NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, September 18, 2001

                        NATIONAL PARK SERVICE
                           MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Tuesday, September 18, 2001


01-509 - Servicewide - Follow-up: Terrorist Attacks

The National Park Service continues to provide support to its parks 
and employees, gather information on the status of field areas for 
DOI, and deal with security issues throughout the country. 

Director Fran Mainella has set the tone for the continuing NPS effort 
with her message to "the employees, friends and partners of the 
National Park Service":

"I regret very much that my first formal communication as Director 
comes at a time of such great sadness. Along with the President and 
Secretary Norton, I share your deep sense of sorrow about recent 
events. The National Park Service is a family that cares not only 
about its own staff and park visitors, but also for the nation as a 
whole. I am truly pleased to be a part of this family. 

"The role of the Service in the nation's life is crucial. As the 
Secretary said in her recent press release, 'We encourage everyone to 
draw inspiration from our greatest national treasures, and let them 
serve as reminders that this nation will endure and prosper.' We will 
continue to provide the services and inspiration of the national parks 
to the American people. 

"I will be working hard with all of you to protect our employees, 
visitors, and resources in the times ahead. My commitment to that will 
be addressed in a message I will be sharing with you shortly, and 
which I had intended to send you this past Tuesday morning. 

"All of us need to be sensitive to the stress these tragic incidents 
have placed on us. My instructions for dealing with continuity of NPS 
operations were reported in the September 14th Morning Report. But, 
beyond our professional responsibilities, we must also deal with the 
personal impacts that NPS employees have suffer ed. We must each take 
the time to offer solace wherever and however we can. Those who suffer 
losses and anxiety during this time are also encouraged to contact the 
Employee Assistance Program (800-222-0354). All counseling is always 
totally confidential for our employees."

Director Mainella will be traveling to New York on Thursday to meet 
with employees from parks throughout the area. A primary focus of 
current NPS operations in New York is the provision of assistance to 
the these employees, including staff in all divisions, US Park Police 
officers, and concessions personnel. The NPS dispatched a team of five 
CISD counselors to the area to conduct an initial assessment over this 
past weekend and now has nine peer supporters, representing all 
divisions, on site at Ellis Island. They will be providing individual 
and group debriefings to all employees in the metro area. Quite a few 
saw the first airplane hit the World Trade Center, even more saw the 
second (it passed low over Liberty and Ellis Islands), and many others 
have been directly involved in on-scene search and recovery 
operations. Heading the CISD team is Pat Buccello. If you have 
concerns about support needs for any employee, please contact her at 
212-883-1986 ext 317 or page her at 877-749-8702. Pat says that the 
employees she's talked with have invariably told her about how much 
they've appreciated emails from friends and colleagues from around the 
Service. If you know someone working in the New York or Washington 
metropolitan areas or someone involved in support or other related 
operations, take a minute to send him or her a note. 

The Service's national Type 1 incident management team (Skip Brooks, 
IC) is operating from the South Interior Building in Washington. They 
have been charged with:

o       Protecting employees and assuring safe operations

o       Analyzing situation/intelligence information and determining 
        the best course of action for the agency to safely maintain 
        essential operations

o       Providing information regarding agency operations to WASO 
        employees, including the directorate, as needed

o       Providing interagency support to the staff at the Department 
        of Interior's command post

In order to help the Type 1 team meet this mandate and to facilitate 
communications with the field, the Morning Report is currently being 
prepared and disseminated from Washington. Incident and other reports 
should still be sent to the same email address.

The director has mandated that the team collect information from all 
NPS areas and provide it to her twice daily. Please see the 
informational copy of her memorandum to the regional directors below, 
which provides details on what is needed and when.

