Subject: NPS Morning Report - Thursday, April 5, 2001
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2001 09:24:45 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Thursday, April 5, 2001
01-031 - New River Gorge NR (WV) - Train Derailment
A freight train traveling through the park on the CSX mainline
derailed near Meadow Creek on April 2nd. Forty-one cars left the
tracks and spilled several thousand tons of whole-kernel corn. Damage
was limited to the CSX right-of-way and to private property adjacent
to the tracks. There were no injuries and no park property was
involved. Several thousand pounds of corn spilled into a small
tributary of the New River. The spill and cleanup are being monitored
by resource management and protection staff. The accident was
evidently caused by a faulty switch. [Chris Schrader, SA, NERI, 4/3]
[Additional reports pending....]
National Fire Plan
No new information. Please check the NPS Fire Management Program
Center web page (www.fire.nps.gov) for further information on fire
plan projects.
Park Fires
Everglades NP (FL) - The Mustang Fire has been contained at 400 acres.
There are still hot spots inside the perimeter that will be checked
and patrolled daily. Fuel moisture samples will be taken today. Recent
rains have increased green-up rates despite the drought.
[NPS Situation Summary Report, 4/4]
Reservation System Brochure Photos Sought - SPHERIX (formerly
Biospherics), the Service's campground reservation system contractor,
is seeking park pictures for use on the annual reservation system
campground and tour brochures. They must be from parks that are
currently part of the system, must be of animals and scenery only, and
must be taken by NPS employees. Computer-generated photos can not be
used and should not be submitted. Up to three pictures can be
submitted per person. They should be between 3 1/2 by 3 1/2 inches and
5 by 7 inches in size. Include your name, park and title in the
submission - credits will be given in the brochure. Mail the photos in
a padded envelope to SPHERIX, Attn: Kirsten Dixon, PO Box 1600,
Cumberland, MD 21501. The deadline for receipt of submissions is July
1st. All photos become the property of SPHERIX. [Sally Lewis,
Calendar Correction - Monday's training/meetings calendar listed the
number for Steve Dodd at Northern Arizona University's seasonal LE
training program as 502-523-8242. It should have been 520-523-8242.
Buffalo NR (AR) - The park has advertised for a GS-025-7 interpretive
ranger (with promotion potential to GS-9) for its Upper Middle
District. It has been advertised as a 7/9 under announcement 01-0447
JR and as a 9 under announcement 01-0448 JR. Both close on April 17th.
For more info, call Doug Wilson, chief of interpretation, at
870-741-5443. [Doug Wilson, BUFF]
If you know of a web site relevant to the operations of the National
Park Service, please send it along for inclusion in "Hot Links."
Urban Parks Institute (http://urbanparks.org) - The Urban Parks
Institute has just launched Urban Parks Online, a website designed to
aid park professionals and volunteers in their efforts to restore,
improve and revitalize urban open spaces. It includes "park portraits"
of world-renowned sites, a community network where people can share
advice and offer help on various issues, a growing database of over
800 park and park-related organizations, links to parks-related news
stories and information, and info on speakers, teachers and others who
can provide technical assistance. Charles Jordan, a member of the NPS
Advisory Board, will be taking questions and comments at the site
through April 16th. He is also sharing ideas on the development of a
national agenda for urban parks. [Kathy Madden, Director, UPI]
Regular sections not appearing today but available at all times for
o Natural/Cultural Resource Management - Significant developments in
these fields.
o Interpretation/Visitor Services - Significant developments in these
o Operational Notes - Any information of consequence to the field on
operational matters.
o Memoranda - Memoranda from WASO to the field on all operational
o Interchange - Requests or offers from any park or office for
materials, information or any other operational needs.
o Film at 11 - Reports on current or upcoming print or electronic
media stories on the NPS.
* * * * *
Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators. Please
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your
servicing hub coordinator. The Morning Report is also available on
the web at http://www.nps.gov/morningreport
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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