Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, October 12, 2000
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2000 05:49:50 -0400
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Thursday, October 12, 2000
On this date in 1826, the Franklin, Missouri, Intelligencer ran a
notice offering a one-cent reward for the return of Christopher
Carson, who had been bound to learn the saddler's trade in Franklin.
Kit Carson went on to become a premier mountain man and would figure
importantly in the stories of the Santa Fe National Historic Trail and
Fort Union National Monument, New Mexico.
00-638 - Grand Canyon NP (AZ) - Assault, Attempted Suicide
On the morning of October 3rd, ex-concession employee S.B. came
to the North Rim to confront his girlfriend regarding their failed
relationship. When she refused to open the door of her small cabin
near the lodge or talk with him, S.B. began pouring gasoline from a
container he was carrying onto the outside of the cabin door. He then
managed to open an exterior window, jumped into the cabin, and began
splashing gasoline around the interior and onto the woman. He poured
gasoline over his head and told the woman he was going to kill himself
and that he wanted her to see it. The woman managed to flee and called
911. Responding rangers found S.B. barricaded inside the cabin,
threatening to burn himself up. Ten additional rangers were flown from
the South Rim to provide assistance and structural fire support. A
Lifeflight helicopter from Page flew to the North Rim in case
additional medical assistance was needed. After three-and-a-half hours
of negotiations, led by ranger Lindy Allee, S.B. walked peacefully
out of the cabin. He was placed in protective custody and taken to
Flagstaff Medical Center for psychiatric evaluation. Multiple felony
charges are pending. Ron Martin was IC. [CRO, GRCA, 10/6]
00-639 - Joshua Tree NP (CA) - Commercial Guiding Conviction
A year-long investigation into an illegal commercial guiding incident
ended on October 5th when C.R. pled guilty to two petty
offenses - conducting a commercial operation without a permit and
providing false information to a federal officer. The charges stemmed
from an incident that occurred in Indian Cove campground on November
6, 1999. Ranger Terry Olsson found C.R. conducting a climbing
class that included overnight camping and meals and was operating out
of the family campsites without a permit. C.R. made several false
statements concerning the nature of his operation to Olsson. Under the
terms of the plea agreement, C.R. was placed on two years of
informal court probation, banned from the park for a year, and fined
$1,250. The investigation revealed that C.R. conducts commercial
guiding operations on BLM lands, in game preserves, and in other
parks, primarily in the desert Southwest. These include both river
trips and rock climbing classes. C.R. typically advertises through
adult education departments in local universities and community
colleges, but is not sponsored by or affiliated with any know
accredited institution. [Patrick Suddath, DR, JOTR, 10/9]
00-640 - National Capital Parks (DC) - Rescue
On October 7th, several Park Police officers rescued a despondent
woman from the Tidal Basin near the Jefferson Memorial. When they
arrived at the scene, the officers found the woman floating face up in
the water. Officer Greg Knee entered the water and pulled her to the
edge of the basin with the assistance of officer Don Huffman. Knee
remained in the water with the woman until SWAT officer Eddie Burnett
joined him and wrapped a rappel harness around her. DC Harbor Patrol
officers helped pull the woman to safety. She was taken to a local
hospital, where she is in stable condition. [Sgt. R. MacLean, USPP,
NCR, 10/10]
00-641 - Intermountain Support Office (NM) - Assist: ARPA/NAGPRA Case
Last summer, the New Mexico state archeologist and Cibola County
Sheriff's Office asked NPS special agents to assist with a serious
ARPA/NAGPRA case on private property near El Morro NM. Front-end
loaders and backhoes were used to destroy the Cienega site, a 13th
century pueblo affiliated with the Zuni. Native American remains were
also destroyed in the process. NPS agents worked on the investigation
and damage assessment with the above offices and the FBI and assisted
with the execution of associated search warrants. Arrested on state
charges were G.B., 41, M.C., 60, M.H., 52,
and W.R.S., 61. All four are from New Mexico. The damage
assessment is in excess of $11 million. [Phil Young, SA, IMSO, 10/10]
00-642 - Glen Canyon NRA (UT/AZ) - Drowning
D.S., 53, of Scottsdale, Arizona, fell from the back of a
houseboat in Rock Creek Canyon on October 7th and is presumed to have
drowned. Park dispatch received a marine call reporting a man
overboard. Rangers were on scene within 30 minutes and began a search
by vessel and helicopter. The search was still underway at the time of
the report Tuesday. The park's remote operated vehicle (ROV) is being
utilized. The search area is about a square kilometer, with an average
depth of 250 feet. Extremely rocky terrain and deep underwater canyons
are making the search difficult. Witnesses report that D.S. was
leaning on a small gate at the stern of the houseboat when it opened
and he fell into the lake. [Cindy Ott-Jones, CR, GLCA, 10/10]
00-643 - Channel Islands NP (CA) - MVA with Contract Employee Fatality
T.M., an employee of the Vail and Vickers Company who was
working for the contractor that manages the commercial hunt of deer
and elk on Santa Rosa Island, died in a motor vehicle accident in Bee
Canyon on the afternoon of October 7th. T.M. was driving a
four-wheel-drive truck down a slope off road to pick up an elk when he
lost control of the vehicle. The truck rolled over twice. T.M., who
was not wearing a seatbelt, was killed. The accident was witnessed by
another hunt guide. [Jack Fitzgerald, CR, CHIS, 10/10]
00-644 - Baltimore-Washington Parkway (MD) - MVA with Fatality
A Toyota Camry heading north on the parkway near Route 197 left the
roadway, struck a tree and burst into flames on October 10th. The
operator was pronounced dead at the scene. [Sgt. R. MacLean, USPP,
NCR, 10/10]
No submissions.
No submissions.
Discovery 2000 - It appears that many NPS employees remain unaware
that all the major speeches at the Discovery 2000 conference and other
related reports are available on the web. You can still "experience"
the conference and read some important presentations by checking
http://www.nps.gov/discovery2000. [Jerry Rogers, IMRO]
No submissions.
New River Gorge NR (WV) - The park has created a tool trailer for use
on trail construction and other conservation projects in and around
the park. It has been used this summer at work sites with organized
volunteer groups such as the Access Fund, the International Mountain
Biking Association (IMBA), and the local New River Alliance of
Climbers group. The trailer is currently on loan to the US Army Corps
of Engineer's Summersville Lake area for a trail construction project
the Corps is working on with volunteers from the Access Fund - a trail
to a popular climbing area on Corps land near the Gauley River. The
park's guidelines for these partnership projects are covered under 16
USC 1250c (volunteer trails assistance) and have been reviewed by the
regional solicitor. The park is interested in working up MOU's or
other interagency-type agreements that will allow the trailer to be
used by bona fide volunteer groups in the area for trail and
conservation projects, both in and outside of park boundaries. If
there are parks that have successfully entered into programs such as
this with volunteer organizations for use of government-owned tools
and equipment, they would very much like to learn from your
experiences. Please contact Duncan Hollar at 304-763-3145 X10, or on
cc:Mail by name. [Duncan Hollar, NERI]
No submissions.
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your
servicing hub coordinator. The Morning Report is also available on
the web at http://www.nps.gov/morningreport
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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