MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Monday, January 25, 1999


98-309 - Great Smoky Mountains (NC/TN) - Follow-up: Death of Ranger

The trial of J.L., who is charged with the murder of ranger Joe
Kolodski, began on Thursday, January 21st.  Only one witness appeared on the
first day of testimony.  Ranger Tony Welch from Blue Ridge Parkway recounted
the events of June 21st and identified J.L. as the person who fired the
shots.  The trial continues this week.  The park will provide periodic
updates on developments.  [Jack Ramsden, Jason Houck, GRSM, 1/22]

98-790 - Cape Hatteras NS (NC) - Conviction for Assault with Vehicle

On the evening of July 18, 1998, rangers, sheriff's deputies and highway
patrol troopers received several reports of a possible drunk driver operating
an ATV on the ocean beach and on Highway 12 near Avon.  The driver, F.B.,
34, of Rodanthe, attempted to elude officers by driving the ATV
without headlights onto the beach near the Rodanthe fishing pier.  Two park
visitors sustained serious injuries when F.B. struck them with the ATV as
they were walking on the beach.  F.B. was arrested by rangers the
following day and later indicted by a grand jury.  The FBI headed the joint
investigation.  F.B. was subsequently found guilty of assault resulting in
serious injury (18 USC 113(a)(6)) and operating under the influence of
alcohol (36 CFR 4.23(a)(1)).  On January 11th, a federal district judge
sentenced F.B. to nine years in prison plus three years of supervised
probation.  [Paul Stevens, LES, Outer Banks Group, 1/22]

99-18 - Biscayne NP (FL) - Aircraft Crash, Search and Rescue

Late on January 6th, rangers responded to an area of the park where a Customs
aircraft had crashed while conducting a training mission.  Due to the rapid,
multi-agency response, the pilot was soon found clinging to a partially
inflated life raft.  He was hypothermic, suffering from near drowning (with
both water and fuel in his lungs), and had a head injury, a severely broken
ankle, and numerous cuts and bruises.  He was picked up by a park patrol
vessel with the assistance of a Coast Guard rescue swimmer.  The pilot was
hoisted from the patrol vessel while it was underway by a Coast Guard
helicopter and flown to a local trauma center.  He was in critical condition
for many days, but is expected to make a nearly full recovery after he
undergoes surgery for his injuries.  The aircraft was found in eight feet of
water and later removed from park waters. [Wayne Elliott, CR, BISC, 1/12]


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


No entries.


Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains training courses and workshops, and a second, which contains
meetings, conferences and events.  If you know of a conference, meeting,
workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and implications,
please send the information along.  

Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier.  Asterisks (*)
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously.  Brevity in entries is appreciated.

Dates:      Various (see below) 
Course:     Compass II
Locations:  February 1-5 - NCRO, Washington, DC
            February 8-12 - Hot Springs NP, AR
            February 22-26 - Petersburg NB, VA
            March 1-5 - Pecos NHP, NM
            March 8-12 - Atlanta, GA
            March 29 - April 2 - Indiana Dunes NL, IN
            April 12-16 - Cape Cod NS, MA
            April 19-23 - Biscayne NP, FL
Details:    Universal competencies training course.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Learning Place bulletin board; also, see announcements for
            individual course coordinators.
Phone/fax:  --- ; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Betty Browning, Albright TC

Dates:      February 9 - 11 
Course:     "To Film or To Scan: Preservation Options in a Digital World"
Location:   Boca Raton, FL
Details:    Basic training on how and when to manage projects to scan and/or
            microfilm files, photos and other documents.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Susan Wrynn, NEDCC
Phone/fax:  978-470-1010; 978-475-6021
Submitter:  Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO

Dates:      February 19 - 21 *
Course:     Medical Dive Operations
Location:   Fort Collins, CO
Details:    An in-depth study of preventive and on-site emergency care for
            injured divers.  Tuition is $285.
Closes:     When filled
Contact:    Dive Rescue International
Phone/fax:  800-248-3483; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Kinsey Shilling, CURE

Dates:      February 22 - 24 *
Course:     Ice Diving Operations
Location:   Fort Collins, CO
Details:    The training covers proper ice diving equipment, planning for
            safe ice diving, and hands-on diving under ice.  Tuition is $285.
Closes:     When filled
Contact:    Dive Rescue International
Phone/fax:  800-248-3483; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Kinsey Shilling, CURE

