NPS Morning Report - Friday, November 16, 2001
- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Friday, November 16, 2001
- Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 11:50:19 -0500
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Friday, November 16, 2001
01-606 - Gateway NRA (NY/NJ) - Follow-up: Airline Crash
Support operations for the crash of American Airlines Flight 587 have
shifted to Floyd Bennett Field, where the Ryan Visitor Center is being
used as a control center for FBI activities and two hangars are being
used by the NTSB for storage of material from the crash site. The
hangar that was used by New York City as a temporary morgue will be
cleaned sometime in the next few days and returned to park use. Floyd
Bennett Field was closed on Monday due to the high volume of emergency
vehicles entering and leaving the park. Access was limited on Tuesday
to participants involved in previously schedule activities. The site
was fully reopened to the public at 8 a.m. on Wednesday morning. A
meeting was to be held with city officials yesterday regarding a
memorial service for the victims of the accident. The probable
location is Fort Tilden or Jacob Riis Park; the date under discussion
for the service is Sunday, November 18th. [Jose Rosario, CR, GATE;
Billy Garrett, Superintendent, Jamaica Bay Unit, GATE, 11/15]
Biscayne NP (FL) - In early October, the Coast Guard established a
security zone around the Turkey Point nuclear power plant, which is
located just a mile and a half from park headquarters. The majority of
the zone is in park waters. In the event of a credible threat, the
zone will be defended by several agencies, including the Coast Guard,
FBI, Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Fish, Florida Wildlife
Conservation Commission, the park, Miami-Dade PD, and the security
operations for Turkey Point and Florida Power and Light. The park has
hosted a meeting to establish procedures for maintaining and enforcing
security in the zone and to clarify communications procedures. The
meeting resulted in some solutions to enforcement issues and
strengthened relations among agencies with overlapping jurisdictions.
[Holly Rife, CR, BISC, 11/15]
National Fire Situation - Preparedness Level 2
Initial attack was moderate in the South and light elsewhere on
Wednesday. Three new fires were reported in the South and East; one
large fire in the South and eight in the East were contained. Very
high to extreme fire indices were reported in Indiana, West Virginia,
Montana, North Carolina, and Virginia.
Park Fire Situation
No new fires reported.
[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 11/15; NPS Situation
Summary Report, 11/15]
Klondike Gold Rush NHP (AK) - John Warder, the park's chief of
maintenance, will be retiring at the end of the year following more
than 30 years of government service. John has been at Klondike since
1983 and has made enormous contributions to the restoration of the
park's historic buildings. He has also played a key role in overseeing
improvements that have greatly enhanced the quality and safety of the
visitor experience on the Chilkoot Trail. Prior to 1983, John worked
at Olympic National Park, where he reached the position of trails
foreman. The park is collecting photographs and stories to include in
a scrapbook to be presented to him. Submissions should be received by
December 10th and can be sent to Evelyn Meyer, Klondike Gold Rush NHP,
PO Box 517, Skagway, AK, 99840. Questions can be directed to Evelyn
by calling 907-983-2921. [Bruce Noble, KLGO]
* * * * *
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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