NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, December 11, 2001
- Subject: NPS Morning Report - Tuesday, December 11, 2001
- Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2001 09:08:29 -0500
- Disposition-Notification-To: "" <>
To: All National Park Service Areas and Offices
From: Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office
Day/Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2001
*** NOTICE ***
Due to the unfortunate conjunction of two events last week, the Morning
Report has not generally been available to readers since Wednesday, December
5th. On that date, dissemination of the Morning Report shifted from cc:Mail
to the National Park Service's web page; at or about the same time, a court
order stemming from a wholly unrelated court case led to the shutdown of all
DOI Internet connections. Efforts have been underway since that time to try
and figure out a way to at least get the Morning Report posted at its home
page (]. We regret the interruption in
Morning Report dissemination, but some times serendipity happens.
01-636 - Blue Ridge Parkway (NC/VA) - Homicide Suspect Apprehended
Resource management specialist Jim Basinger happened upon a man walking
along a remote section of the parkway on the afternoon of December 6th. He
felt that there was something unusual about him and summoned a law
enforcement ranger. Due to the lengthy response time, Basinger drove back to
the area and began talking with the man from his vehicle. The man -
subsequently identified as J.G. of Stuarts Draft, Virginia, a
small community adjacent to the park - told Basinger that he'd killed
someone, and that he intended to kill himself. Basinger determined that
J.G. had an edged weapon in his possession, so left the area. A
Wintergreen PD officer was first on the scene and took J.G. into
custody without incident. Investigators determined that J.G.'s
grandmother had been killed in her home with a blunt instrument; they also
determined that J.G. may have been involved in car clouts in the
area. A multi-agency investigation is underway. The case ranger is DR Bruce
Bytnar. [John Garrison, Protection Specialist, BLRI, 12/7]
Fee Program Update - There have been a number of recent developments in the
national fee program:
• The FY 02 appropriations bill language was modified to extend the
recreational fee demo program
fee collection authority to September 30, 2004, and the expenditure of
recreational fee revenue
until September 30, 2007. Congress also lifted the cap on the number of
recreational fee
demonstration projects. The Washington Office is planning to convert all fee
collection sites to
recreational fee demo projects in the near future. Additional guidance will
be sent out to regions
and parks shortly.
• WASO staff are currently working on three congressional reports - the
first is a comprehensive
interagency report on the results of the recreational fee demo program, the
second is the annual
interagency report, and the third is a specific NPS report on cost of
collection that specifically
identifies parks that spent more than 20% of revenue on collection costs.
These reports are all
due to the Hill in the next couple of months. Congressional oversight
hearings on the program will
likely be held in February or March. There's also a permanent legislative
bill developed by all four
participating agencies that has not yet cleared OMB yet.
• GAO recently submitted its draft audit report on the fee program. All
agencies provided comments
on GAO's findings. The final report should be officially transmitted to
Congress in the near future.
GAO found that the fee program in general has been successful, but concluded
that improvements
could be made in the following areas - establishing more consistent
evaluation criteria,
experimenting with more innovations and collaborative arrangements with
other agencies and
entities, clearing up visitor confusion about user and entrance fees, and
ensuring that fee
revenue is being spent on highest priorities.
• A new request for proposals (RFP) is being developed for the NPS
reservation service contract. The
current contract expires in December of 2002. A work group has been
researching information
and getting feedback from the field on new/revised requirements. A meeting
to solicit feedback on the program was held in Washington in November that
was attended by representatives from all
parks on the system.
• Sally Lewis from Gulf Islands NS and Joe McGown from Mammoth Cave NP have
received star
awards for their outstanding contributions in assisting the national fee
program office with
coordination and oversight of the national reservation service this past
year. Sheri Ogden from
Yosemite NP was given an on-the-spot award for helping with the annual
revision and coordination of the system brochure.
• Washington Office staff are working with McKinsey and Company to develop
an executive
summary of the findings of the fee study conducted last spring. The primary
include the following - improving consistency in setting price points for
entrance fees for similar
types of parks, instituting a consistent entrance fee package of activities,
revising commercial
tour fee schedules to more closely align with entrance fee rates,
standardizing length of stay rules
for similar kinds of parks, reexamining and possibly standardizing
allocation formulas for all fee
authorities, and evaluating parks that do not charge fees for possible
inclusion in the fee program, as appropriate. The next steps for
implementation and policy development are being planned.
• The regional fee program managers recently met in Washington to review all
cost of collection
projects for FY 2002. This meeting was conducted to eliminate duplicate
reviews of projects by
regions and by Washington in order to improve the timeliness of approvals
and also to improve
consistency in reviews.
• The new PMIS version 4 was instituted on December 3rd. This new version of
PMIS requires parks to prioritize projects. This was done in response to OMB
and GAO concerns.
• The comprehensive call was issued on December 3rd and will now include all
recreation fee
projects (including cost of collection) and National Park Pass projects for
FY 2002 - 2004. Additional guidance will be issued in the near future. FY
2002 cost of collection guidance was issued in
October 2001.
• The Veterans Day weekend fee waiver appears to have been a success. Many
parks have
submitted comments about positive visitor reactions and collaborative
efforts; these were shared
with the directorate and the secretariat.
• The Washington Office will soon be issuing a revised SOP on procedures for
ordering new National
Park Passes, holograms, etc. The new image will be of Arches NP. In FY 2001,
about $14 million in
National Park Pass revenue was collected. This translates to about 280,000
Lastly, a sad note: Long-time Glacier NP fee program manager Jerry Nelson
passed away from cancer on November 28th. Jerry will be remembered for his
many contributions to the NPS fee program, particularly pertaining to
accountability. He was one of the cornerstones of the fee program and will
be greatly missed. [Jane Moore, RAD/WASO]
NPS Law Enforcement Training Center (GA) - The center is looking for people
interested in helping train protection rangers in the new national park
ranger integrated training program. Due to the anticipated increase in the
number of classes for this program, the center is seeking a larger cadre of
instructors. These NPS-specific classes have been integrated into the basic
law enforcement program and compliment the training that rangers receive
from the other training divisions at FLETC. Current NPRI course subject
areas are:
History and mission of the NPS The NPS uniform
Resource law enforcement Jurisdiction and authority
The future of the NPS Interpretation and resource education
Mental preparation for armed confrontation Legislative affairs
NPS tort claim investigations 36 CFR and 36 CFR lab
SAR/ICS/situational awareness Extremist groups on public lands
Personnel administration Wilderness
Ranger competencies and training Risk management
Wildland and structural fire WASO update
Retirement planning DO-9/RM-9
NTSA DUI detection/SFST certification (wet labs) Graduation speakers
If you're interested and would like more information about the program and
courses, please contact Don Usher at 912-267-3190 or email him at [Wiley Golden, NPS-LETC]
* * * * *
Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the cooperation
and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.
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