NPS Morning Report - Wednesday, June 12, 2002

                       NATIONAL PARK SERVICE
                           MORNING REPORT

To:         All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:       Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:   Wednesday, June 12, 2002


02-227 - Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania NMP (VA) - Storm Damage;

A severe storm struck the Wilderness Battlefield unit of the park at
approximately 6 p.m. on June 6th. Rangers Craig Johnson and Dave
Laclergue were cutting downed trees on Hill-Ewell Drive, the main park
road through that unit, when local fire and rescue units arrived and
advised them that 911 had received a call reporting an injured visitor
in a vehicle that had been hit by falling trees. The rangers and local
crews continued to clear trees until they reached a point where they
could use farm fields to go around the blocked road. They reached the
vehicle, which had been crushed by three large pines, around 8 p.m. The
rescue squad employed a "Jaws of Life" to extract the driver while a
patch was cut through the woods to the farm fields. It was 9 p.m. before
the driver was carried out on a backboard to a waiting ambulance. He was
not seriously hurt. He said that was stopped in front of a downed tree
when he heard more trees cracking, so laid on the vehicle's floor before
it was crushed. He began yelling for help after the storm passed; a park
neighbor heard the cries and dialed 911. The National Weather Service
did not classify the storm as a tornado but said that it had produced 70
mph winds. Park maintenance crews worked throughout the night until all
private accesses were cleared. The vehicle was not reached and removed
until June 8th. It's estimated that 60 to 80 trees fell across the road
alone. [Mike Greenfield, SPR, FRSP, 6/10]

02-228 - Organ Pipe Cactus NM (AZ) - Drug Seizures

Over the course of the month of May, rangers arrested 27 people in nine
drug cases, seizing over 3,500 pounds of marijuana. Twenty-two Mexican
nationals are facing prosecution for backpacking narcotics through the
park; three U.S. citizens are facing charges for transporting narcotics
in false compartments of pickup truck beds. So far this year, rangers
have been involved in 23 drug cases, arrested 59 people, and seized just
under four-and-a-half tons of contraband. [Dale Thompson, CR, ORPI, 6/1]

02-229 - Natchez Trace Parkway (MS/AL/TN) - Marijuana Seizure

On the evening of June 3rd, ranger Joe Mangino stopped J.L. of
New Site, Mississippi, for driving recklessly and carelessly on the
parkway near mile post 125 in the Ridgeland District. When Mangino
contacted J.L., he saw a marijuana seed on the driver's seat, which led
to an interview, a search of the vehicle, and the discover of over
$1,800 in cash and 28 pounds of marijuana in the form of two bricks
wrapped in a black trash bag. A joint investigation with the county
sheriff's office is underway; the case will be prosecuted locally. [Mike
Anderson, CR, NATR, 6/6]

[Additional reports pending...]


National Fire Situation

Initial attack was light everywhere on Tuesday. Two new large fires were
reported - one in the South, the other in the Rockies. Five others were

Priorities for large fires in the Rockies are being established by the
Rocky Mountain multi- agency coordinating group. An area command team
(Chesley) is assigned to manage the large fires in southeastern

Among the more significant fires on the NICC Incident Management
Situation Report were those noted below. Due to the numerous fires
burning during the summer, only the most significant (and all NPS fires)
appear here. For a map showing their locations, click on ; for details on all major
fires currently burning, click on


Hayman Fire, Pike-San Isabel National Forest (86,925 acres, 5%
contained) - Two Type 1 teams (Martin and Raley) have been assigned to
the fire, which is burning in ponderosa pine and mixed conifers six
miles northwest of Lake George. The fire was very active yesterday, with
runs to the southeast and southwest. Crews are anchoring and
constructing hand lines. A mandatory evacuation has been issued for the
residents of 6,000 homes. For full details on this major fire, go to

Coal Seam Fire, Grand Junction Dispatch Center Area Counties (10,600
acres, 5% contained) - Hart's Type 1 team is assigned. The fire is
burning in heavy oakbrush four miles from Glenwood Springs. Fire
behavior yesterday included short upslope runs, torching and spotting.
The mandatory evacuation has been lifted and residents are returning to
their homes.

Miracle Complex, Grand Junction District, BLM (3,600 acres, 40%
contained) - Hartman's Type 2 team is assigned. The complex consists of
the Long Canyon and Dierich Creek Fires, both burning near Grand
Junction. Fire activity was minimal yesterday, but a mandatory
evacuation order remains in place for residents of 230 homes.

