MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Thursday, October 5, 2000


On this date in 1818, Nancy Hanks Lincoln died when her son Abraham 
was nine years old.  The site of their home at the time, containing 
Nancy Lincoln's grave, is now Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, 


00-630 - San Juan NHS (PR) - Demonstration

A group of protestors demonstrating against the Navy's occupation of 
the island of Vieques off the east coast of Puerto Rico attempted to 
take over Fort San Cristobal late last week.  Ten individuals would 
not leave the fort at closing and displayed banners and signs opposing 
the occupation of the island. All ten were arrested by rangers, 
supported by U.S. marshals, and placed in jail for the weekend. A 
large group of protestors outside of the fort would not let the 
marshals and rangers leave the fort by vehicle, so a helicopter was 
used to airlift the prisoners to the federal building for processing. 
The forts were closed for the weekend due to the threat of additional 
protests in old San Juan. Normal operations resumed on Monday. [Mark 
Hardgrove, Deputy Superintendent, SAJU, 10/3]

00-631 - Big Bend NP (TX) - Illegal Immigrants

On September 28th, a Border Patrol officer contacted park dispatch and 
reported fresh footprints of four people headed north near Harte 
Ranch. Ranger/pilot Nick Herring, who was conducting a resource 
protection flight, flew to the area in the park's Cessna 206; ranger 
Cary Brown also responded. Herring soon spotted the tracks from the 
air on an old abandoned road northeast of the park airstrip at the 
ranch. The four illegal immigrants stopped and sought cover in a small 
arroyo. Herring circled above until a Border Patrol helicopter 
arrived. Ground units were directed in and the four were taken into 
custody. No drugs were found with them. They told officers that they'd 
entered the park from Mexico. [Bill Wright, CR, BIBE, 10/4]


No report today due to early release of the Morning Report.


No submissions.


No submissions.


No submissions.


No submissions.


No submissions.


Alaska Support Office (AK) - The office's facility planning and design 
team is seeking applicants for a GS-13 engineer (construction project 
manager). The incumbent serves as the senior level technical expert 
for construction in an arctic environment, providing guidance for a 
wide range of design and construction activities for development or 
rehabilitation of regional facilities through line item construction, 
repair/rehab, employee housing, and recreation fee demonstration 
programs.  This is a great opportunity to work with a team of highly 
motivated folks and see the vast wonders of Alaska.  The position is 
being advertised as an interdisciplinary position - general engineer 
(801) and civil engineer (810) - at both the GS-12 and GS-13 levels.  
The announcement closes November 3rd; it can be found on USAJobs and 
is open to all sources. Dual career opportunities exist - the support 
office will soon be advertising for an interpretive specialist 
(GS-025-11/12), a contracting officer (GS-1102-11), and a purchasing 
agent (GS-1105-06).  For further information, contact the personnel 
office at 907-257-2574.

                            *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed 
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please 
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your 
servicing hub coordinator.  The Morning Report is also available on 
the web at

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the 
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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