NPS Morning Report - Friday, September 14, 2001

                        NATIONAL PARK SERVICE
                           AFTERNOON REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Friday, September 14, 2001 - Afternoon Report

                            *** NOTICES ***

The White House has issued a directive ordering federal facilities to 
keep flags lowered to half-staff until Saturday, September 22nd. Flags 
are to be returned to full staff at sunrise on the morning of Sunday, 
September 23rd.

On Wednesday, Director Mainella authorized the wearing of black bands 
on badges for uniformed employees, and has specifically asked that ALL 
employees with badges wear such bands. Additional guidance has been 
received for employees who do not have badges or who are not in 
uniform. See "Operational Notes" below.

Morning Report updates will continue through the weekend.


01-509 - Servicewide - Follow-up: Terrorist Attacks

Further updates have been received on the status of NPS areas and/or 
staff responses to Tuesday's terrorist attacks:

o       Gateway NRA (NY/NJ) - On September 11th, the day of the 
        attack, the Sandy Hook Unit's 41-foot patrol boat, the "George 
        B. Hartzog Jr.," and crew assisted the Coast Guard by 
        transporting volunteer New Jersey firefighters and a Coast 
        Guard admiral and staff to New York. During the evening, the 
        Hartzog took up a position under the Verrazano Narrows Bridge 
        as the point vessel maintaining the New York Harbor closure. 
        Unit staff are also providing the Coast Guard at Sandy Hook 
        with temporary housing for personnel activated for the 
        emergency and with station security. Three Upper Delaware 
        NS&RR protection rangers are assisting Sandy Hook staff.
o       Federal Hall NM (NY) - The Wall Street area is to reopen to 
        public travel tomorrow. The park conducted a preliminary 
        structural survey today. The only damage obvious to the 
        untrained eye was a worsening of an existing crack in the 
        southwest corner of the building and a broken window that 
        permitted debris to enter one room. 

o       Statue of Liberty NM/Ellis Island NM (NY) - The Statue of 
        Liberty received an unfounded bomb threat last night. Ellis 
        Island is still serving as an alternative triage center and 
        morgue. An NPS critical incident stress debriefing team has 
        been ordered for employees and families.

o       Gateway NRA (NY) - The city is seeking landfill sites and has 
        been talking with the Service about possible areas on NPS 
        lands. All requests are pending compliance and management 

o       Independence NHP (PA) - The park has received two bomb threats 
        over the past three days. Last night, a vehicle jumped a curb 
        and headed toward the Liberty Bell, but the cause proved to be 
        a simple motor vehicle accident. 

o       Catoctin MP (MD) - The central road and the area around Camp 
        David have been closed to public use.

o       Washington Monument (DC) - The top of the monument has been 
        closed to visitors due to pre-scheduled maintenance to 
        elevators. Areas adjacent to the monument are open.

o       Canaveral NS (FL) - North Beach, which is adjacent to the 
        Kennedy Space Center, remains closed at NASA's request.

o       Biscayne NP (FL) - All areas are open, but park law 
        enforcement rangers are assisting with perimeter security at 
        the nuclear power facility adjacent to the park. 

o       Glen Canyon NRA (AZ/UT) - The Hayden visitor center is closed; 
        all other facilities are open. 

o       Organ Pipe Cactus NM (AZ) - The visitor center is closed.

o       Lake Mead NRA (NV/AZ) - Hoover Dam is open to passenger cars 
        only and closed to trucks and motor homes.

o       Whiskeytown NRA (CA) - The lake has been partially closed. Dam 
        closures have been conducted in cooperation with BOR, but it 
        was likely that some closures would be lifted today.

o       Fort Point NHS (CA) - The park will remain closed through 
        Sunday due to its proximity to Golden Gate Bridge. 

o       Haleakala NP (HI) - A partial road closure - seven-tenths of a 
        mile - is in effect at the request of the FAA.

Other closures and operations are essentially as noted yesterday. 
[Russ Wilson, GATE/SHU, 9/12; Clayton Jordan, IC, Type 3 IMT, SHEN, 
9/13; Karl Merchant, Plans, Type 2 IMT, NERO, 9/13]

                   [Additional incident reports pending....]


Mourning Ribbons - In order to address numerous requests from the 
field for an alternative method of displaying support for the rescuers 
and grief for the dead and injured in the events of this week, WASO 
has authorized the wearing of a small black ribbon in a single loop 
worn centered two inches above the left pocket (same location as the 
badge) on the uniform shirts of those who don't wear badges. This will 
allow those employees who do not wear a badge to show their solidarity 
if they choose to participate. The ribbons can also be worn by those 
in civilian clothes. The black ribbon should not exceed six inches in 
length and be no more than a half inch wide. When looped and pinned, 
the ribbon should be about two inches long.  The ribbon and badge 
bands can be worn until WASO advises that they are to be removed. 
[Dennis Burnett, RAD/WASO]

                            *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed 
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please 
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your 
servicing hub coordinator.  The Morning Report is also available on 
the web at

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the 
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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