- Subject: Upcoming in Congress - Wednesday, June 14, 2000
- Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2000
The following activities will be taking place in Congress during coming weeks on matters
pertaining to the National Park Service or kindred agencies. For inquiries regarding legislation
pertaining to the NPS, please contact the main office at 202-208-5883/5656 and ask to be
forwarded to the appropriate legislative specialist.
Thursday, June 15th
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Historic Preservation,
and Recreation (Thomas): Oversight hearing on the General Accounting Office's March report
entitled "Need to Address Management Problems that Plague the Concessions Program." The
hearing will be at 2:30 p.m. in 366 Dirksen.
Tuesday, June 27th
House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (Hansen): Hearing on
H.R. 3190, a bill to establish the Oil Region National Heritage Area in Pennsylvania.
H.R. 4521 (Hill, MT), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to authorize and provide
funding for rehabilitation of the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park, to authorize
funds for maintenance of utilities related to the Park, and for other purposes.
The hearing will be held at 10 a.m. in 1324 Longworth.
The following bills either directly or indirectly pertaining to the NPS have been introduced since
the last Morning Report listing of new legislation (May 16th):
H.R. 4578 (Regula, OH), a bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and
related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4581 (Christensen, VI), a bill to authorize the Homeward Bound Foundation to establish
the Middle Passage National Monument.
H.R. 4583 (Hansen, UT), a bill to extend the authorization for the Air Force Memorial
Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs.
H.R. 4613 (Souder, IN), a bill to amend the National Historic Preservation Act for purposes of
establishing a national historic lighthouse preservation program.
S. 2707 (Crapo, ID), a bill to help ensure general aviation aircraft access to Federal land and
the airspace over that land.
The following bills have passed Congress and been signed into law: No new laws.
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (Murkowski):
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Forests and Public Lands (Craig):
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on National Parks, Historic Preservation,
and Recreation (Thomas):
Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies (Gorton):
House Resources Committee (Young):
House Resources Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands (Hansen):
House Commerce Subcommittee on Telecommunications, Trade and Consumer Protection:
House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior and Related Agencies (Regula):
BILLS - 106th, Second Session
House Bills, Numeric Order
o H.R. 20 (Gilman, NY), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct and
operate a visitor center for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River on land
owned by the State of New York.
o H.R. 54 (Gilman, NY), a bill to extend the authorization for the Upper Delaware Citizens
Advisory Council.
o H.R. 64 (Bereuter, NE), a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in
commemoration of the bicentennial of the Lewis & Clark Expedition, and for other
o H.R. 66 (Wilson, NM), a bill to preserve the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor
and to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance.
o H.R. 139 (Franks, NJ), a bill to provide for the extension of the New Jersey Coastal
Heritage Trail into the Township of Woodbridge, New Jersey.
o H.R. 149 (Hansen, UT), a bill to make technical corrections to the Omnibus Parks and
Public Lands Management Act of 1996.
o H.R. 150 (sponsor), a bill to amend the act popularly known as the Recreation and
Public Purposes Act to authorize disposal of certain public lands or national forest lands
to local education agencies for use for elementary and secondary schools, including
public charter schools.
o H.R. 154 (Hefley, CO), a bill to provide for the collection of fees for the making of motion
pictures, television productions, and sound tracks in National Park System and
National Wildlife Refuge System units, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 168 (Lantos, CA), a bill to revise the boundaries of the Golden Gate National
Recreation Area, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 171 (LoBiondo, NJ), a bill to authorize appropriations for the Coastal Heritage Trail
Route in New Jersey, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 193 (Meehan, MA), a bill to designate a portion of the Sudbury, Assabet, and
Concord Rivers as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
o H.R. 231 (Regula, OH), a bill to provide for the retention of the name of Mount McKinley.
o H.R. 236 (Rogan, CA), a bill to exempt prescribed burning on National Forest System
lands from regulation under the Clean Air Act.
o H.R. 393 (Miller, CA), a bill to amend the Uranium Mill Tailings Radiation Control Act of
1978 to provide for the remediation of the Atlas uranium milling site near Moab, Utah.
o H.R. 410 (Rahall, WV), a bill to modify the requirements applicable to locatable minerals
on public domain lands consistent with the principles of self-initiation of mining claims,
and for other purposes.
o H.R. 438 (Borski, PA), the Wireless Communications and Public Safety Act of 1999.
o H.R. 449, the Gateway Visitor Center Authorization Act of 1999.
o H.R. 482 (Mink, HI), a bill to provide for the regulation of airspace over National Park
System lands in the State of Hawaii by the FAA and the NPS, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 488 (Shays, CT), the Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act.
o H.R. 525 (Waxman, CA), a bill to provide for the defense of the environment, and for
other purposes.
o H.R. 581 (Cubin, WY), a bill to provide for the retention of the name of the geologic
formation known as "Devils Tower" at Devils Tower National Monument in the State of
o H.R. 592 (Fossella, NY), a bill to redesignate Great Kills Park in Gateway National
Recreation Area as "World War II Veterans Park at Great Kills" (see S. 497).
o H.R. 641 (McNulty, NY), a bill to establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in the
State of New York, and for other purposes (see also S. 66).
o H.R. 658 (Sweeney, NY), a bill to establish the Thomas Cole National Historic Site in the
State of New York as an affiliated area of the National Park System (see also S. 140).
o H.R. 659 (Weldon, PA), a bill to authorize appropriations for the protection of Paoli and
Brandywine Battlefields in Pennsylvania, to direct the National Park Service to conduct
a special resource study of Paoli and Brandywine Battlefields, to authorize the Valley
Forge Museum of the American Revolution at Valley Forge National Historical Park, and
for other purposes (see S. 581).
o H.R. 701 (Young, AK), a bill to provide outer contintental shelf impact assistance to
state and local government, to amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of
1965, the Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, and the Federal Aid in
Wildlife Restoration Act (commonly referred to as the Pittman-Robertson Act) to
establish a fund to meet the outdoor conservation and recreation needs of the American
people, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 748 (Stupak, MI), a bill to amend the act that established the Keweenaw National
Historical Park to require the Secretary of the Interior to consider nominees of various
local interests in appointing members of the Keweenaw National Historical Parks
Advisory Commission.