Dates:      February 26 - 28 *
Course:     Ice Rescue Trainer
Location:   Fort Collins, CO
Details:    Qualifies participants to instruct the ice rescue technician
            course.  Tuition is $285.
Closes:     When filled
Contact:    Dive Rescue International
Phone/fax:  800-248-3483; ---
E-mail:     ---
Submitter:  Kinsey Shilling, CURE

Dates:      March 1 - 5 *
Course:     Tactical Tracking Operations for Law Enforcement
Location:   Moab, UT
Details:    Tactical tracking employs aggressive tactics to minimize time and
            distance gaps between trackers and fugitives and accepts the
            likelihood of an armed fugitive.  This intensive 40-hour program
            covers visual acuity, tracking, lost spoor procedures, team
            tracking, follow-up and immediate action drills and more. 
            Instruction is by the Tactical Tracking Operations School, Inc. 
            Field equipment and attire are required.  Tuition is $300.
Closes:     February 12th
Contact:    Karyl Yeston
Phone/fax:  435-259-8161 x 229; 435-259-7354
E-mail:     Karyl Yeston at NP-ARCH
Submitter:  Jim Webster, ARCH

Dates:      March 2 - 5 
Course:     Basic Peer Support Training (902)
Location:   Nashville, TN, or Jacksonville, FL (to be determined)
Details:    Basic training in providing peer support to help fellow employees
            deal with "normal reactions to abnormal events."  Participants
            are being sought from SER, NCR, NER and lower MWR.
Closes:     January 28th
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax:  Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail:     Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 2 - 3 *
Course:     "Valley of the Shadow: New Scholarship on the Civil War and
            Public Electronic Access to Civil War Sites and Documents"
Location:   Charlottesville, VA
Details:    This training seminar/workshop will review the current state of
            Civil War scholarship and techniques of research with nationally-
            known Civil War scholars.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Marie Tyler-McGraw
Phone/fax:  202-343-5380; 202-343-1244
E-mail:     marie_tyler
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, STMA

Dates:      March 2 - 4 
Course:     Advanced Critical Incident Stress Management Workshop
Location:   Nashville, TN
Details:    One day will focus on participant debriefing, facilitated by a
            mental health professional; two days will be spent establishing a
            mentor program with the basic peer support class.
Closes:     January 28th
Contact:    Regional employee development officer, or Learning Place bulletin 
            board, for applications; Pat Buccello for details on course.
Phone/fax:  Buccello: 435-772-0180; ---
E-mail:     Pat Buccello at NP-DEN1
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 3 - May 4 
Course:     Criminal Investigator Training (CITP-915)
Location:   FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details:    In-depth training in investigative skills.
Closes:     January 27th
Contact:    Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 9 - 10 *
Course:     6c Training for Supervisors of Law Enforcement Officers and
            Firefighters, Personnel Specialists, Law Enforcement Officers and
Location:   Washington, DC
Details:    In-depth review of 6c retirement coverage.  This is NOT a pre-
            retirement training course.
Closes:     February 12th
Contact:    Keith Whisenant
Phone/fax:  202-269-7065; 409-839-2599
E-mail:     Keith Whisenant at NP-NCRO-FIN
Submitter:  Marilee Pospahala

Dates:      March 11 - 12 *
Course:     6c Training for Supervisors of Law Enforcement Officers and
            Firefighters, Personnel Specialists, Law Enforcement Officers and
Location:   Boston NHP, Charlestown, MA
Details:    In-depth review of 6c retirement coverage.  This is NOT a pre-
            retirement training course.
Closes:     February 22nd
Contact:    George Brown or John Lynch
Phone/fax:  Lynch: 617-223-5070, Brown: 617-223-5116; ---
E-mail:     George Brown at NP-NARO, John Lynch at NP-NARO
Submitter:  Marilee Pospahala

Dates:      March 11 - 13 
Course:     Legal Problems of Museum Administration
Location:   Seattle, WA
Details:    Course on staying current on copyright, tax and intellectual
            property issues.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    American Association of Museums
Phone/fax:  202-289-9114; ---
E-mail:, or
Submitter:  Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO

Dates:      March 15 - 19 
Course:     Law Enforcement Refresher
Location:   Valley Forge NHP, Valley Forge, PA
Details:    The park is seeking participants from throughout the area.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Ed Clark, VAFO, prior to February 1st
Phone/fax:  610-783-1068; ---
E-mail:     Edward Clark at NP-VAFO
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      March 17 - 19 *
Course:     The Roofing Conference and Exposition for Historic Buildings
Location:   Doubletree Hotel, Philadelphia, PA
Details:    Conference and trade exposition to provide information on recent
            and traditional practices and technology for rehabilitating roofs
            on historic buildings.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Deborah Maylie, Technical Preservation Services, WASO
Phone/fax:  202-343-6008; 202-343-3803
E-mail:     Deborah Maylie at NP-WASO-HPS
Submitter:  Kathleen Catalano Milley