A few park status reports have also been received:

o       Manhattan Sites (NY) - Asbestos testing is being done 
        throughout lower Manhattan. Federal Hall will remain closed 
        until the testing is concluded. All utilities at the site are 
        in working order and cleanup is continuing. Lower East Side 
        Tenement Museum was used as a temporary shelter last Tuesday, 
        the day of the attack. It was closed on Wednesday and reopened 
        on Friday the 16th. No one on the museum staff was injured and 
        the building did not sustain any damage. 

o       Statue of Liberty NM/Ellis Island NM (NY) - Site division 
        chiefs met at Ft. Wadsworth yesterday; all employees are 
        meeting at Ellis Island today to go over employee assistance, 
        park operations, and security issues.

o       Gateway NRA (NY/NJ) - The park is open, but Miller Field, 
        Floyd Bennett Field and Ft. Wadsworth remain closed.

o       Independence NHP (PA) - The park is open, including 
        Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell. Special activities 
        scheduled for today will proceed. The Liberty Bell and 
        Independence Hall are now escorted tours only.

01-510 - Castillo de San Marcos/Fort Matanzas NM (FL) - Follow-up:
         Tropical Storm Gabrielle

Tropical Storm Gabrielle pounded the northeast Florida coast from 
mid-day Friday through late Saturday evening, with sustained winds 
over 40 miles per hour and gusts in the mid-50s. The park has trees 
and limbs down, a severely damaged boardwalk at Fort Matanzas, and 
significant clean-up still to do. Both parks were closed Friday 
afternoon. Casa Grande re-opened Sunday and Fort Matanzas reopened 
yesterday. Park staff are in the process of  calculating total storm 
damage costs. There were significant impacts on the $3.6 million 
Castillo stabilization project currently underway; the contractor is 
still conducting an assessment. The park received between eight and 
ten inches of rain during the course of the storm, which fell on 
ground already saturated from heavy rains last week. [Gordie Wilson, 
Superintendent, CASA/FOMA, 9/16]

                   [Additional reports pending....]


Three national Type 1 teams are supporting FEMA operations in 
Washington and New York. Bateman's team is supporting urban rescue 
efforts in New York City and is based at the incident command post at 
the Jacob Javits Convention Center in lower Manhattan; Stutler's team 
is managing mobilization centers in Edison and at McGuire AFB in New 
Jersey; Gage's team is supporting Pentagon rescue operations and is 
based at the Anacostia Naval Station in Arlington, Virginia.

One new large fire was reported in the Northwest yesterday. Initial 
attack was moderate in northern California and the Northwest. 

Very high to extreme indices were reported in Arizona, California, 
Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.


"Status and Resource Reports," sent electronically on September 17th 
from the Type 1 incident management team in WASO to all regional 
directors, per Director Mainella. A reply is due by September 20th. An 
informational copy follows:

"The national park system has been affected by the national crisis. A 
national incident management team has been activated to support 
incidents in national park units throughout the system. The national 
incident management team, currently based in Washington, DC, has been 
tasked with collecting and disseminating information on the status of 
parks and the availability of resources servicewide. Each park will 
report through the point of contact (POC) for the region. The POCs 
will be responsible for reporting park status twice a day and 
compiling a national resource availability list.

"Park Status Report - Each identified POC needs to provide Shenandoah 
National Park dispatch (EICC) with updates twice daily. The National 
Park Service Status report is compiled at 11:00 am and at 4:00 p.m. 
EDT. Each POC needs to report to Shenandoah EICC at those times. 
Negative responses (unable to contact the park) or no changes of 
status responses are also required. Each POC will submit both 
electronic and fax messages to Shenandoah dispatch (EICC). The EICC 
can be contacted at 540-999-3411 or 888-246-4335.  The EICC fax number 
is 540-999-2204 and the cc:Mail address is SHEN EICC.

"National resource availability list - The national resource 
availability list is a compilation of resource information from 
National Park Service units, which may be utilized to provide 
assistance nationwide.  This information also needs to be provided to 
the EICC via both fax and email by COB, Thursday, September 20, 2001.

"Because the incident management team is working to manage all 
National Park Service resources, units of the national park system 
should process all resource requests (as identified on the attached 
form) through Shenandoah dispatch to the incident management team for 
approval.  Please use the attached national resource availability list 
to report the resources for each region.  We truly appreciate your 
efforts in this time of national need.  Please review the attachments 
for the required information and sample park status report."

                            *  *  *  *  *

Distribution of the Morning Report is through a mailing list managed 
by park, office and/or regional cc:Mail hub coordinators.  Please 
address requests pertaining to receipt of the Morning Report to your 
servicing hub coordinator.  The Morning Report is also available on 
the web at

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the 
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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