o H.R. 757 (Young, AK), a bill to prohibit the construction of new facilities and structures
within the boundaries of the George Washington Memorial Parkway along the Potomac
River in Virginia between the Francis Scott Key Bridge and the Theodore Roosevelt
Memorial Bridge.
o H.R. 786 (Bono, CA), a bill to terminate the participation of the Forest Service in the
recreational fee demonstration program.
o H.R. 791 (Gilchrest, MD), a bill to amend the National Trail System Act to designate the
route of the War of 1812 British invasion of Maryland and Washington, District of
Columbia, and the route of the American defense, for study for potential addition to the
national trails system (see S. 441).
o H.R. 798 (Miller, CA), a bill to provide for the permanent protection of the resources of
the United States in the year 2000 and beyond (see S. 446).
o H.R. 829 (DeGette, CO), a bill to designate certain lands in the State of Colorado as
components of the National Wilderness Preservation System.
o H.R. 834 (Hefley, CO), a bill to extend the authorization of the National Historic
Preservation Fund.
o H.R. 868 (Kaptur, OH), a bill to establish the Fallen Timbers Battlefield and Fort Miami
National Historic Site in the state of Ohio (see S.548).
o H.R. 883 (Young, AK), a bill to preserve the sovereignty of the United States over public
lands and acquired lands owned by the United States, and to preserve State sovereignty
and private property rights in non-Federal lands surrounding those public lands and
acquired lands (see S. 510).
o H.R. 940 (Sherwood, PA), a bill to establish the Lackawanna Heritage Valley American
Heritage Area.
o H.R. 947 (Young, AK), a bill to address resource management issues in Glacier Bay
National Park, Alaska (see S. 501).
o H.R. 1000 (Shuster, PA), a bill to amend title 49, United States Code, to reauthorize
programs of the Federal Aviation Administration, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 1033 (Bereuter, NE), a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in
commemoration of the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
o H.R. 1100 (Pombo, CA), a bill to correct an oversight in earlier legislation by directing
the National Park Service to grant to three individuals a right of use and occupancy of a
certain property on Santa Cruz Island.
o H.R. 1104 (Sweeney, NY), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to transfer
jurisdiction over land within the boundaries of the Home of Franklin D. Roosevelet
National Historic Site to the Archivist of the United States for the construction of a
visitor center.
o H.R. 1118 (Campbell, CA), a bill to provide increased funding for the Land and Water
Conservation Fund and Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Programs, to resume the
funding of the State grants program of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, to
provide for the acquisition and development of conservation and recreation facilities and
programs in urban areas (see S. 532).
o H.R. 1154 (Duncan, TN), a bill to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to allow
individuals to designate any portion of their income tax overpayments, and to make
other contributions, for the benefit of units of the National Park System.
o H.R. 1165 (McInnis, CO), a bill to redesignate the Black Canyon of the Gunnison
National Monument as a national park and establish the Gunnison Gorge National
Conservation Area (see S. 323).
o H.R. 1239 (Vento, MN), a bill to designate certain lands in Alaska as wilderness.
o H.R. 1246 (Maloney, NY), a bill to create a National Museum of Women's History
Advisory Committee (see S. 706).
o H.R. 1258 (Hansen, UT), a bill to accelerate the wilderness designation process by
establishing a timetable for the completion of wilderness studies on federal Lands.
o H.R. 1314 (Dicks, WA), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a
portion of the Columbia River as a recreational river, and for other purposes (see S.
o H.R. 1384 (Cannon, UT), a bill to authorize an interpretive center and related visitor
facilities within the Four Corners Monument Tribal Park.
o H.R. 1415 (Kennedy, RI), a bill to authorize appropriations for the Blackstone River
Valley National Heritage Corridor in Massachusetts and Rhode Island, and for other
o H.R. 1451 (LaHood, IL), a bill to establish the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial
o H.R. 1480 (Shuster, PA), a bill to provide for the conservation and development of water
and related resources, to authorize the United States Army Corps of Engineers to
construct various projects for improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States,
and for other purposes.
o H.R. 1487 (Hansen, UT), a bill to provide for public participation in the declaration of
national monuments under the Act popularly known as the Antiquities Act of 1906.
o H.R. 1490 (Kolbe, AZ), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to set aside up to
$2 per person from park entrance fees or assess up to $2 per person visiting the Grand
Canyon or another national park to secure bonds for capital improvements to the park,
and for other purposes.
o H.R. 1493 (Nussle, IA), a bill to amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands
Management Act of 1996 to transfer Federal participation in the America's Agricultural
Heritage Partnership in the State of Iowa to the Secretary of the Interior, and for other
o H.R. 1500 (Hansen, UT), a bill to accelerate the wilderness designation process by
establishing a timetable for the completion of wilderness studies on Federal Lands.
o H.R. 1509 (Johnson, TX), a bill to authorize the Disabled Veterans' LIFE Memorial
Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs to honor
veterans who became disabled while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States.
o H.R. 1521 (Berry, AR), a bill to preserve and protect archaeological sites and historical
resources of the central Mississippi Valley through the establishment of the Mississippi
Valley National Historical Park as a unit of the National Park System on former Eaker
Air Force Base in Blytheville, Arkansas.
o H.R. 1615 (Sununu, NH), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to extend the
designation of a portion of the Lamprey River in New Hampshire as a recreational river
to include an additional river segment.
o H.R. 1619 (Gejdenson, CT), a bill to amend the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley
National Heritage Corridor Act of 1994 to expand the boundaries of the corridor.
o H.R. 1663 (Calvert, CA), a bill to designate as a national memorial the memorial being
built at the Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside, California to honor recipients of
the Medal of Honor.
o H.R. 1665 (Bateman, VA), a bill to allow the National Park Service to acquire certain
land for addition to the Wilderness Battlefield in Virginia, as previously authorized by
law, by purchase or exchange as well as by donation.
o H.R. 1668 (Ganske, IA), a bill to authorize the National Park Service to conduct a
feasibility study for the preservation of the Loess Hills in western Iowa.
o H.R. 1692 (Capps, CA), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to study the
suitability and feasibility of including the Gaviota Coast of California in the National
Park System.
