Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, May 2, 2000
Date: Tue, 2 May 2000 07:34:54 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Tuesday, May 2, 2000
On this date in 1932, President Herbert Hoover approved an act of
Congress authorizing acceptance of a Potomac River island in
Washington, D.C., as a memorial to Theodore Roosevelt. Theodore
Roosevelt Island contains a statue of the president amid natural
00-177 - Great Smoky Mountains NP (NC/TN) - Rescue
Park dispatch received a cell phone call from hiker J.G. just
before 7 p.m. on April 26th. J.G., who was at the Derrick Knob
shelter on the Appalachian Trail, reported that he was an
insulin-dependent diabetic and that he was suffering from high blood
sugar and flu-like symptoms, both of which prevented him from
continuing his trip. Chuck Hester, a resources management employee,
was working in the area; he contacted J.G. and confirmed the report,
then stayed with him until ranger-medics and carry-out team arrived
just after midnight. They decided to wait until morning to bring the
patient out after consulting with medical control. J.G. was admitted
to the University of Tennessee Hospital intensive care unit just after
noon on the 27th. His blood sugar was recorded at 580, which is
dangerously low. Helen McNutt was the IC. [Jason Houck, CR, GRSM,
No submissions.
Monument Vandalism - Over the past two years, a number of incidents of
vandalism have occurred at Civil War and other sites in which
monuments have been "anointed" with oil. When an oily substance is
discovered on stone, it's important that cultural resource management
experts be consulted before beginning any efforts to remove the
substance. It's acceptable to use absorbent materials that might be on
hand, such as paper towels, but some cleaning materials that seem
appropriate can be very harmful. Parks must not, for example, apply
any form of heat, such as steam cleaners, or employ any unapproved
petroleum distillate solvents. These applications can drive the oil
further into the pores of the stone, making the stain virtually
permanent and causing other negative effects. [Jerry Rogers, IMRO]
Draft DO-70/RM-70 Released - The drafts of Director's Order 70 and
Reference Manual 70, which define responsibilities and establish
standards for electronic information published by the NPS, are now out
for 60 day review. Both documents can be found at
www.nps.gov/helpdesk/DO70-4-2000.htm. The comment period ends on June
5th. Input from the field is being actively solicited. [Steve
Pittleman, ITC/WASO]
No submissions.
Wilson's Creek NB (MO) - The park is interested in filling a vacant
GS-025-9 law enforcement ranger position with a lateral transfer. The
position is covered under enhanced retirement (6c). This is the only
full-time law enforcement position at the battlefield; duties are
accordingly varied, but include patrol, cooperation with local
agencies, emergency services management, case investigation, special
events and urban recreational use management. Firefighting, EMT,
computer (CIRS) and ARPA skills are important. The battlefield
consists of 1,750 acres and receives over 175,000 visitors annually.
No government housing is available, but a variety of housing can be
found in the surrounding area for rent or purchase. If you're
interested in being considered, please send a current SF-171 to
Wilson's Creek National Battlefield, 6424 West Farm Road 182,
Republic, MO, 65738 by May 20, 2000. Questions can be directed to
chief ranger John Sutton at 417-732-2662.
The following activities will be taking place in Congress during
coming weeks on matters pertaining to the National Park Service or
kindred agencies. For inquiries regarding legislation pertaining to
the NPS, please contact the main office at 202-208-5883/5656 and ask
to be forwarded to the appropriate legislative specialist.
Tuesday, May 9th
House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands
(Hansen): Hearing on:
o H.R. 2267 (McInnis, CO), a bill to amend the National Trails
System Act to clarify Federal authority relating to land
acquisition from willing sellers for the majority of the
trails, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 4086 (Ryun, KS), a bill to amend the National Trails
System Act to require that property owners be compensated when
certain railbanked trails are developed for purposes of public
use, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2409, a bill to designate El Camino Real de los Tejas as
a National Historic Trail.
The hearing will be at 10 a.m. in 1334 Longworth.
Tuesday, May 16th
House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands
(Hansen): Hearing on:
o H.R. 3632 (Lantos, CA), a bill to revise the boundaries of
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 4063 (Miller, CA), a bill to establish the Rosie the
Riveter-World War II Home Front National Historical Park in
the State of California, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 4125, a bill to provide a grant to Millennium Cultural
Cooperative Park in Ohio.
The hearing will be at 10 a.m. in 1334 Longworth.
The following bills either directly or indirectly pertaining to the
NPS have been introduced since the last Morning Report listing of new
legislation (April 27th):
o S.2478 (Akaka, HI), a bill to require the Secretary of the
Interior to conduct a theme study on the peopling of America,
and for other purposes.
o S.2485 (Collins, ME), a bill to direct the Secretary of
Interior to provide assistance in planning and constructing a
regional heritage center in Calais, Maine.
The following bills have passed Congress and been signed into law: No
new laws.
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your
servicing hub coordinator. The Morning Report is also available on
the web at http://www.nps.gov/morningreport
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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