Dates:      March 22 - April 2 
Course:     Advanced Resource Protection Skills (Special Operations)
Location:   FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details:    The course will cover anti-poaching operations, ARPA and
            paleontological theft investigations, and related subjects.
Closes:     January 29th
Contact:    Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 22 - 26 
Course:     Archeological Resources Protection Training (XP-ARPTP-905)
Location:   Reno, NV
Details:    ARPA investigation training.
Closes:     February 12th
Contact:    Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 22 - 26 
Course:     Law Enforcement for Managers (LEM-901)
Location:   FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details:    Training in LE for upper management.
Closes:     February 12th
Contact:    Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      March 28 - April 2 
Course:     Managerial Grid: Phase I and Instructor Preparation
Location:   Colorado Springs, CO
Details:    Phase I is a prerequisite for attending the IP sessions. 
            Sponsored by ANPR.  Cost: $750, which includes a one-year
            membership in ANPR; $600 for current members.  Send applications
            (purchase order, SF-181, personal check or money order, etc.) to
            ANPR, c/o Bill Wade, 5625 N. Wilmot Road, Tucson, AZ.
Closes:     February 19th
Contact:    Bill Wade
Phone/fax:  520-615-9417; 520-615-9474
E-mail:     Bill Wade at NP--MAR or
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      March 29 - April 4th
Course:     Defensive Tactics Instructor Training (XP-DTITP-901)
Location:   Cleveland, OH
Details:    Advanced defensive tactics training.
Closes:     February 18th
Contact:    Park or regional training officers.
Phone/fax:  912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter:  Wiley Golden, FLETC

Dates:      April 5 - 9 
Course:     Protecting Cultural Resources in Flood Zones 
Location:   Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details:    The course will focus on strategies necessary to protect cultural
            resources from flooding and water damage.
Closes:     Nominations due to EDOs by February 1st.
Contact:    Bruce Noble, Harpers Ferry NHP
Phone/fax:  304-535-6158; 304-535-6244
E-mail:     Bruce Noble at NP--NCR
Submitter:  Joyce Howe, Mather Training Center

Dates:      April 19 - 23 
Course:     Servicewide Basic Technical Rescue Training
Location:   Island in the Sky District, Canyonlands NP, Moab, UT
Details:    Designed for personnel who routinely evacuate injured or stranded
            persons from heights and difficult terrain.  The course will
            provide participants with the skills to perform difficult
            technical rescues.  Students must bring technical equipment and
            be in good physical condition.  No tuition.  Includes optional
            technical climbing training session on April 18th in the Moab
Closes:     February 15th
Contact:    Ken Phillips, GRCA
Phone/fax:  520-638-7792; 520-638-7838
E-mail:     Ken Phillips at NP-GRCA
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      May 3 - 7 
Course:     GPRA 202: Strengthen and Preserve Natural and Cultural Resources
            and Enhance Recreational Opportunities Managed by Partners
Location:   Capital Training Center, Main Interior, Washington, DC
Details:    Training and workshop for park managers, GPRA coordinators and
            park partners on NPS strategic plan goal category III.
Closes:     February 1st
Contact:    See Learning Place bulletin board
Phone/fax:  435-259-1173; ---
E-mail:     Cindy Nielsen at NP--NAR
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      May 10 - 14 *
Course:     Interagency River Managers Workshop
Location:   BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ
Details:    Agenda topics will be organized in three tracks - river
            protection, river use and river characteristics.  Agenda items
            may be submitted to the organizers.  The workshop will include
            plenary sessions, concurrent discussion groups, and field trips.
Closes:     ---
Contact:    Linda Jalbert or Liz Close
Phone/fax:  --- ; ---
E-mail:     Linda Jalbert at NP-GRCA; Liz Close via lclose/
Submitter:  Same

Dates:      May 11 - 14 
Course:     GPRA 303: Administrative Support for GPRA
Location:   Capital Training Center, Main Interior, Washington, DC
Details:    Training for budget and finance employees on PMDS for entering
            performance information and the relationship with PMIS, OFS and
            the AFS crosswalk system.
Closes:     February 8th
Contact:    See Learning Place bulletin board
Phone/fax:  435-259-1173; ---
E-mail:     Cindy Nielsen at NP--NAR
Submitter:  Same

                                *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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