o H.R. 1695 (Gibbons, NV), a bill to provide for the conveyance of certain Federal public
lands in the Ivanpah Valley, Nevada, to Clark County, Nevada, for the development of
an airport facility, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 1732 (Hinchey, NY), a bill to designate certain Federal land in the State of Utah as
wilderness, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 1749 (Ballenger, NC), a bill to designate Wilson Creek in Avery and Caldwell
Counties, North Carolina, as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers
o H.R. 1757 (Gibbons, NV), a bill to provide for the orderly disposal of certain Federal
lands in Clark County, Nevada, and to provide for the acquisition by the Secretary of
the Interior of environmentally sensitive lands in the State of Nevada.
o H.R. 1759 (Hastings, WA), a bill to ensure the long-term protection of the resources of
the portion of the Columbia River known as the Hanford Reach.
o H.R. 1804 (LaTourette, OH), a bill to authorize the Pyramid of Remembrance
Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs to
soldiers who have lost their lives during peacekeeping operations, humanitarian efforts,
training, terrorist attacks, or covert operations.
o H.R. 1815 (Young, AK), a bill to rename Mount McKinley in Alaska as Denali.
o H.R. 1864 (Hansen, UT), a bill to standardize the process for conducting public hearings
for Federal agencies within the Department of the Interior.
o H.R. 1866 (Hansen, UT), a bill to provide a process for the public to appeal certain
decisions made by the National Park Service and by the United States Fish and Wildlife
o H.R. 1925 (Green, WI), a bill to amend Title 18, United States Code, to prohibit sex
offenders from entering national parks.
o H.R. 1958 (English, PA), a bill to establish the Fort Presque Isle National Historic Site in
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
o H.R. 1961 (Hoeffel, PA), a bill to designate certain lands in the Valley Forge National
Historical Park as the Valley Forge National Cemetery.
o H.R. 1970 (Udall, NM), a bill to designate the Galisteo Basin Archaeological Protection
Sites, to provide for the protection of archaeological sites in the Galisteo Basin of New
Mexico, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2049 (Davis, VA), a bill to rename Wolf Trap Farm Park for the Performing Arts as
"Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts".
o H.R. 2140 (Deal, GA), a bill to improve protection and management of the
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area in the State of Georgia.
o H.R. 2177 (Udall, CO), a bill to designate the James Peak Wilderness in the Arapaho
National Forest in the State of Colorado.
o H.R. 2178 (Udall, CO), a bill to designate as wilderness certain lands within the Rocky
Mountain National Park in the State of Colorado.
o H.R. 2202 (Woolsey, CA), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to make grants
to promote the voluntary protection of certain lands in portions of Marin and Sonoma
Counties, California, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2249 (Wicker, MS), a bill to establish the Corinth Unit of Shiloh National Military
Park in the vicinity of Corinth, Mississippi, and in the State of Tennessee, and for other
o H.R. 2267 (McInnis, CO), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to clarify
Federal authority relating to land acquisition from willing sellers for the majority of the
trails, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2271 (Reyes, TX), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to designate El
Camino Real de Tierra Adentro as a National Historic Trail.
o H.R. 2278 (Farr, CA), a bill to require the National Park Service to conduct a feasibility
study regarding options for the protection and expanded visitor enjoyment of nationally
significant natural and cultural resources at Fort Hunter Liggett, California.
o H.R. 2279 (Farr, CA), a bill to expand the boundaries of Pinnacles National Monument,
and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2280 (Stump, AZ), a bill to amend Title 38, United States Code, to provide a
cost-of-living adjustment in rates of compensation paid for service-connected
disabilities, to enhance the compensation, memorial affairs, and housing programs of
the Department of Veterans Affairs, to improve retirement authorities applicable to
judges of the United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and for other
o H.R. 2317 (Greenwood, PA), a bill to designate a portion of the Delaware River and
associated tributaries as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
o H.R. 2329 (Visclosky, IN), a bill to amend the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the
establishment of the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, and for other purposes" to
clarify the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to accept donations of lands that are
contiguous to the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2339 (Bereuter, NE), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to authorize an
additional category of national trail known as a national discovery trail, to provide
special requirements for the establishment and administration of national discovery
trails, and to designate the cross country American Discovery Trail as the first national
discovery trail.
H.R. 2409, a bill to designate El Camino Real de los Tejas historic trail.
o H.R. 2435, a bill regarding the Wills House at Gettysburg National Military Park.
o H.R. 2466 (Regula, OH), a bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior
and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2000, and for other
o H.R. 2532 (Hefley, CO), a bill to provide for the establishment of national heritage areas.
o H.R. 2541 (Taylor, MS), a bill to adjust the boundaries of the Gulf Islands National
Seashore to include Cat Island, Mississippi.
o H.R. 2547, a bill to provide for conveyance of lands intereststo Chugach Alaska
Corporation to fulfill the intent, purpose, and promise of the Alaska Native Claims
Settlement Act.
o H.R. 2557 (Meek, FL), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a feasibility
study on the inclusion in Biscayne National Park, Florida, of the archaeological site
know as the Miami Circle.
o H.R. 2570 (Regula, OH), a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to undertake a
study regarding methods to commemorate the national significance of the United States
roadways that comprise the Lincoln Highway, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2577 (Cubin, WY), a bill to authorize the development and maintenance of a
multi-agency campus project in the town of Jackson, Wyoming.
H.R. 2661, the General Aviation Access Act.
o H.R. 2737 (Costello, IL), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to convey to the
State of Illinois certain Federal land associated with the Lewis and Clark National
Historic Trail to be used as an historic and interpretive site along the trail.
o H.R. 2773 (McCollum, FL), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate
the Wekiva River and its tributaries of Rock Springs Run and Black Water Creek in the
State of Florida as components of the national wild and scenic rivers system.
o H.R. 2778 (Moakley, MA), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate
segments of the Taunton River in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for study for
potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other
o H.R. 2795, a bill to establish the Shivwits Plateau National Conservation Area in
o H.R. 2804 (Young, AK), a bill to expand Alaska Native contracting of Federal land
management functions and activities and promote hiring of Alaska Natives by the
Federal Government within the State of Alaska, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 2814 (Pombo, CA), a bill to amend chapter 55 of Title 5, United States Code, to
authorize equal overtime pay provisions for all Federal employees engaged in wildland
fire suppression operations.
o H.R. 2832 (Pallone, NJ), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to establish a
program to inventory, evaluate, document, and assist efforts to restore and preserve
surviving United States Life-Saving Service stations.
