Subject: NPS Morning Report - Monday, June 14, 1999
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 05:57:42 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Monday, June 14, 1999
99-259 - Yosemite NP (CA) - Attempted Homicide
Visitor C.R., 34, of Santa Monica, stabbed her male companion in the
back while he slept in their cabin at Housekeeping Camp during the early
morning hours of June 4th. C.R. and her companion were on vacation with
family members at the time. She waited until he fell asleep, then went to
her relatives' nearby cabin and asked for a large knife. They asked C.R.
why she wanted the knife; she said she was going to kill her companion.
Although the relatives did not take the threat seriously, they would not give
her the knife. C.R. then went back to her cabin, got a kitchen knife with a
five-inch blade, went into the bedroom, moved the blankets from his back, and
stabbed him. C.R. left the knife in place, ran out of the cabin, and asked
a man who was on his way to the restroom to help her because she had just
killed someone. He accompanied C.R. to a nearby pay phone, where she called
911 and told the park dispatcher that she had just killed her friend. C.R.
remained on the telephone until the first ranger arrived on scene and took
her into custody. The victim was transported to the clinic, then taken to
the park helibase and flown to the hospital in Modesto. The stab wound
luckily missed his spine by about an inch, and he was released from hospital
the next day. C.R. remains in custody pending a detention hearing and is
charged with 18 USC 1113, attempt to commit murder. The U.S. attorney
intends to seek a grand jury indictment. [Scott Hinson, CI, YOSE, 6/10]
99-260 - Yosemite NP (CA) - Rescue
Park dispatch received a report of possible overdue climbers in need of a
rescue at 7 a.m. on June 3rd. L.A. and J.D. were attempting
the Regular Route on the Northwest Face of Half Dome when they were caught in
a winter storm, causing them to be one day overdue. The reporting party said
that the two men had no sleeping bags, had never climbed a big wall, and had
never climbed with each other before. While the park receives reports of
overdue climbers every day, this one was of special concern due to the
current weather conditions, their lack of experience and their lack of
equipment. It appeared that L.A. and J.D. were near the top of the route
and unable to complete the climb due to the winter storm conditions. A size-
up team was unable to locate them from the ground due to low clouds in the
area. Helicopter 551 was ordered for an air search of the face. The
climbers were located one pitch from the top; both were signaling for a
rescue. A technical team, headed by ranger Keith Lober, was flown to the top
of Half Dome as soon as visibility permitted. Rescuer Jeff Follett was
lowered to the climbers, who were literally frozen to the wall. Both were
suffering from hypothermia and mild frost nip to their hands and feet. Once
they were freed from the wall, they were able to ascend the ropes to the top
of Half Dome with the assistance of the technical team. Due to the lack of
visibility, the climbers had to hike down to the shoulder of Half Dome, where
they were evacuated by helicopter to the Valley floor. They were both
treated and released by on-scene physician Dr. Desmond Kidd. [Mary Hinson,
IC, 6/11]
99-261 - Yosemite NP (CA) - Rescue
On the morning of June 4th, dispatch received a report of a climber who had
taken a fall on El Capitan. The climber, R.S., was reported to be
in serious condition, with possible injuries to his head and spine. Rescuers
Werner and Merry Braun ascended 600 feet up fixed lines to Sickle ledge,
R.S. sitting. He had taken a 60-foot leader fall while attempting the
pitch above Sickle Ledge. R.S., who was wearing a helmet, fell upside
down, hitting his head as well as both sides of his body. He complained of
pain to his neck and shoulders. Rangers Mary Hinson and John Dill heli-
rapelled to Sickle Ledge and prepared R.S. for a short-haul evacuation.