Trinidad Complex, Colorado State Forest Service (30,850 acres, 75%
contained) - Swope's Type 2 team is managing the complex, burning eight
miles south of Stonewall. The Spring Fire - one of two in the complex -
was very active yesterday, with torching and spotting observed. A total
of 250 residences and several commercial properties are threatened.

Missionary Ridge Fire, San Juan National Forest (8,903 acres, 5%
contained) - A Type 2 team (Solarz) is assigned to the fire, which is
ten miles north of Durango. Sustained crowning and torching were
reported yesterday, with spotting up to a quarter mile ahead of the fire
front. Several businesses and 305 residences are threatened; the Elkhorn
subdivision is closed and several homes above Lemon Dam have been


Wolf Fire, Los Padres National Forest (21,278 acres, 85% contained) - A
Type 1 team (Gelobter) is managing the fire. Lines are being built along
Pine Mountain Ridge and Sespe Creek. Two California National Guard
Blackhawk helitankers are assisting firefighters.

New Mexico

Ponil Fire, New Mexico State Forestry Office (89,000 acres, 20%
contained) - Lohrey's Type 1 team is assigned. The fire made several
small runs yesterday and was very active on its western flank. Crews are
constructing lines on the north and west flanks and burning out on the
south and east flanks.

National Fire Danger

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in Arizona, California,
Colorado, Kansas, Minnesota, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas and

National Resource Commitments

                Wed   Thu   Fri   Sat   Sun   Mon   Tue
Date            6/5   6/6   6/7   6/8   6/9   6/10  6/11
Crews           439   321   365   315   321   304   332
Engines         410   441   499   488   497   510   553
Helicopters     88    87    85    94    89    110   82
Air Tankers     0     1     2     5     8     4     6
Overhead        1,864 1,876 1,683 1,627 1,551 1,703 1,899
Type 1 IMT      4     4     4     4     5     7     6
Type 2 IMT      9     7     6     9     10    7     7
Fire Use IMT    1     1     1     1     1     1     2

National Fire Warnings and Watches

NICC has not issued any watches or warnings for today.

Park Fire Situation

Cherry Fire, El Malpais NP (13,200 acres, 20% contained) - A Type 2 team
(Gardner) has been assigned to the fire. A total of 557 firefighters and
overhead personnel (up from 456 yesterday) and 16 engines (up from nine
yesterday) are committed. Fire activity was limited to isolated
flare-ups. Crews are constructing lines and burning out. A voluntary
evacuation has been recommended for the El Calderon area and Frank Lloyd
Wright House. An evacuation plan and structure protection are in place
for several residences. Highway 117 is closed nightly due to residual

Kupukupu Fire, Hawaii Volcanoes NP (3,660 acres, 65% contained) - A
total of 145 firefighters and overhead personnel (down from 176
yesterday) are committed. Crews continue to construct lines on the north

Park Fire Danger

Not available.

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report, 6/12]


Case Incident Reporting System Update - TRW Systems is evaluating
new incident reporting software for the NPS as part of a contract to
replace the current case incident reporting system. Candidate programs
will be assessed versus initial product information provided in response
to a request for information (RFI) which was published on the FedBizOpps
web site on May 31st. The RFI text and contact information can be
obtained from the following address:$cbd.sypfirstcount?P_SERVER_ID3=NP144302&P_OBJ_ ID1=728517

Please notify potential commercial vendors of this public posting.
Participants should call or email with their intention to respond. After
the initial RFI evaluation, a more detailed analysis will be conducted
and a request for proposal (RFP) formulated. [Mary Davis, Risk
Management Division, WASO]


Yellowstone NP (WY) - The park has put out an all-sources announcement
for a GS-7 protection ranger. The positions has promotion potential to
GS-9, which means that people without status can apply. The announcement
closes on June 21st and can be found on
[Lisa Helms, YELL]

Chickasaw NRA (OK) - The park has an announcement out for a GS-9
protection ranger. It's on USA Jobs and closes on June 15th. A Level 1
commission, wildland fire red card and boating skills are required. The
ranger program at Chickasaw provides an opportunity to gain training and
experience in law enforcement, natural and cultural resource protection,
boating, horse patrol, wildland firefighting, SCUBA, criminal
investigation, EMS and more. The park is in south central Oklahoma and
receives over 1.5 million recreational visits per year. For more
information about the position and duties, contact DR Ed Cummins at
580-622-3161. [Mark Foust, CR, CHIC]

*  *  *  *  *

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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