o H.R. 2833 (Pastor, AZ), a bill to establish the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area.
o H.R. 2839 (Bass, NH), a bill to amend the Act which established the Saint-Gaudens
National Historic Site, in the State of New Hampshire, by modifying the boundary, and
for other purposes.
o H.R. 2857 (Doolittle, CA), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to ensure
congressional involvement in the process by which rivers that are designated as wild,
scenic, or recreational rivers by an act of the legislature of the State or States through
which they flow may be included in the national wild and scenic rivers system, and for
other purposes.
o H.R. 2861 (Green, WI), a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a study
on and develop recommendations to increase the safety of visitors to units of the
National Park System.
o H.R. 2879, a bill to provide for the placement of a plaque commemorating the speech of
Martin Luther King, Jr., known as the "I Have A Dream" speech, at the Lincoln
o H.R. 2919 (Portman, OH), a bill to promote preservation and public awareness of the
history of the Underground Railroad by providing financial assistance, to the Freedom
Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
o H.R. 2932 (Hansen, UT), a bill to authorize the Golden Spike/Crossroads of the West
National Heritage Area.
o H.R. 2951 (Cramer, AL), a bill to amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands
Management Act of 1996 to authorize grants to Alabama Agricultural and Mechanical
University in Huntsville, Alabama.
o H.R. 2958 (Young, AK), a bill to provide for the continuation of higher education through
the conveyance of certain public lands in the State of Alaska to the University of Alaska,
and for other purposes.
o H.R. 3002 (Young, AK), a bill to provide for the continued preparation of certain useful
reports concerning public lands, Native Americans, fisheries, wildlife, insular areas, and
other natural resources-related matters, and to repeal provisions of law regarding
terminated reporting requirements concerning such matters.
o H.R. 3021 (Lowey, NY), a bill to extend the authority of the Thomas Paine National
Historical Association to establish a memorial to Thomas Paine in the District of
o H.R. 3033 (Ros-Lehtinen, FL), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to make
certain adjustments to the boundaries of Biscayne National Park in the State of Florida,
and for other purposes.
o H.R. 3035 (Hansen, UT), a bill to designate certain lands in the State of Utah as
wilderness, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 3084 (Shimkus, IL), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contribute
funds for the establishment of an interpretative center on the life and contributions of
President Abraham Lincoln.
o H.R. 3179 (Reynolds, NY), a bill to amend the Act establishing the Women's Rights
National Historical Park to permit the Secretary of the Interior to acquire title in fee
simple to the Hunt House located in Waterloo, New York.
o H.R. 3183 (Young, AK), a bill to provide grants to the State of Alaska for the purpose of
assisting that State in fulfilling its responsibilities under sections 803, 804, and 805 of
the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3190, a bill to establish the Oil Region National Heritage Area in Pennsylvania.
o H.R. 3200 (Fowler, FL), a bill to revise the boundaries of Fort Matanzas National
Monument in the State of Florida to include additional land and to authorize the
acquisition of the land, and for other purposes.
o H.R. 3201 (Holmes, DC), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to study the
suitability and feasibility of designating the Carter G. Woodson Home in the District of
Columbia as a National Historic Site, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3241, a bill on franchise fee calculations for tours at Fort Sumter NM.
H.R. 3293, a bill to authorize a plaque at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
H.R. 3520, a bill to designate White Clay Creek (Delaware and Pennsylvania) as part of the Wild
and Scenic Rivers System.
H.R. 3556 (Castle, DE), a bill to designate segments and tributaries of White Clay Creek,
Delaware and Pennsylvania, as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
H.R. 3632 (Lantos, CA), a bill to revise the boundaries of Golden Gate National Recreation Area,
and for other purposes.
H.R. 3638 (Shadegg, AZ), a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to fulfill his obligation to
transfer additional federal lands to the State of Arizona as required by the Arizona-New Mexico
Enabling Act of June 20, 1910.
H.R. 3676 (Bono, CA), a bill to establish the Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National
Monument in the state of California.
H.R. 3683 (Hastings, WA), a bill to prohibit further extension or establishment of any national
monument in Washington state without full public participation and an express act of
Congress, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3693 (Simpson, ID), a bill to provide for the acquisition of Castle Rock Ranch in the state
of Idaho and to authorize the use of the acquired ranch in a series of land exchanges involving
lands within the boundaries of the City of Rocks National Reserve and the Hagerman Fossil
Beds National Monument.
H.R. 3712 (Houghton, NY), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special
resource study concerning the preservation and public use of sites in Auburn, New York,
associated with Harriet Tubman, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3744 (Nadler, NY), the Governors Island Development and Preservation Act of 2000.
H.R. 3745 (Nussle, IA), a bill to authorize the addition of certain parcels to the Effigy Mounds
National Monument, Iowa.
H.R. 3830 (LaFalce, NY), a bill to establish a commission to study the question of adding the
Niagara River Gorge to the Wild and Scenic River System.
H.R. 3860 (Klink, PA), a bill to provide that any visitor's center or museum located in the
proximity of or within the boundaries of Gettysburg National Military Park that is constructed
or designated as a visitor's center or museum after the date of the enactment of this Act shall
be known and designated as the "George D. and Emily G. Rosensteel Memorial Visitors'
H.R. 3908 (Young, FL), a bill making emergency supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2000, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3919, the Coral Reef Conservation and Restoration Partnership Act of 2000.
H.R. 3926 (Weller, IL), a bill to amend the Illinois and Michigan Canal National Heritage
Corridor Act of 1984 to increase the amount authorized to be appropriated to the Illinois and
Michigan Canal National Heritage Corridor Commission.
H.R. 4010 (Faleomavaega, AS), a bill to reauthorize and amend the National Fish and Wildlife
Foundation Establishment Act.
H.R. 4020 (Radanovich, CA), a bill to authorize an expansion of the boundaries of Sequoia
National Park to include Dillonwood Giant Sequoia Grove.
H.R. 4021 (Radanovich, CA), a bill to authorize a study to determine the best scientific method
for the long-term protection of California's giant sequoia groves.
H.R. 4063 (Miller, CA), a bill to establish the Rosie the Riveter-World War II Home Front
National Historical Park in the State of California, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4086 (Ryun, KS), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to require that property
owners be compensated when certain railbanked trails are developed for purposes of public
use, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4095 (McInnis, CO), a bill to provide for the establishment of the Great Sand Dunes
National Park and the Great Sand Dunes National Park Preserve in the State of Colorado, and
for other purposes.
