Subject: NPS Morning Report - 10/14/98
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 10:45:09 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Wednesday, October 14, 1998
98-662 - Shenandoah NP (VA) - Follow-up: Body Found
The remains found in the park on Sunday have been identified as those of
G.S., 28, of Baltimore, Maryland. Although the investigation has
not yet been completed, it appears probable that he died of a self-inflicted
rifle wound. Evidence includes autopsy results and a letter received by a
former girlfriend. [Greg Stiles, ACR, SHEN, 10/13]
98-663 - Lake Mead NRA (NV/AZ) - Resource Theft Conviction
On August 28th, L.S., 57, of Las Vegas, Nevada, pled guilty to a
felony violation of the Lacey Act, which prohibits the interstate transport
of illegaly taken plants and wildlife. The charge stemmed from theft of
cacti from the park earlier this year. On February 14th, L.S., the owner
of a Las Vegas-based landscaping firm called Cactus All Legal, drove to the
Cottonwood Cove area of the park to collect cactus. A passing visitor who
saw L.S. digging them up notified a police officer on patrol in a town near
the park; the officer advised park dispatch, and ranger Glen Anderson
investigated. L.S. was in the act of loading 11 cactus plants into his
truck when contacted by Anderson. A thorough investigation of the crime
scene by Anderson, special agent Gary Sebade and members of the park's
resource management staff led to identification of the sites where the cacti
had been taken. GIS was utilized to plot the locations. A day laborer whom
L.S. had hired also provided evidence. Sentencing is set for December
11th. Once the case has been adjudicated, the cacti, which have been held as
evidence in the park's nursery, will be planted in an interpretive display at
the Cottonwood Cove ranger station to educate the public on the Lacey Act and
other laws related to cactus plants. [Bud Inman, LAME, 10/13]
98-664 - Glen Canyon NRA (AZ/UT) - Pursuit of Stolen Vehicle
Ranger Maya Seraphin made a traffic stop near the Glen Canyon bridge around 9
p.m. on October 7th. The park dispatcher determined that the vehicle was
stolen, but was unable to contact and advise Seraphin. Backup units were
accordingly dispatched from the Page police department. When they contacted
Seraphin at the scene, the driver jumped into the stolen car and drove off.
Seraphin and the officers pursued. The driver of the stolen vehicle crashed
through a locked gate onto a service road and made it about a mile down the
road before losing control of and rolling his vehicle. He then fled on foot.
A search ensured which involved rangers, Page canine units, and state, county
and Navajo police. One of the dogs found the man, who was arrested. He has
not yet been positively identified. [Chris Pergiel, SDR, GLCA, 10/9]
[Additional reports pending...]
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses. If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information.
Brevity is appreciated.
Dates: October 24
Event: 35th Anniversary, Horace Albright Training Center
Location: Grand Canyon NP, AZ
Details: An open house and evening program will take place on the 24th.
If you are a former training manager, instructor or student,
please send along your tales, impressions, thoughts or memories
regarding the center.
Contact: Bob Karotko
Phone/fax: 520-638-7988; 520-638-2953
E-mail: Bob Karotko at NP-HOAL
Submitter: Same
Dates: October 24
Event: 25th Anniversary, Opening of Alcatraz
Location: Golden Gate NRA, CA
Details: Tentative plans are for a day-long celebration and re-dedication
on Saturday, October 24th. An overnight stay is included. The
park is attempting to contact every NPS employee "who has ever
done time on the Rock."
Contact: Jim MacDonald or John Cantwell
Phone/fax: 415-705-1045; ---
E-mail: GOGA Alcatraz at NP-GOGA, or goga_alcatraz@nps.gov
Submitter: John Cantwell, GOGA
Dates: October 27 - 30
Meeting: Tenth Annual Meeting, Federal Preservation Forum
Location: BLM Conference Center, Salt Lake City, UT
Details: Conference on current issues of importance to federal cultural
resource preservation professionals, including revised section
106 regs, NAGPRA and federal archeology issues, development of
CRM data standards, cultural landscapes, and Native American
issues. Registration is $40 through October 16th, $50
thereafter. For further details, see the FPF web page, located
at www.ca.blm.gov/cdd/1998fpf.html
Closes: Registration closing date: Early registration runs through
October 16th, but you can also register on site.
