Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, June 9, 2000
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 05:22:23 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, June 9, 2000
On this date in 1893, excavations in the basement of the former Ford's
Theatre, which had been converted into a War Department office
building after President Abraham Lincoln's assassination there in
1865, caused the three floors above to collapse, killing 22 government
employees and injuring 68 others. The original theater interior was
reconstructed in 1968, and Ford's Theatre National Historic Site in
Washington, D.C., is again the scene of theatrical performances.
00-264 - Natchez Trace Parkway (MS/AL/TN) - ARPA Conviction
In January, rangers Ron Jackson and Curtis Oman received a report that
two people were digging at a location along the parkway. R.S.
of Flora, Mississippi, and an accomplice were found to be
excavating and removing objects from the site. R.S. pled guilty to
excavating archeological resources (16 USC 470ee) in April and has
since been sentenced to a year's probation, banned from all NPS areas
for a year, and ordered to pay $500 in restitution to the park. The
other suspect will appear in court in July. R.S. has also been
contacted at Vicksburg NMP for similar offenses. [Tim Francis, DCR,
NATR, 6/6]
00-265 - Cape Cod NS (MA) - Resource Violation
Rangers and resource managers are investigating the intentional
destruction of a piping plover nest last week in the oversand vehicle
corridor near Race Point. The piping plover is a federally-listed
threatened species; protection of the nesting birds in areas used by
recreational vehicles has been a contentious issue at the park for
many years. The park has posted a $5,000 reward for information
leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the
crime. Media interest is high. [Kevin FitzGerald, CR, CACO, 6/6]
00-266 - Golden Gate NRA (CA) - Armed Robberies, Arrests
Over the past several months, there have been at least three armed
robberies of park visitors on Ocean Beach. In two of the three
robberies, some type of chemical agent was sprayed into the eyes of
the victims. The victims were able to provide descriptions of their
assailants and the weapon employed in the robberies. On May 19th, Park
Police officers began a plainclothes operation in the area. Two men
and a woman drove to the location in a Lincoln Towncar (later found to
have been stolen) just after midnight on May 21st. The two men got
out, walked onto the beach, approached one of the plainclothes
officers, then turned and began walking hastily away. The officers
identified themselves and the men fled. The woman in the Lincoln,
however, provided officers with information on where they lived.
Several items connected to one of the armed robberies were found in
the car. Surveillance was begun at one suspect's home and he
eventually showed up there in another stolen vehicle. He was joined by
two other men. USPP and city officers arrested all three. A gun was
recovered, and a can of mace was found in the main suspect's pocket.
The weapon and a hat he'd worn have been positively identified by the
victims in one of the robberies. San Francisco police are employing
the information obtained in this case in their investigation of
several robberies with similar MO's which occurred elsewhere in the
city this spring. [Raymond Rapp, USPP, 5/25]
00-267 - Lake Mead NRA (NV/AZ) - Suicide
A park visitor found the body of a 32-year-old man floating about two
miles offshore from South Swim Beach on the morning of June 5th. The
victim was identified as a person reported missing from the Boulder
Beach Campground on May 31st. The cause of death has been ruled as
suicide. This was the park's twelfth fatality this year. [Dispatch,
LAME, 6/5)
[Additional reports pending...]
Fire reporting will resume on Monday.
No submissions.
Misuse of NPS Arrowheads/Badges - Many people have provided RAD/WASO
with information from time to time about the sale of NPS arrowheads
and badges through Internet auction sites. As the Internet has grown
and the auction sites have increased, this work load has exceeded the
ability of RAD to deal with on a regular basis. Through the interest
and cooperation of the Midwest Regional Office, special agent Gary
Pace has agreed to lend his considerable skills to this effort and has
taken over the responsibility of investigating these illegal sales. By
designating a coordinator for these incidents, it will help to reduce
the confusion that may occur in dealing with the various Internet
auction sites and to the public. Any employee or other interested
party should contact Gary with any information concerning the Internet
sale of NPS protected items, including the NPS arrowhead, NPS badges
and shields, and any items of antiquity that may have originated from
NPS lands. Gary can be contacted via cc:Mail or by calling
440-546-5942. [Dennis Burnett, RAD/WASO]
No submissions.
No submissions.
Cuyahoga Valley NRA (OH) - The park has an announcement out for a
GS-9/11 full-time permanent botanist. The position is in the resource
management division; the incumbent works with a wildlife biologist, an
ecologist, a biologist, and a resource management specialist. The
closing date is June 23rd. Contact Garree Williamson at CUVA Resource
Management for further information.
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your
servicing hub coordinator. The Morning Report is also available on
the web at http://www.nps.gov/morningreport
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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