Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, December 21, 2000
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 10:07:31 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Thursday, December 21, 2000
On this date in 1857, companies E and F of the 1st Cavalry, commanded
by Captain Samuel Sturgis, arrived at Fort Scott, Kansas, to quell the
civil strife over slavery now referred to as "Bleeding Kansas." Fort
Scott National Historic Site interprets this history.
00-761 - Cape Cod NS (MA) - Suicide
A park maintenance employee came upon a vehicle stuck in soft sand
near Province Lands Road west of the Province Lands Visitor Center
around noon on December 20th. The driver needed assistance in getting
his car back on the road, so ranger Andy Fisher responded in a
four-by-four vehicle with a tow strap. Fisher questioned the
39-year-old male driver about how he'd become stuck and became
suspicious about his activities. He asked for the man's license and
vehicle registration, but the man refused to cooperate, then reached
across to the passenger seat and retrieved a semi-automatic pistol
from under some articles on the seat. Fisher quickly sought cover at
the rear of the car, then moved to the woods adjacent to and behind
the vehicle and radioed for backup. While awaiting for additional
units to arrive, Fisher heard a single shot and saw the man in the car
slump forward. A Provincetown officer arrived on scene and approached
the vehicle with Fisher. They determined that the driver was dead. A
joint investigation is being conducted by the NPS, state police, and
Provincetown police. The man's name is being withheld pending
notification of the family. [Kevin FitzGerald, CR, CACO, 12/21]
00-762 - Golden Gate NRA (CA) - Attempted Suicide; Life Saved
On December 9th, ranger Sam Eddy was patrolling the park's South Unit
when a person on a nearby city street flagged him down and pointed to
a park van near the park's boundary with its engine running and a
vacuum cleaner hose leading from the exhaust pipe to its interior.
Eddy found that all the van's doors were locked. He requested
assistance from the city fire department and directed his ride-along
partner - ranger Jacob Shanks from Grand Canyon NP - to disconnect the
hose. Eddy then utilized a "slim jim" to release the lock and enter
the vehicle. The rangers found an unconscious adult male in the
enclosed portion of the van. The man was breathing shallowly. Ranger
Bob Airey-VanDiem, who also responded, provided high flow oxygen. The
man regained consciousness just as firefighter/paramedics arrived on
scene. He was treated and taken to a local hospital for medical and
psychiatric treatment and evaluation. His survival was directly
attributable to the rangers' prompt action. [Richard Danielson,
Operations Supervisor, GOGA, 12/18]
00-763 - Blue Ridge Parkway (NC/VA) - Galax Poaching
Rangers have made several galax poaching cases over the past three
months. On October 30th, C.S. was apprehended while taking
galax from park lands and was found to have 6,681 stems in his
possession. On November 28th, A.G. and his son, A.G.-G.,
were caught with 4,000 galax stems in their
possession. And F.E.-S. was arrested while attempting to
leave the park with 7,000 stems on December 13th. Galax is an
evergreen ground cover which is used in the floral industry. The
mountains of western North Carolina are the center for this
international industry. Plants illegally harvested from NPS and USFS
lands are sold on both the legal and black markets. [John Garrison,
Protection Specialist, BLRI, 12/18]
National Fire Plan
No new information. Please check the NPS Fire Management Program
Center web page (www.fire.nps.gov) for further information on fire
plan projects.
Park Fires
None reported.
No submissions.
No submissions.
Submissions pending.
No submissions.
No submissions.
Lyndon B. Johnson NHP (TX) - Park protection specialist Evelyn Klein
will be retiring on January 27th. Evelyn began her service in the NPS
in the 1960s as a volunteer at President Johnson's Reconstructed
Birthplace, before the area was designated as a national historic
site. She joined the federal work force as a park aid in 1970 and has
provided service in all ranger functions, including interpretation,
law enforcement, risk management, and resource management. A
retirement party with a Mexican theme will be held at 7 p.m. on
February 2nd at the LBJ Ranch Hangar. RSVP's can be made by contacting
Janice Howard at 830-868-7128 x 260. A scrapbook of mementos will be
compiled for her. If you'd like to contribute, please forward them to
Janice. [Brian Carey, CR, LYJO]
Pacific West Region (CA) - The region is currently recruiting for
seasonal law enforcement positions for the following parks:
Crater Lake NP Great Basin NP John Day Fossil Beds NM
Kaloko-Honokohau NHP Lake Mead NRA Lake Roosevelt NRA
Lava Beds NM Mount Rainier NP North Cascades NP
Olympic NP Point Reyes NS Pu'uhonua O Honaunau NHP
Redwood NP Yosemite NP San Juan Island NHP
Whiskeytown NRA Sequoia/Kings Canyon NP
Applications will be accepted from any qualified U.S. citizen for
these GS-025-5 and GS-025-7 positions. Numerous positions are open.
These are temporary positions that will generally last at least three
months but no longer than six months (or 1,039 working hours). Work
schedules may include weekends, evenings, and holidays. See vacancy
announcement CCSO-00-63 on USAJobs for specific details on how to
apply. The closing date is January 12th. [David Fuller, CRLA]
John Day Fossil Beds NM (OR) - The park is currently advertising for a
GS-0401/0170 9/11 integrated resource park manager. The person
selected will serve as the park's chief of non-paleo resources
management. He/she will be the principal advisor to the superintendent
in the management of biological and cultural resources and responsible
for all program development and implementation. Duties include (but
are not limited to) overseeing the IPM program, coordinating a
prescribed fire program, and overseeing a 200-acre national historic
district. The vacancy announcements can be found on USAJobs under
numbers CCSO-00-68 and CCSO-00-68A. Inquiries about the position can
be directed to Jim Hammett, superintendent, at 541-987-2333 x 12 or
james_hammett@nps.gov. [Pattie Paul, JODA]
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed
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address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your
servicing hub coordinator. The Morning Report is also available on
the web at http://www.nps.gov/morningreport
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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