R.S. was flown to El Capitan meadow, where he was met by an ambulance and
transported to the park clinic. He was treated for bi-lateral anterior
dislocated shoulders and released. [Grady Bryant, IC, 6/11]
99-262 - Pictured Rocks NL (MI) - Drowning
The park received a report of a possible drowning at Little Beaver Lake on
June 6th. Investigating rangers found that D.G., 48, of Monroe,
Michigan, had last been seen late that morning fishing from a small johnboat
on the lake. The boat was found in the reeds along the shoreline. D.G.'s
companions searched the water but found no sign of him. A search of the
lake's shore line proved fruitless, so the county's dive rescue team was
contacted. Seven members of the team searched the lake the following morning
while park staff searched the shoreline and nearby trails. D.G.'s body was
found in about eight feet of water late on the morning of June 8th. [Larry
Hach, CR, PIRO, 6/9]
99-263 - Grand Canyon NP (AZ) - Structural Fire
On the afternoon of June 4th, park and concession firefighters responded to a
fire in a residential mobile home on the South Rim. The interior of the
mobile home was fully engulfed in flames when crews arrived, and was
destroyed by the fire. Firefighters were able to prevent the blaze from
spreading to other nearby structures and propane tanks in the densely
populated housing area. The residents were not home at the time, but their
pet cat died in the fire. The cause of the fire, which began in the kitchen,
has not yet been determined. [David Brennan, DR, South Rim, GRCA, 6/10]
99-264 - Grand Canyon NP (AZ) - Assist; EMS Response
On June 8th, an intoxicated 25-year-old male fell 20 feet from a second floor
window of a building in Tusayan and landed on concrete. The park received a
request for medical assistance from the county. NPS paramedic/RN Nancy
Mecham, park medics Brian Lakes and Marty Johnson, and EMT Kent Delbon
provided initial treatment. The man had suffered severe head and chest
injuries, including a tension pneumothorax that was relieved by a needle
thoracostomy. He was also intubated and IV's were established. A medevac
helicopter flew him to Flagstaff Medical Center, where he was last reported
in critical condition in the intensive care unit. [David Brennan, DR, South
Rim, GRCA, 6/10]
9-265 - Yosemite NP (CA) - Sex Offender Arrested
Criminal investigators learned in early June that P.H., 50, a newly
hired concession employee, was a convicted sex offender who is required by
California law to register with authorities wherever he resides. When he
moved into the park, he failed to register with the county sheriff. P.H.
was arrested and charged with failure to register. The case has been
referred to the county district attorney; if that office prosecutes, the
federal charges will be dismissed. [Scott Hinson, CI, YOSE, 6/10]
The weekend fire reports are not yet available.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
No entries.
Due to the dearth of entries for the meetings/conferences/events calendar, it
has been merged with the training and workshop calendar. The calendar will
still appear every other Monday.
Entries are listed no earlier than FOUR months before the event, EXCEPT in
instances in which registration dates close much earlier. Asterisks ( )
indicate new entries; pound signs (#) indicate revisions to entries that have
appeared previously. Brevity in entries is appreciated.
Dates: June 21 - 24
Conference: Fire and Grit: Working for Nature in Community
Location: Shepherdstown, WV
Details: Conference sponsored by The Orion Society. Focus on the
environmental movement, on its effectiveness at the community
level, and on mapping a comprehensive vision for conservation in
the 21st century. Speakers include Bruce Babbitt, Barry Lopez,
Wendell Berry, Terry Tempest Williams and Peter Matthiessen.
There will be plenary talks, facilitated collegiums, dialogues
and special events.
Closes: ---
Contact: The Orion Society
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: orion@orionsociety.org, or www.orionsociety.org
Submitter: Kathy Jope, PNRO
Dates: July 20 - 22
Conference: Property Management Conference
Location: Reno, NV
Details: Designed to provide an update on the NPS personal property
management program and the fixed assets subsystem. Sponsored by
WASO Property Management Office.
Closes: On-site registration
Contact: Ernestine Armstrong, WASO Property Office
Phone/fax: 202-565-1162; ---
E-mail: Ernestine Armstrong at NP-WASO-ITC-MIB
Submitter: Same
Dates: July 26 - 30 *
Course: Fundamental Principles of Administration
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: The course provides GS-5/GS-7 administrative clerk/technicians
with developmental and full performance level competencies in
administrative functions.
Closes: June 28th
Contact: Peggy Woodward
Phone/fax: 304-535-6403; 304-535-6408
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: August 2 - 6
Course: Protecting Cultural Resources in Flood Zones
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: The course will focus on strategies necessary to address the
impacts of flooding and water damage on cultural resources.
Closes: June 16th
Contact: Bruce Noble
Phone/fax: 304-535-6158; 304-535-6244
E-mail: Bruce Noble at NP--NCR
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: August 2 - 13 *
Course: Defensive Tactics Instructor Training (DTITP-904)
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Methods and techniques for both defensive tactics instruction and
practical application in the field.
Closes: June 30th
Contact: Regional employee development officers; FLETC for further info.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: August 8 - 12 *
Conference: APCO International Conference and Exposition
Location: Minneapolis, MN
Details: International conference and exposition for the public safety
communications community. Designed to showcase public safety
communications equipment and supporting technologies and provide
a forum for presentations on public safety topics. Special
events are scheduled. Registration is available on line at email
Closes: ---
Contact: APCO International
Phone/fax: --- ; ---
E-mail: http://www.apcointl.org
Submitter: Frank P. Weed, WASO
Dates: August 9 - 12 *
Course: OSHA 600 - NPS Occupational Safety and Health for Supervisors
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: Designed to train supervisors how to recognize hazardous
conditions and unsafe behaviors in the workplace.
