Subject: NPS Morning Report - 3/1/99
Date: Mon, 1 Mar 1999 08:21:10 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, March 1, 1999
99-57 - Yosemite NP (CA) - Follow-up: Search in Progress
The search for C.S., 42, her daughter, J.S., 15, and family friend
S.P., 16, who have now been missing for almost two weeks, is
currently focusing on locations outside the park. A thorough search of the
Route 120 corridor and other primary search areas concluded on Friday
following ten days of effort. Eleven teams with 115 searchers and three
helicopters were deployed, but no signs of the three women were found. The
search operation was accordingly terminated. C.S.'s wallet was found
in Modesto last week, so the FBI's efforts are now concentrated in that area.
Media attention remains very high; there were over two dozen satellite
transmission trucks in and around the park last week. The S.s are a
wealthy California family and have offered a $250,000 reward for any tips or
information. C.S. was driving a rented 1999 red Pontiac Grand Prix,
California license. She is 5'3" and weighs about 170 pounds; the
girls are about the same height, but weigh between 115 and 130 pounds. The
FBI contact number is 1-800-435-7883. [Scott Gediman, PIO, YOSE, 2/26; The
Fresno Bee, 2/28]
99-58 - Pictured Rocks NL (MI) - Snowmobiling Fatality
M.H., 29, of Detroit, Michigan, died on February 21st from numerous
injuries received in a snowmobiling accident near Grand Sable Lake. M.H.
failed to negotiate a curve on a designated snowmobile trail and hit a
guardrail. His helmet was shattered by the impact with the wooden railing.
Ranger Neil Korsmo, who responded along with a township ambulance, provided
primary patient care. M.H. had suffered significant head trauma and was
found to be in full arrest. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital,
where doctors determined that he had multiple skull fractures, a fractured
neck and a double pneumothorax. Speed and alcohol were contributing factors.
This is the 15th snowmobiling fatality to occur on the Upper Peninsula this
winter. [Larry Hach, CR, PIRO, 2/26]
No entries.
No entries.
Fire Medical Exams - The Federal Fire and Aviation Leadership Council,
composed of representatives from the five federal wildland fire management
agencies, is in the process of establishing common wildland fire medical
standards with the assistance of DOI, OPM and the Public Health Service. The
core task group is comprised of the same people who developed the law
enforcement medical standards for the NPS. An initial draft of the new
standards has been completed, but much work needs to be done regarding
implementation procedures. The final standards and processes will probably
not be completed by summer, so parks should continue to follow existing
procedures, utilizing the approved SF-78 identified in both the 1990 issuance
of NPS-18 and the new RM-18 to be issued shortly. Do NOT use the new law
enforcement standards or process for wildland fire management medical
examinations. For further information, contact your regional fire management
officer or Paul Broyles, national fire operations program leader in Boise.
No entries.
No entries.
Two calendars alternate in the Morning Report on Mondays - this one, which
contains meetings, seminars, conferences and events, and a second, which
contains workshops and training courses. If you know of a conference,
meeting, workshop or training session with Servicewide interest and
implications, please send the information along.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks indicate
new entries; brackets at end of entry indicate source of information.
Brevity is appreciated.
Dates: March 7 - 11
Conference: National Conference on Cultural Property Protection
Location: Los Angles, CA
Details: The conference will include sessions on construction and
security, defining threats, fire protection, alarms, guard
forces/services, etc. The registration fee $425 and opens in
Closes: ---
Contact: Smithsonian Institution
Phone/fax: 202-633-9446; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Hollis G. Provins, INDE
Dates: March 19 - 21 *
Conference: First Annual Meeting, Southeast Regional African American
Preservation Alliance
Location: Sixteenth Street Baptist Church, Birmingham, AL
Details: The Alliance, formed in 1995, encourages the preservation of
African American history, sites and culture and assists in
forming local and statewide preservation organizations.
Representatives from African American preservation organizations
are invited to attend.
Closes: March 12th
Contact: Sierra Neal, National Trust
Phone/fax: 843-722-8552; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Michael Allen, SER
Dates: March 21 - 24
Conference: Thirteenth National Town Meeting on Main Street
Location: San Diego, CA
Details: Sponsored by the National Trust for Historic Preservation's Main
Street Center. Nearly 100 educational and field sessions led by
local community development specialists. The Main Street
approach to economic development and historic preservation has
been adopted by 1400 agencies across the country and is being
used by federal agencies to rethink under-utilized historic
Closes: ---
Contact: Main Street Center
Phone/fax: 202-588-6219; ---
E-mail: http://www.mainst.org/
Submitter: Brooks Prueher, NTHP
Dates: March 22 - 26
Conference: On the Frontiers of Conservation: Discovery, Reappraisal &
Location: Great Smokies Holiday Inn SunSpree Resort, Asheville, NC
Details: George Wright Society interdisciplinary conference on research
and resource management in parks and other protected areas.
Closes: Early registration discounts to February 21st.
Contact: Dave Harmon, George Wright Society
Phone/fax: 1-906-487-9722; 1-906-487-9405
E-mail: gws@mail.portup.com; http://www.portup.com/~gws/gws99.html
Submitter: Dave Harmon, GWS
Dates: April 6 - 8
Conference: Joint Conference for Interpreters and Natural and Cultural
Resource Managers
Location: Sheraton Hotel, Saratoga Springs, NY
Details: The objective of the conference is to develop an approach to both
interpreting and preserving resources. Hotel reservations (1-
518-584-4000) must be made by March 5th.
Closes: March 5th
Contact: DeNise Cooke (DEWA), Phyllis Ellin (PSO), Larry Gall (BSO), Judy
Hellmich (LOWE), David Orr (VAFO), Janet Wise (SARA)
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: All available via cc:Mail at respective parks/offices.
Submitter: DeNise Cooke, DEWA
Dates: April 6 - 8
Conference: "Toward a Sustainable Environment - Learning from Our Successes,"
1999 DOI Conference on the Environment
Location: Adams Mark Hotel, Denver, CO
Details: Sessions will focus on working toward a sustainable environment
and learning from our successes in cleaning up contaminated
sites, preventing pollution, and working with NEPA, CERCLA and
the natural resource damage and assessment and restoration
program. Registration fee of $180 prior to March 15th; $225
thereafter. Hotel reservations (1-800-444-2326) must be made by
March 12th.
Closes: ---
Contact: Fred Sturniolo, NPS representative, or the conference web site,
Phone/fax: 202-565-1528; ---
E-mail: Fred Sturniolo at NP-WASO-FMD
Submitter: Maureen Foster, WASO
Dates: April 25 - 29
Conference: "Reinventing the Museum: Relevance and Renewal," Annual Meeting,
American Association of Museums
Location: Cleveland, OH
Details: See the web site at www.aam-us.org
Closes: ---
Contact: American Association of Museums
Phone/fax: 202-289-9114; 202-289-6578
E-mail: seminars@aam-us.org
Submitter: Diane Vogt O'Connor, CSD/WASO
Dates: July 3 *
Event: Reunion
Location: Craters of the Moon NM, ID
Details: A reunion of all past employees is being planned as part of the
park's 75th anniversary celebration. Please advise the park if
you know the location of any past CRMO employee.
Closes: ---
Contact: Lorie Rummele or Judy Pedersen
Phone/fax: 208-527-3257; ---
E-mail: Administration at NP-CRMO
Submitter: Lorie Rummele
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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