H.R. 4121 (Simpson, ID), a bill to amend the Antiquities Act of 1906 regarding the
establishment by the President of certain national monuments.
H.R. 4126 (Udall, NM), a bill to authorize funding for the expansion annex of the historic Palace
of the Governors, a public history museum located, and relating to the history of Hispanic and
Native American culture, in the Southwest, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4156 (Mollohan, WV), a bill to establish the Wheeling National Heritage Area in the State
of West Virginia, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4187, a bill to establish an interpretive center and trail system at Diamond Valley Lake in
H.R. 4190 (Hilleary, TN), a bill to amend title 23, United States Code, relating to the Federal
share for reconstruction of a road and causeway in Shiloh Military Park in Hardin County,
H.R. 4377 (Young, AK), a bill to provide Outer Continental Shelf Impact Assistance to state and
local governments, to amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, the Urban
Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, and the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act
(commonly referred to as the Pittman-Robertson Act) to establish a fund to meet the outdoor
H.R. 4044 (Hansen, UT), a bill to permit the payment of medical expenses incurred by the
United States Park Police in the performance of duty to be made directly by the National Park
Service, to allow for waiver and indemnification in mutual law enforcement agreements between
the National Park Service and a State or political subdivision when required by State law, and
for other purposes.
H.R. 4420 (Murtha, PA), a bill to reauthorize the Southwestern Pennsylvania Heritage
Preservation Commission, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4510 (Taylor, NC), a bill to designate the Blue Ridge Parkway headquarters building in
Asheville, North Carolina, as the "Gary E. Everhardt Headquarters Building".
H.R. 4521 (Hill, MT), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to authorize and provide
funding for rehabilitation of the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park, to authorize
funds for maintenance of utilities related to the Park, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4560 (Cubin, WY), a bill to provide for the use of snowmobiles in National parks.
H.R. 4574 (Udall, NM), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to make compensation for
damages arising from a prescribed burn on the Bandelier National Monument in the State of
New Mexico.
H.R. 4578 (Regula, OH), a bill making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and
related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2001, and for other purposes.
H.R. 4581 (Christensen, VI), a bill to authorize the Homeward Bound Foundation to establish
the Middle Passage National Monument.
H.R. 4583 (Hansen, UT), a bill to extend the authorization for the Air Force Memorial
Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs.
H.R. 4613 (Souder, IN), a bill to amend the National Historic Preservation Act for purposes of
establishing a national historic lighthouse preservation program.
o H.J. Res. 50 (Bryant, TN), a joint resolution granting the consent of Congress to the
Chickasaw Trail Economic Development Compact.
o H.Res. 180 (Hastings, WA), a resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 883)
to preserve the sovereignty of the United States over public lands and acquired lands
owned by the United States, and to preserve State sovereignty and private property
rights in non-Federal lands surrounding those public lands and acquired lands.
o H.Res. 182 (Hansen, UT), a resolution expressing the sense of the House of
Representatives that the National Park Service should take full advantage of support
services offered by the Department of Defense.
o H.Res. 189 (Sessions, TX), a resolution providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 150)
to amend the Act popularly known as the Recreation and Public Purposes Act to
authorize disposal of certain public lands or national forest lands to local education
agencies for use for elementary or secondary schools, including public charter schools,
and for other purposes.
Senate Bills, Numeric Order
o S. 25 (Landrieu, LA), a bill to provide Coastal Impact Assistance to State and local
governments, to amend the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act Amendments of 1978,
the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, the Urban Park and Recreation
Recovery Act, and the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (commonly referred to as
the Pittman-Robertson Act) to establish a fund to meet the outdoor conservation and
recreation needs of the American people, and for other purposes.
o S. 28 (Hatch, UT), a bill to authorize an interpretive center and related visitor facilities
within the Four Corners Monument Tribal Park, and for other purposes.
o S. 66 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to establish the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in the
State of New York, and for other purposes.
o S. 81 (McCain, AZ), a bill to authorize the Federal Aviation Administration to establish
rules governing park overflights.
o S. 109 (Coverdell, GA), a bill to improve protection and management of the
Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area in the State of Georgia.
o S. 134 (Feingold, WI), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to study whether the
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore should be protected as a wilderness area.
o S. 140 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to establish the Thomas Cole National Historic Site in the
State of New York as an affiliated area of the National Park System, and for other
o S. 144 (Graham, FL), a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to review the
suitability for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System of the
Everglades expansion area.
o S. 167 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to extend the authorization for the Upper Delaware
Citizens Advisory Council and to authorize construction and operation of a visitor center
for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River, New York and Pennsylvania.
o S. 292 (Domenici, NM), a bill to preserve the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor
and to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance.
o S. 306 (Frist, TN), a bill to regulate commercial air tours overlfying the Great Smoky
Mountains NP, and for other purposes.
o S. 311 (McCain, AZ), a bill to authorize the Disabled Veterans' LIFE Memorial
Foundation to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia or its environs, and for
other purposes.
o S. 323 (Campbell, CO), a bill to redesignate the Black Canyon of the Gunnison National
Monument as a national park and establish the Gunnison Gorge National Conservation
Area, and for other purposes (see H.R. 1165).
o S. 338 (Campbell, CO), a bill to provide for the collection of fees for the making of
motion pictures, television productions, and sound tracks in units of the Department of
the Interior.
o S. 362 (Torricelli, NJ), a bill to authorize appropriations for the Canal Heritage Trail
Route in New Jersey, and for other purposes.
o S. 340 (Allard, CO), a bill to amend the Cache La Poudre River Corridor Act to make
technical corrections, and for other purposes.
o S. 366 (Domenici, NM), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to designate El
Camino Real de Tierra Adentrao as a National Historic Trail.
o S. 382 (Johnson, SD), a bill to establish the Minuteman Missile National Historic Site in
the State of South Dakota and for other purposes.
o S. 441 (Sarbanes, MD), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the
route of the War of 1812 British invasion of Maryland and Washington, District of
Columbia, and the route of the American defense, for study for potential addition to the
national trails system (see H.R. 791).
o S. 446 (Boxer, CA), a bill to provide for the permanent protection of the resources of the
United States in the year 2000 and beyond (see H.R. 798).