Closes: July 2nd
Contact: Shirley Rowley
Phone/fax: 303-969-2197; ---
E-mail: Shirley Rowley at NP-DENVER
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: August 9 - 20 *
Course: Small Craft Enforcement Training
Location: FLETC, Glynco, GA
Details: Designed for those involved in enforcement on inland waterways.
Instruction on the operation and navigation of highly-specialized
watercraft is provided.
Closes: June 30th
Contact: Regional employee development officers; FLETC for further info.
Phone/fax: 912-267-2245; 912-267-3188
Submitter: Wiley Golden, FLETC
Dates: August 18 - 19
Course: Critical Issues in History Education
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: Seminar focusing on a variety of contexts, points of view and
sources for interpretation in the histories of Native American
groups, east and west.
Closes: June 30th
Contact: Laura Feller
Phone/fax: 202-343-9528; 202-343-1244
E-mail: Laura Feller at NP-WASO-NRHE
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: August 22 - 27
Course: Regional Wilderness Stewardship training
Location: Red Lodge, MT
Details: The course is designed to strengthen understanding of wilderness
values and concepts.
Closes: June 18th
Contact: Greg Kroll
Phone/fax: 406-243-4612; ---
E-mail: Greg Kroll at NP-YELL
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: September 8 - 16 *
Course: Interpretive Curriculum Coordinator/Certifier Workshop
Location: Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV
Details: Workshop to train field interpreters for the dual role of
coordinator/certifier in support of the interpretive development
Closes: July 15th
Contact: Dave Dahlen
Phone/fax: 304-535-6215; 304-535-6408
E-mail: Dave Dahlen at NP-HFC1
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: September 9 - 11 *
Conference: "Preservation, Conservation and Creation: Parkways, Greenways,
and Land Conservation for the Next Generation," Eighth Biennial
Linear Parks Conference
Location: Roanoke, VA
Details: A call has been extended for individual papers, multi-paper
sessions, roundtable or group discussions that explore some
aspect of the conference theme.
Closes: Papers are due by July 2nd
Contact: Appalachian Consortium, or Ina Parr at BLRI
Phone/fax: Consortium: 828-262-2064, Parr: 828-271-4779 x 203; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Ina Parr, BLRI
Dates: September 13 - 16
Course: Retrofitting for Accessibility
Location: Gatlinburg, TN
Details: Designed to educate maintenance professionals, facility managers,
site access coordinators and planners on the barriers that can be
eliminated to promote full access to recreation facilities for
people with disabilities.
Closes: July 12th
Contact: Jodie LaRocque, National Center on Accessibility
Phone/fax: 765-349-9240; 765-342-6658
E-mail: www.indiana.edu/~nca
Submitter: Joyce Howe, STMA
Dates: September 15 - 17 *
Conference: "Rethinking Cultural Publications: Digital, Multimedia, and Other
21st Century Strategies"
Location: National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, DC
Details: Ways in which institutions can share America's cultural heritage
with diverse communities. Designed to give participants the
tools to develop all kinds of electronic and paper publications.
$240 prior to August 4th; $135 for a limited number of NPS and
Smithsonian registrants.
Closes: ---
Contact: Gay Tracy
Phone/fax: 978-470-1010; 978-475-6021
E-mail: tracy@nedcc.org, or www.nedcc.org
Submitter: Joan Bacharach, CSD/WASO
Dates: October, 1999, through June, 2000
Course: Maintenance Skills (Carpentry, Electrical, Masonry, Plumbing,
Trails and Landscape)
Location: California Department of Parks and Recreation, Mott Training
Center, Asilomar, CA
Details: The notice is being run at this time because of the early
application deadline. Send the training nomination form and
course questionnaire to your regional employee development
office. See the Learning Place and Maintenance BBs for further
Closes: June 30th
Contact: Steve Hastings, HOAL
Phone/fax: 520-638-7986; ---
E-mail: ---
Submitter: Same
Dates: October 25 - 28 *
Meeting: "Crossing Divides," Annual Meeting and Exposition, Geological
Society of America
Location: Denver, CO
Details: Focus on the cross-disciplinary nature of the geosciences,
encouraging a scientific program that crosses divides among the
various disciplines of science, education and society. $255 for
non-members, $210 for members - but NPS interpreters can register
at the K-12 professional rate of $25.
Closes: Abstracts: July 12th; pre-registration: September 17th
Contact: Bruce Heise or Jim Wood
Phone/fax: Heise: 303-969-2017, Wood: 303-969-2149; ---
E-mail: http://www.geosociety.org/meetings/99/index.htm
Submitter: Jim Wood, GRD
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed by park,
office and/or field area cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please address requests
pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your servicing hub
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and
support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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