Subject: NPS Morning Report - 11/9/98
Date: Mon, 9 Nov 1998 08:04:44 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, November 9, 1998
* * * FOLLOW-UP and THANK YOU * * *
As most of you know, the Morning Report has not appeared since October 30th
due to a little run-in your editor had with medical realities.
Early on Halloween morning, following some relatively minor symptoms
suggesting a potential heart problem, I had a heart attack at home. This was
followed by a quick ambulance trip to a hospital in New Jersey, some
preliminary analyses by doctors, and transferral to a cardiology center in
Morristown for what apparently would be a routine angiogram (inspection of
heart vessels) and an angioplasty to clear a couple of them (more commonly
known as the "roto-rooter" method). The angiogram took place late on the
evening of November 2nd, and the doctor quickly found that six cardiac
arteries were about 95% blocked. The situation was deemed sufficiently
critical to warrant immediate open heart surgery, which was succesfully
completed in the wee hours of the following morning. I was in the ICU for a
bit, then on a cardiac care floor of the hospital, then released and back
home on the afternoon of November 7th (yes, modern medicine IS amazing). The
next four to six weeks will be spent regaining strength and beginning rehab.
Much of this information was transmitted to you via the Morning Report
network through the kindness of several people here at Delaware Water Gap NRA
and in Ranger Activities in WASO. The updates they sent out have led to a
wondrous outpouring of support from many of you through phone calls, cards,
visits and e-mail messages. I can't tell you how much they've meant; the
phrase "at a loss for words" now has meaning to me. It has been like being
lifted on a tide of compassion, and C., E., D. and I are deeply
grateful to all of you for your prayers, your expressions of care, and your
support. I hope to write back to most of you during the enforced leisure of
the next month or so. If not, though, be assured that every note has been
read and reread, and that your support has had a direct and tangible effect
on my recovery. You are wonderful people.
I'd be remiss, however, if I didn't take this opportunity to also deliver a
little "safety message." Despite a vigorous physical fitness program and
attention to diet (including 28 years as a vegetarian), I was struck down by
an advanced case of coronary artery disease. As my doctor says repeatedly,
you can't change your genes, and my family's genetic legacy includes a
history of heart problems. Your potential medical problems may lie
elsewhere, but I've been struck by how many of your notes have recounted
instances of being surprised by unanticipated medical crises. Most of us are
reasonably attentive to our health (particularly with the recent emphasis on
prevention), but still prone to the "It Can't Happen Here" syndrome. Or,
more appropriately, "It Can't Happen Now." We're willing to admit that we
could be victims of medical crises, but presume that they'll happen at some
time in the indefinite future. NOW is the time to get that annual physical
that you've been thinking about scheduling; NOW is the time to check that odd
feeling you've had for a while; NOW is the time for that mammogram or stress
test; NOW is the time to start putting as much time and attention into
maintenance of your body as most people do into maintenance of their cars.
In any case, I'm now up and functional for much of the day and feeling fairly
good except for the impacts of surgery and the slow regeneration of strength.
That means that there's a little time to spend on things that matter in the
NPS arena. And that means that regular editions of the Morning Report will
resume tomorrow and appear intermittently until I'm back at work full time.
Thanks again for your support. God bless you all.
Bill Halainen
Editor, NPS Morning Report
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
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pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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