o S. 497 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to redesignate Great Kills Park in the Gateway National
Recreation Area as "World War II Veterans Park at Great Kills" (see H.R. 592).
o S. 501 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to address resource management issues in Glacier Bay
National Park, Alaska (see H.R. 947).
o S. 507, a bill to provide for the conservation and development of water and related
resources, to authorize the Secretary of the Army to construct various projects for
improvements to rivers and harbors of the United States, and for other purposes.
o S. 510 (Campbell, CO), a bill to preserve the sovereignty of the United States over public
lands and acquired lands owned by the United States, and to preserve State sovereignty
and private property rights in non-Federal lands surrounding those public lands and
acquired lands.
o S. 532 (Feinstein, CA), a bill to provide increased funding for the Land and Water
Conservation Fund and Urban Parks and Recreation Recovery Programs, to resume the
funding to the State grants program of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and to
provide for the acquisition and development of conservation and recreation facilities and
programs in urban areas (see H.R. 1118).
o S. 536 (Warner, VA), a bill entitled the "Wendell H. Ford National Air Transportation
System Improvement Act of 1999" (to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and
o S. 548 (DeWine, OH), a bill to establish the Fallen Timbers Battlefield and Fort Miami
National Historic Site in the state of Ohio (see H.R. 868).
o S. 568 (Thomas, WY), a bill to allow the Department of the Interior and the Department
of Agriculture to establish a fee system for commercial filming activities in a site or
resource under their jurisdictions.
o S. 581 (Specter, PA), a bill to protect the Paoli and Brandywine Battlefields in
Pennsylvania and to authorize the Valley Forge Museum of the American Revolution at
Valley Forge National Historical Park (see H.R. 659).
o S. 582 (Specter, PA), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an
agreement for the construction and operation of the Gateway Visitor Center at
Independence National Historical Park.
o S. 589 (Harkin, IA), a bill to require the National Park Service to undertake a study of
the Loess Hills area in western Iowa to review options for the protection and
interpretation of the area's natural, cultural and historical resources.
o S. 591, a bill to authorize a feasibility study for the preservation of the Loess Hills in
western Iowa.
o S. 690 (Sarbanes, MD), a bill to provide for mass transportation in national parks and
related public lands.
o S. 698 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to review the suitability and feasibility of recovering costs
of high altitude rescues at Denali National Park and Preserve in the state of Alaska, and
for other purposes.
o S. 700 (Akaka, HI), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to designate the Ala
Kahakai Trail as a National Historic Trail.
o S. 706 (Snowe, ME), a bill to create a National Museum of Women's History Advisory
Committee (see H.R. 1246).
o S. 710 (Lott, MS), a bill to authorize the feasibility study on the preservation of certain
Civil War battlefields along the Vicksburg Campaign Trail.
o S. 711, a bill regarding investment of joint federal and state funds from the civil
settlement of damages from the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
o S. 715 (Murray, WA), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate a
portion of the Columbia River as a recreational river, and for other purposes (see H.R.
o S. 729 (Craig, ID), a bill to ensure that Congress and the public have the right to
participate in the declaration of national monuments on federal land.
o S. 734 (Murkowski, AK), a bill entitled the "National Discovery Trails Act of 1999".
o S. 744, to provide for the continuation of higher education through the conveyance of
certain lands in the State of Alaska to the University of Alaska.
o S. 748, a bill concerning native hiring and contracting.
o S. 762 (Graham, FL), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a feasibility
study on the inclusion of the Miami Circle in Biscayne National Park.
o S. 776 (Grassley, IA), a bill to authorize the National Park Service to conduct a feasibility
study for the preservation of the Loess Hills in western Iowa.
o S. 780 (Harkin, IA), a bill to amend the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management
Act of 1996 to provide for the participation of the Secretary of the Interior in the
America's Agricultural Heritage Partnership.
o S. 819 (Graham, FL), a bill to provide funding for the National Park System from outer
Continental Shelf revenues.
o S. 826 (Thomas, WY), a bill to limit the acquisition by the United States of land located
in a State in which 25 percent or more of the land in that State is owned by the United
States ("No Net Loss of Private Lands Act").
o S. 831 (McCain, AZ), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to set aside up to
$2 per person from park entrance fees or assess up to $2 per person visiting the Grand
Canyon or other national park to secure bonds for capital improvements to the park
("National Parks Capital Improvements Act of 1999").
o S. 905 (Santorum, PA), a bill to establish the Lackawanna Valley American Heritage
o S. 919 (Dodd, CT), a bill to amend the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers Valley National
Heritage Corridor Act of 1994 to expand the boundaries of the Corridor.
o S. 938 (Akaka, HI), a bill to eliminate restrictions on the acquisition of certain land
contiguous to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, and for other purposes.
o S. 939 (Akaka, HI), a bill to correct spelling errors in the statutory designations of
Hawaiian National Parks.
o S. 946 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to transfer
administrative jurisdiction over land within the boundaries of the Home of Franklin D.
Roosevelt National Historic Site to the Archivist of the United States for the construction
of a visitor center.
o S. 955 (Warner, VA), a bill to allow the National Park Service to acquire certain land for
addition to the Wilderness Battlefield in Virginia, as previously authorized by law, by
purchase or exchange as well as by donation.
o S. 972 (Gregg, NH), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to improve the
administration of the Lamprey River in the State of New Hampshire.
o S. 986 (Reid, NV), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey the Griffith
Project to the Southern Nevada Water Authority
o S. 1072 (DeWine, OH), a bill to make certain technical and other corrections relating to
the Centennial of Flight Commemoration Act (36 U.S.C. 143 note; 112 Stat. 3486 et
o S. 1093 (Bingaman, NM), a bill to establish the Galisteo Basin Archaeological Protection
Sites, to provide for the protection of archaeological sites in the Galisteo Basin of New
Mexico, and for other purposes.
o S. 1096 (Hutchinson, AR), a bill to preserve and protect archaeological sites and
historical resources of the central Mississippi Valley through the establishment of the
Mississippi Valley National Historical Park as a unit of the National Park System on
former Eaker Air Force Base in Blytheville, Arkansas.
o S. 1117 (Lott, MI), a bill to establish the Corinth Unit of Shiloh National Military Park, in
the vicinity of the city of Corinth, Mississippi, and in the State of Tennessee, and for
other purposes.
