonal Law Enforcement Training
Location: University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA
Details: Basic 285-hour seasonal training session.
Closes: Application closing date: October 23rd.
Contact: Alice Szlosek/Trudy Goodchild (Umass Division of Continuing
Education, Box 31650), Amherst, MA 01003-1650
Phone/fax: 413-545-2484; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: John Lynch, NARO
Dates: November 9 - 20
Course: Small Craft Enforcement Training (SCETP-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Training is desigment to meet the needs of rangers assigned to
inland water law enforcement.
Closes: Application closing date: October 1st.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
Dates: November 16 - 19 *
Course: Workshop on Managing Visitor Use in Wilderness
Location: Johnson City, TN
Details: This interactive forum will analyze problems associated with
heavy recreational uses of wilderness and wilderness study areas
and examine a wide range of tools for addressing these issues.
Closes: Application closing date: October 2nd.
Contact: Greg Kroll, Arthur Carhart National Wilderness Training Center
Phone/fax: 406-626-5208 x 14; 406-626-5395
E-mail: Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: November 16 - 20 *
Course: Anticipating and Responding to Public Threats Resulting from
Mountain Lion Attacks
Location: Albright Training Center, Grand Canyon, AZ
Details: Designed to give participants a better understanding of cougars
(Felis concolor) from both biological and visitor perspectives
and in the context of resource protection issues.
Closes: Application closing date: September 7th.
Contact: Paul Berkowitz, Elaine Leslie
Phone/fax: Berkowitz: 520-638-7970; Leslie: 520-638-7904; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Ann Johnson, HOAL
Dates: December 7 - 18 # (new dates)
Course: Small Craft Enforcement Training (SCETP-902)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Training is desigment to meet the needs of rangers assigned to
inland water law enforcement.
Closes: Application closing date: October 22nd.
Contact: Park or regional employee development officer.
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Wiley Golden, NPS/FLETC
Dates: December 7 - 11 *
Course: Universal Design: Methods to Include the Widest Spectrum of Users
in Park, Recreation and Interpretive Environments
Location: Houston, TX
Details: This two-week course is ideal for designers, architects,
engineers, interpretive specialists, curators and exhibit
planners from park, recreation, museum, outdoor education and
historic environments. Sessions will focus on people with
disabilities and the principles of universal design.
Closes: Application closing date: November 2nd.
Contact: NCA web page (below)
Phone/fax: 765-349-9240; 765-342-6658
E-mail: www.indiana.edu/~nca
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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