Subject: NPS Morning Report - 12/28/98
Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 10:25:39 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, December 28, 1998
98-766 - Lake Mead NRA (AZ/NV) - Boat Sinking; Rescue
On the morning of December 20th, the operator of the 55-foot houseboat Hydro
Therapy radioed the park that the boat was taking on water in Castle Cove.
Rangers Jeff Goad and Robert Moelder responded in a 31-foot Bertrum and
rangers Joe Hayes and Paul Crawford traveled to the scene in a 25-foot rigid
hull inflatable Zodiac. When they arrived, they found that the houseboat was
partially submerged and had broached along the shoreline; the two occupants
were on shore, cold and wet but uninjured. The sinking had occurred during a
lake wind advisory. The houseboat was moored in a cove with no protection
from the wind. It had slipped its mooring lines, then smashed and sunk an
18-foot Sea Ray that was tied off alongside. The two victims were picked up
and transported to Boulder Harbor. The boat crews faced a sustained 50 mph
head wind and four- to five-foot waves on the return trip. As they arrived
at the harbor, they were apprised of a report of a sailboarder in distress.
Crawford joined Goad and Moelder and geared up for a rescue swim as they
headed for the area where the sailboarder had last been seen. They found
D.S. in the water off Boulder Islands. Although he told them he
was okay, he added that he was too fatigued to swim to the boat. Crawford
swam to him and helped him back to the Bertrum. D.S. said that he was
about to give up hope when the rangers arrived, and that they had saved his
life. He was warmed up, but declined further treatment. [Paul Crawford,
SPR, Boulder Basin District, LAME, 12/22]
[Additional reports pending...]
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events. If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously. Brevity in entries is appreciated.
Dates: Various (see below)
Course: Compass II
Locations: January 11-15 - Cape Lookout NS, NC
February 1-5 - NCRO, Washington, DC
February 8-12 - Hot Springs NP, AR
February 22-26 - Petersburg NB, VA
March 1-5 - Pecos NHP, NM
March 8-12 - Atlanta, GA
April 12-16 - Cape Cod NS, MA
April 19-23 - Biscayne NP, FL
Details: Universal competencies training course.
Closes: ---
Contact: Learning Place bulletin board; also, see announcements for
individual course coordinators.
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Betty Browning, Albright TC
Dates: January 17 - 24
Course: Wilderness First Responder
Location: Great Smoky Mountains Institute, Townsend, TN
Details: Intensive 72-hour course meets Tennessee DOT standards and will
qualify for National Registry exam.
Closes: ---
Contact: Wanda DeWaard
Phone/fax: 423-448-6709; ---
E-mail: www.wanda@smokiesnha.org
Submitter: Bob Wightman, GRSM
Dates: January 20 - 21
Course: Repointing Historic Masonry Buildings
Location: Chicago, IL
Details: Hands-on workshop in the preparation and application of historic
lime mortars. Course fee: $595.
Closes: December 30th
Contact: U.S. Heritage Group
Phone/fax: 773-286-2100; 773-286-1852
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Dorothy Printup, Historic Preservation Training Center
Dates: January 25 - February 1
Course: ARPA Training (XP-ARPTP-913)
Location: Canaveral NS, FL
Details: ARPA investigation training.
Closes: January 4th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: February 1 - 12 *
Course: Physical Fitness Coordinator Training (PFCTP-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Physical fitness training, including administration of FLETC's
five-part physical efficiency battery (PEB).
Closes: January 6th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: February 2 - 3 and February 4 - 5 (two sessions) *
Course: 6c Training for Supervisors of Law Enforcement Officers and
Firefighters, Personnel Specialists, Law Enforcement Officers and
Location: DOI Learning Center, Albuquerque, NM
Details: In-depth review of 6c retirement coverage. NOT a pre-retirement
training course. No tuition.
Closes: January 14th
Contact: Bob Appling, CR, Big Thicket NP
Phone/fax: 409-839-2689 x 227; 409-839-2599
E-mail: Bob Appling at NP-BITH
Submitter: Marilee Pospahala
Dates: February 9 - 11 #
Course: "To Film or To Scan: Preservation Options in a Digital World"
Location: Boca Raton, FL
Details: Basic training on how and when to manage projects to scan and/or
microfilm files, photos and other documents.
Closes: ---
Contact: Susan Wrynn, NEDCC
Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 978-475-6021
E-mail: Wrynn@nedcc.org
Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO
Dates: February 16 - 19
Course: Basic Peer Support Training (902)
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Details: Basic training in providing peer support to help fellow employees
deal with "normal reactions to abnormal events." Participants
are being sought from PWR, IMR, AR, and upper MWR.