o S. 1129 (Domenici, NM), a bill to facilitate the acquisition of inholdings in Federal land
management units and the disposal of surplus public land, and for other purposes.
o S. 1187 (Dorgan, ND), a bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to mint coins in
commemoration of the bicentennial of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and for other
o S. 1296, a bill to estabish the Lower Delaware River and associated tributaries as a
component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
o S. 1324, boundary expansion at Gettysburg NMP.
o S. 1349 (Thomas, WY), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct special
resource studies to determine the national significance of specific sites as well as the
suitability and feasibility of their inclusion as units of the National Park System.
o S. 1365 (Murkowsk, AK), a bill to amend the National Preservation Act of 1966 to extend
the authorization for the Historic Preservation Fund and the Advisory Council on
Historic Preservation, and for other purposes.
o S. 1366 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to construct
and operate a visitor center for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreation River on land
owned by the New York State, and for other purposes.
o S. 1367 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to amend the Act which established the Saint-Gaudens
Historic Site, in the State of New Hampshire, by modifying the boundary and for other
o S. 1374 (Thomas, WY), a bill to authorize the development and maintenance of a
multi-agency campus project in the town of Jackson, Wyoming.
o S. 1397 (Enzi, WY), a bill to provide for the retention of the name of the geologic
formation known as "Devil's Tower" at the Devils Tower National Monument in the State
of Wyoming.
o S. 1398 (Helms, NC), a bill to clarify certain boundaries on maps relating to the Coastal
Barrier Resources System.
o S. 1434 (Landrieu, LA), a bill to amend the National Historic Preservation Act to
reauthorize that Act, and for other purposes.
o S. 1486 (Gorton, WA), a bill to establish a Take Pride in America program.
o S. 1531 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to amend the Act establishing Women's Rights National
Historical Park to permit the Secretary of the Interior to acquire title in fee simple to the
Hunt House located in Waterloo, New York.
o S. 1569 (Kerry, MA), a bill to amend the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act to designate
segments of the Taunton River in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts for study for
potential addition to the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, and for other
o S. 1573 (Lieberman, CT), a bill to provide a reliable source of funding for State, local,
and Federal efforts to conserve land and water, preserve historic resources, improve
environmental resources, protect fish and wildlife, and preserve open and green spaces.
o S. 1584 (Santorum, PA), a bill to establish the Schuylkill River Valley National Heritage
Area in the State of Pennsylvania.
o S. 1617 (DeWine, OH), a bill to promote preservation and public awareness of the
history of the Underground Railroad by providing financial assistance, to the Freedom
Center in Cincinnati, Ohio.
o S. 1643 (Grassley, IA), a bill to authorize the addition of certain parcels to the Effigy
Mounds National Monument, Iowa.
o S. 1670 (Graham, FL), a bill to revise the boundary of Fort Matanzas National
Monument, and for other purposes.
o S. 1681 (Craig, ID), a bill to extend the authority of the Thomas Paine National
Historical Association to establish a memorial to Thomas Paine in the District of
o S. 1683 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to make technical changes to the Alaska National
Interest Lands Conservation Act, and for other purposes.
o S. 1685 (Bennett, UT), a bill to authorize the Golden Spike/Crossroads of the West
National Heritage Area.
o S. 1686 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to provide for the conveyances of land interests to
Chugach Alaska Corporation to fulfill the intent, purpose, and promise of the Alaska
Native Claims Settlement Act, and for other purposes.
o S. 1705 (Craig, ID), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to enter into land
exchanges to acquire from the private owner and to convey to the State of Idaho
approximately 1,240 acres of land near the City of Rocks National Reserve, Idaho, and
for other purposes.
o S. 1729 (Campbell, CO), a bill to amend the National Trails System Act to clarify Federal
authority relating to land acquisition from willing sellers for the majority of the trails.
o S. 1734 (Durbin, IL), a bill to authorize the Secretary of the Interior to contribute funds
for the establishment of an interpretative center on the life and contributions of
President Abraham Lincoln.
o S. 1781 (Levin, MI), a bill to amend the Act that established the Keweenaw National
Historical Park to require the Secretary of the Interior to consider nominees of various
local interests in appointing members of the Keweenaw National Historic Park Advisory
o S. 1826 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to provide grants to the State of Alaska for the purpose
of assisting that State in fulfilling its responsibilities under sections 803, 804, and 805
of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, and for other purposes.
o S. 1849 (Biden, DE), a bill to designate segments and tributaries of White Clay Creek,
Delaware and Pennsylvania, as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers
o S. 1910, a bill to amend the Act establishing the Women's Rights National Historical
Park to permit the Secretary of the Interior to acquire title in fee simple to the Hunt
House located in Waterloo, New York.
S. 1998, a bill to establish the Yuma Crossing National Heritage Area in Arizona.
o S. 2020 (Cochran, MS), a bill to adjust the boundary of the Natchez Trace Parkway, and
for other purposes.
S. 2051 (Feinstein, CA), a bill to revise the boundaries of the Golden Gate National Recreation
Area, and for other purposes.
S. 2082 (DeWine, OH), a bill to establish a program to award grants to improve and maintain
sites honoring presidents of the United States.
S. 2102 (Inouye, HI), a bill to provide the Timbisha Shoshone Tribe with a permanent land base
within its aboriginal homeland, and for other purposes.
S. 2123 (Landrieu, LA), a bill to provide Outer Continental Shelf Impact assistance to state and
local governments, to amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, the Urban
Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, and the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act
(commonly referred to as the Pittman-Robertson Act) to establish a fund to meet the outdoor
conservation and recreation needs of the American people, and for other purposes.
S. 2181 (Bingaman, NM), a bill to amend the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act to provide
full funding for funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund, and to provide dedicated
funding for other conservation programs, including coastal stewardship, wildlife habitat
protection, State and local park and open space preservation, historic preservation, forestry
conservation programs, and youth conservation corps; and for other purposes.
S. 2194 (Collins, ME), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance in
planning and developing a regional heritage center in Calais, Maine.
S. 2231 (Coverdale, GA), a bill to provide for the placement at the Lincoln Memorial of a plaque
commemorating the speech of Martin Luther King, Jr., known as the "I Have A Dream" speech.
