NATIONAL PARK SERVICE TRAINING CALENDAR This calendar appears every other Monday as an addendum to the Morning Report. Please note: ? Entries are listed no sooner than FOUR months before a training course begins, except in cases in which registration dates close much earlier. ? Brevity in submissions is required and appreciated. ? Please send along web sites for additional information where possible. ? Asterisks (*) indicate new entries. ********************************************************************************************** July 31 - August 2: OSHA 226 - PERMIT REQUIRED CONFINED SPACE ENTRY, Albuquerque, NM. No closing date given. The course is geared to maintenance employees and supervisors, but LE rangers and resource managers are also encouraged to attend and bring confined space issues that pertain to their fields. The course meets a required safety and loss control competency. Tuition: $350. Contact: Course announcement and nomination forms are available on the Learning Place BB; course info from Andre Perera, PETR. [Christie Porter, PETR] August 6 - 10: ADVANCED ARCHEOLOGICAL RESOURCE CRIME INVESTIGATION, Fredericksburg, VA. Closes on June 19th. Training for NCR and NER law enforcement personnel and archeologists who have completed the basic ARPA course. Contact: Mike Greenfield, FRSP, 540-654-5256. [Einar Olsen, NCRO] August 13 - 16: OSHA 510 - BASIC COURSE IN CONSTRUCTION SAFETY, Albuquerque, NM. Closes on June 29th. Introduction to OSHA policies, procedures and standards for construction health and safety. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] August 6 - 16: DRIVER INSTRUCTOR TRAINING, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on June 28th. Teaches driving instructors on proper highway response, defensive driving, skid control, vehicle stops, pursuit driving and evasive maneuvers. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] August 7 - 9: LEADERSHIP IN ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN (LEED), Lakewood/Golden, CO. Closes on June 18th. LEED is a national green building rating and certification system. It is a field-tested tool for determining the performance level of a building project seeking to label itself as environmentally responsible. Structured specifically for the NPS. Classroom exercises and case studies. No tuition. Contact: Dennis Nagao via email or at 303-987-6655, or see the Learning Place BB. [Dennis Nagao, DSC] August 8 - 31: SMALL CRAFT ENFORCEMENT TRAINING, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on July 12th. Training on inland water enforcement. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] * August 13 - 17: ARPA TRAINING (XP-ARPTP-107), Las Vegas, NV. Closes on July 11th. Basic ARPA training. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] August 14 - 23: BASIC LAW ENFORCEMENT SUPERVISORS TRAINING, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on June 21st. Training in supervision of law enforcement. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] August 20 - 24: VALUE ANALYSIS - CERTIFIED MODULE I, Lakewood, CO. Closes on June 18th. Prepares participants to serve on a value analysis study team and provides necessary skills to facilitate small value studies. Includes functional analysis (FAST diagrams), alternative evaluation methods, and team dynamics. $600 tuition. Contact: Richard Turk or Dennis Nagao via email, or, respectively, at 303-969-2470 and 303- 987-6655, or see the Learning Place BB. [Dennis Nagao, DSC] August 20 - 31: PHYSICAL FITNESS COORDINATOR TRAINING, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on July 12th. Training on administering FLETC's five-part physical efficiency battery (PEB). Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] August 27 - 31: INLAND SAR COORDINATION, Yorktown, VA. Comprehensive, graduate-level look at inland SAR theory and its application to planning land and air searches for missing persons and aircraft. Taught by USAF National SAR School. Contact: Chuck Anibal, 304-535-6401. [Joyce Howe, STMA] * September 10 - 14: ARPA TRAINING (XP-ARPTP-108), Gatlinburg, TN. Closes on August 2nd. Basic ARPA training. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267- 2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] September 10 - 21: DEFENSIVE TACTICS INSTRUCTOR TRAINING, FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on August 2nd. A "train the trainer" course on defensive tactics. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] * September 16 - 22: ADVANCED RESOURCE PROTECTION (ARPT-101), FLETC, Glynco, GA. Closes on August 1st. Topics include resources crimes, a legal update, warrant service planning, building clearance, defensive tactics, and two days of scenarios. Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] * September 17 - 21: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGING NPS LEGACY INFORMATION, Mather Training Center, Harpers Ferry, WV. Closes on July 3rd. This introductory course will provide basic training on evaluating and managing audiovisual, electronic and textual records, archival and manuscript collections, and related materials. Contact: Tony Knapp, 304-535-6178 or via email. [Joyce Howe, STMA] Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA. --- ### --- Contact: Regional employee specialists; Learning Place BB; or FLETC for additional information (on email at WASO FLETC-NPS, or 912-267-2246). [Wiley Golden, FLETC] INLAND SAR COORDINATION Comprehensive, graduate-level look at inland SAR theory and its application to planning land and air searches for missing persons and aircraft. Taught by USAF National SAR School. Contact: Chuck Anibal, 304-535-6401. [Joyce Howe, STMA] Date(s): Course: MANAGERIAL GRID Location: Details: Sponsored by ANPR. Cost: $800, which includes a one-year membership in ANPR; $650 for current members. There is a $325 discount in either tuition for anyone who has a current wildland fire qualification. Send applications (purchase order, SF-181, personal check or money order, etc.) to ANPR, c/o Bill Wade, 5625 N. Wilmot Road, Tucson, AZ. Closes: Contact: Bill Wade (on email at NP-SAGU, on email at, or at 520-615-9417) Submitter: Bill Wade