Contact: Jan Townsend
Phone/fax: 703-440-1678; ---
E-mail: jtownsen@bellatlantic.net
Submitter: Anne Vawser, MWAC
Dates: October 31
Meeting: "Eisenhower and Korea: The Forgotten War," Third Annual
Eisenhower Seminar
Location: Cyclorama Center, Gettysburg NMP, PA
Details: This year's seminar examines the Korean War during the 45th
anniversary year of its armistice. A diverse group of historians
and veterans will offer their perspectives on how the war
started, the Truman-McArthur controversy, the GI in Korea, battle
action, and Eisenhower and the end of the war. Registration is
Closes: Registration closing date: N/A
Contact: Eisenhower NHS
Phone/fax: 717-338-9114; ---
E-mail: John Joyce at NP-EISE
Submitter: Same
Dates: November 5 - 7
Meeting: Annual Woodland Indian National Conference
Location: Porter, Indiana
Details: The theme of the annual conference is trade on southern Lake
Michigan from 1634-1834. The conference will bring together
anthropologists, Native Americans, archeologists, historians and
other subject matter experts on the 200 year period of Lake
Michigan fur trading.
Closes: Registration closing date: Not given.
Contact: Laura Gundrum, INDU
Phone/fax: 219-926-7561 x 232; 219-926-7561 x 537
E-mail: npsindu@niia.net
Submitter: Laura Gundrum, INDU
Dates: November 12 - 14
Meeting: Washita Symposium: Past, Present and Future
Location: Washita Battlefield NHS, OK
Details: The park is celebrating its first anniversary with a symposium/
There will be a bus trip to Fort Supply State Historic Site and a
tour of the battlefield on the 13th; speakers on the 14th include
historians, archeologists, and representatives from the Arapaho,
Cheyenne, Kiowa and Osage. Individual presentations will be
followed by panel discussions. The symposium concludes with a
banquet on Saturday night.
Closes: Registration closing date: N/A.
Contact: Steve Black, WABA
Phone/fax: 580-497-2742; ---
E-mail: Stephen Black at NP--SWR
Submitter: Same
Dates: November 16 - 19
Meeting: NPS Leadership Seminar
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: Essentially the same as the leadership seminars of the past two
years, but 32 hours long. Offered to all employees who did not
attend the earlier seminar. Tuition is $500 - $300 for
Benchmarks, which will be covered by an NPF grant for small parks
with operating budgets of less than $600,000.
Closes: Registration closing date: October 7th.
Contact: Susan Cook, Homestead NMA
Phone/fax: 402-223-3514; 402-223-4231
E-mail: HOME Administration (Susan Cook) at NP-HOME
Submitter: Jim Bellamy
Dates: December 7 - 9
Meeting: School for Scanning: Issues of Preservation and Access for Paper-
Based Collections
Location: Le Petit Theatre du Vieux Carre, New Orleans, LA
Details: Conference on digital technology, equipping participants to
select applicable technology and make critical decisions in the
management of digital projects. $255 until October 15th; $325
Closes: Registration closing date: Early registration runs through
October 15th, late registration through November 18th.
Contact: Ginny Hughes
Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 9780475-6021
E-mail: ghughes@nedcc.org
Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO
Dates: December 8 - 12
Meeting: Association of National Park Rangers' Rendezvous XXIII
Location: Holiday Inn City Center Hotel, Tucson, AZ
Details: Invited keynote speakers include Director Stanton, Assistant
Secretary Barry and Senator McCain. Panels and workshops will be
held on current NPS issues of interest to all employees. pre-
registration information will be sent to all members in the near
future. Hotel reservations can be made by calling 520-624-8711.
Contact: Bill Wade
Phone/fax: 520-615-9417; ---
E-mail: jwbillwade@aol.com
Submitter: Same
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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