S. 2247 (Byrd, WV), a bill to establish the Wheeling National Heritage Area in the State of West
Virginia, and for other purposes.
S. 2279 (Boxer, CA), a bill to authorize the addition if land to Sequoia National Park, and for
other purposes.
S. 2294 (Feinstein, CA), a bill to establish the Rosie the Riveter-World War II Home Front
National Historical Park in the State of California, and for other purposes.
S. 2331 (Hollings, SC), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to recalculate the franchise
fee owed by Forth Sumter Tours, Inc., a concessioner providing services to Fort Sumter
National Monument, South Carolina.
S. 2343 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to amend the National Historic Preservation Act for the
purposes of establishing a national historic lighthouse preservation program.
S. 2345 (Schumer, NY), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a special
resource study concerning the preservation and public use of sites associated with Harriet
Tubman located in Auburn, New York, and for other purposes.
S. 2352 (Graham, FL), a bill to designate portions of the Wekiva River and associated
tributaries as a component of the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.
S. 2421, a bill to establish the Upper Housatonic Valley National Heritage Area in
Massachusetts and Connecticut.
S.2478 (Akaka, HI), a bill to require the Secretary of the Interior to conduct a theme study on
the peopling of America, and for other purposes.
S.2485 (Collins, ME), a bill to direct the Secretary of Interior to provide assistance in planning
and constructing a regional heritage center in Calais, Maine.
conservation and recreation needs of the American people, and for other purposes.
S. 2511 (Murkowski, AK), a bill to establish the Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm National
Heritage Area in the State of Alaska, and for other purposes.
S. 2512 (Moynihan, NY), a bill to convey certain federal properties on Governors Island, New
S. 2546 (Cochran, MS), a bill making appropriations for Agriculture, Rural Development, Food
and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001, year ending
September 20, 2001. (Cape Hatteras, Oregon Inlet, Title III, Sec. 3108; NPS Construction,
Chapter 3).
S. 2547 (Allard, CO), a bill to provide for the establishment of the Great Sand Dunes National
Park and the Great Sand Dunes National Preserve in the State of Colorado, and for other
S. 2627 (Burns, MT), a bill to direct the Secretary of the Interior to provide funding for
rehabilitation of the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park, to authorize funds for
maintenance of utilities related to the Park, and for other purposes.
S. 2638 (Cochran, MS), a bill to adjust the boundaries of the Gulf Islands National Seashore to
include Cat Island, Mississippi.
S. 2707 (Crapo, ID), a bill to help ensure general aviation aircraft access to Federal land and
the airspace over that land.
o Public Law 106-65 - The Defense Department authorization bill for FY 2000 ensures
continued use of the Goldwater Range in the Sonoran Desert for military training and
for protecting the unique and natural resources of this part of Arizona. It also provides
for the establishment of a commission to conduct a study of the construction of a
national military museum in NCR and contains language regarding defense base
closure and realignment of federal lands.
o Public Law 106-68 - The law makes several technical changes to 36 USC 143 regarding
the Wright Brothers Centennial Flight Commemoration. Additional duties for the
commission responsible for the commemoration are outlined and defined.
o Public Law 106-76 - This law establishes Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park
in Colorado. Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Monument is now abolished and
all lands and interests therein are incorporated within the new national park.
o Public Law 106-86 - The law provides funds to protect the Paoli and Brandywine
Battlefields in Pennsylvania and authorizes the Secretary of the Interior, in agreement
with the Valley Forge Historical Society, to construct and operate a museum in Valley
Forge National Historical Park.
Public Law 106-18 Authorizes appropriations for the Coastal Heritage Trail Route in New
Public Law 106-45 - Preserves the cultural resources of the Route 66 corridor and authorizes
the Secretary of the Interior to provide assistance.
Public Law 106-115 The law establishes Minuteman Missile NHS in South Dakota.
Public Law 106-116 The law clarifies the boundaries of Cape Hatteras National Seashore.
Public Law 106-131 The law authorizes the construction of the Gateway Visitor Center at
Independence NHP.
Public Law 106-132 Redesignates Great Kills Park in Gateway National Recreation Area as
"World War II Veterans Park at Great Kills."
Public Law 106-134 - Amends the act that established Keweenaw NHP to require the Secretary
of the Interior to consider nominees of various local interests in appointing members of the
park's advisory commission.
Public Law 106-135 Amends the National Trail System Act to designate the route of the War
of 1812 British invasion of Maryland and Washington, District of Columbia, and the route of
the American defense, for study for potential addition to the national trails system
Public Law 106-143 The law authorizes the creation of the Four Corners Monument Tribal
Park Interpretive Center in Utah.
Public Law 106-146 Establishes Thomas Cole NHS.
Public Law 106-147 Transfers land for a visitor center at Franklin D. Roosevelt NHS.
Public Law 106-149 Extends the boundaries of the Quinebaug and Shetucket Rivers National
Heritage Corridor in Connecticut.
Public Law 106-150 The law provides for land acquisition by Fredericksburg and Spotsylvania
County Battlefield NMP.
Public Law 106-154 The law adjusts the boundary of Chattachoochee River NRA.
Public Law 106-157 The law authorizes the conveyance of certain Federal land associated
with the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail to the state of Illinois to be used as an historic
and interpretive site along the trail.
Public Law 106-164 The law establishes Fallen Timbers Battlefield and Fort Miami NHS in
Public Law 106-173 The law establishes the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Commission to
study activities related to the Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial. It outlines the regulations and
responsibilities of that commission.
Public Law 106-176 The Omnibus Parks Technical Corrections Act of 2000 provides technical
corrections to the Omnibus Parks and Public Lands Management Act of 1996.
Public Law 106-181 The Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st
Century amends USC 49, which contains the FAA programs. Title VIII of that law, which
concerns air tour management and overflights of national parks and tribal lands, includes the
recommendations of the national parks overflights working group as they pertain to commercial
air tours. over the national parks and tribal lands.
Public Law 106-208 Authorization of National Historic Preservation Fund. This law
reauthorizes the National Historic Preservation Fund until 2005 and also makes several
technical and conforming amendments to the original act, which passed in October, 1966.
Public Law 106-206 Fee Reform for Commercial Uses. This law authorizes the requirement of
a permit and the establishment of a reasonable fee for commercial filming activities on federal
lands. The Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture will each administer these
requirements on lands only under their respective jurisdictions.