Subject: NPS Morning Report - Wednesday, November 24, 1999
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 08:07:58 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Wednesday, November 24, 1999
99-690 - St. Croix NSR (WI) - HazMilk Spill
The driver of a tanker truck containing 5,500 gallons of milk lost
control of his rig just after crossing a bridge over the St. Croix
River around dawn on November 16th and struck a wall. About 4,000
gallons spilled from the tank, creating a four-inch-high wall of milk
that flowed into a parking lot, down a tour boat boarding ramp, and
into the river. Investigations to determine if any aquatic resources
were damaged are underway. The spill will be used as a model to plan
responses to other possible future hazmat spills. [Bob Whaley, DR,
River District, SACN, 11/17]
99-691 - Cape Hatteras NS (NC) - Special Event
Cape Hatteras lighthouse was relit late on the afternoon of Saturday,
November 13th, during a ceremony in Buxton. Earlier in the afternoon,
public information officer Bob Woody conducted a press conference and
tour for members of the local and national media who would be covering
the event live later that day. The ceremony began at 4:00 p.m.
Speakers and local dignitaries assembled at the old lighthouse site,
which is now marked by a ring of large granite plinth blocks that
remain from the lighthouse foundation. The ceremony included songs by
local songwriters and a flyover by Coast Guard aircraft. The ceremony
included a recounting of the history of the lighthouse,
acknowledgement of the contributions of International Chimney
Corporation and Expert House Movers (the primary contractors on the
move project), and recognition of the park volunteers who contributed
over 4,000 hours to the move project. At 5:15 p.m., ranger and master
of ceremonies John Gillikin fired a white phosphorus flare to signal
the relighting of the light. Park historian Rob Bolling then threw the
switch to the cheers of the 2,500 to 5,000 visitors who had assembled
for the event. The light was turned off on March 1st of this year in
preparation for relocation of the lighthouse. There were no unplanned
incidents during the ceremony. [Jeff Cobb, IC, CAHA, 11/19]
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No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
No submissions.
* * * * *
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address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your
servicing hub coordinator. The Morning Report is also available on
the web at http://www.nps.gov/morningreport
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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