Closes: January 12th
Contact: Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin
board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax: Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail: Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: February 17 - April 20
Course: Criminal Investigator Training (CITP-913)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: In-depth training in investigative skills.
Closes: January 7th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: February 22 - 26 *
Course: Firearms Instructor Refresher Training (FIRTP-903)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Firearms training update.
Closes: January 18th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2246; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 1 - 5 *
Course: National Wildfire Investigation Training (NWITP-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Program developed by NPS and USFS for those previously trained in
Closes: January 22nd
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 1 - 12 *
Course: Physical Fitness Coordinator Training (XP-901)
Location: Denver, CO
Details: Physical fitness training, including administration of FLETC's
five-part physical efficiency battery (PEB).
Closes: January 22nd
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 2 - 5
Course: Basic Peer Support Training (902)
Location: Nashville, TN, or Jacksonville, FL (to be determined)
Details: Basic training in providing peer support to help fellow employees
deal with "normal reactions to abnormal events." Participants
are being sought from SER, NCR, NER and lower MWR.
Closes: January 28th
Contact: Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin
board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax: Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail: Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 2 - 4
Course: Advanced Critical Incident Stress Management Workshop
Location: Nashville, TN
Details: One day will focus on participant debriefing, facilitated by a
mental health professional; two days will be spent establishing a
mentor program with the basic peer support class.
Closes: January 28th
Contact: Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin
board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax: Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail: Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 3 - May 4
Course: Criminal Investigator Training (CITP-915)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: In-depth training in investigative skills.
Closes: January 27th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 9 - 11 *
Course: Introduction to Federal Projects and Historic Preservation Law
Location: Golden Gate NRA, CA
Details: Introductory course designed for staff in parks who need training
in fundamentals of Section 106 compliance.
Closes: January 15th
Contact: Tony Knapp, Mather Training Center
Phone/fax: 304-535-6178; 304-535-6408
E-mail: Tony Knapp at NP-HFC1
Submitter: Joyce Howe, Mather Training Center
Dates: March 11 - 13
Course: Legal Problems of Museum Administration
Location: Seattle, WA
Details: Course on staying current on copyright, tax and intellectual
property issues.
Closes: ---
Contact: American Association of Museums
Phone/fax: 202-289-9114; ---
E-mail: www.aam-us.org, or seminars@aam-us.org
Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO
Dates: March 15 - 19
Course: Maintaining Historic Motorized Vehicles in Museum Collections
Location: Lyndon B. Johnson NHP, TX
Details: Basic preservation and conservation practices for preparing and
maintaining historic vehicles for long-term storage or exhibit.
Closes: Nominations due to EDOs by January 11th.
Contact: Virginia Kilby, Curator, Lyndon B. Johnson NHP
Phone/fax: 830-868-7128 X239; 830-868-0810
E-mail: Virginia Kilby at NP-LYJO
Submitter: Joyce Howe, Mather Training Center
Dates: March 22 - April 2
Course: Advanced Resource Protection Skills (Special Operations)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: The course will cover anti-poaching operations, ARPA and
paleontological theft investigations, and related subjects.
Closes: January 29th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 22 - 26 *
Course: Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-905)
Location: Reno, NV
Details: ARPA investigation training.
Closes: February 12th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 22 - 26 *
Course: Law Enforcement for Managers (LEM-901)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Training in LE for upper management.
Closes: February 12th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: March 28 - April 2 *
Course: Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Details: Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP sessions.
Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $750, which includes a one-year
membership in ANPR; $600 for current members. Send applications
(purchase order, SF-181, personal check or money order, etc.) to
ANPR, c/o Bill Wade, 5625 N. Wilmot Road, Tucson, AZ.
Closes: February 19th
Contact: Bill Wade
Phone/fax: 520-615-9417; 520-615-9474
E-mail: Bill Wade at NP--MAR or JWBillWade@aol.com
Submitter: Same
Dates: March 29 - April 4th
Course: Defensive Tactics Instructor Training (CP-DTITP-901)
Location: Cleveland, OH
Details: Advanced defensive tactics training.
Closes: February 18th
Contact: Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: April 5 - 9
Course: Protecting Cultural Resources in Flood Zones
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: The course will focus on strategies necessary to protect cultural
resources from flooding and water damage.
Closes: Nominations due to EDOs by February 1st.
Contact: Bruce Noble, Harpers Ferry NHP
Phone/fax: 304-535-6158; 304-535-6244
E-mail: Bruce Noble at NP--NCR
Submitter: Joyce Howe, Mather Training Center
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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