MORNING REPORT

To:           All National Park Service Areas and Offices

From:         Division of Ranger Activities, Washington Office

Day/Date:     Monday, August 19, 2002


02-388 - Zion NP (UT) - Rescue

Park staff responded to a report of a rappelling accident in Pine Creek
Canyon at 3:30 p.m. on August 11th. A 50-year-old man had been
descending into the slot canyon from the north rim when he found that
his rope end did not reach to the canyon floor. When he attempted to
stop his downward movement, he turned upside down and rappelled off the
end of his rope, falling 15 feet to the canyon floor. EMS personnel
reached him at 5 p.m. and provided ALS. The man and an attendant were
then raised 100 feet to the canyon rim. Rescuers got him to the
trailhead at 9 p.m. He was taken by park ambulance to a hospital in St.
George, where he was found to have sustained fractures to four ribs on
his right side and to his left femur in two locations. The leader of the
five-person group was issued a citation for not having a canyoneering
permit. Kevin Killian was IC. [Chuck Passek, ZION]

02-389 - Gateway NRA (NY/NJ) - Car Clouting Arrest

During the month of August, the Gateway Sports Center parking lot was
the site of several larcenies from vehicles. The same method of entry
was used for all the larcenies - the thief would punch a very small hole
(using either an ice pick or screwdriver) under the door lock,
manipulate the lock until it opened, then remove items from the vehicle.
During a larceny on August 12th, a full suspect vehicle description was
obtained from witnesses and a BOLO ("be on the lookout" broadcast) was
distributed to patrol units. On August 16th, officer Michael Beck saw
the suspect vehicle on a city street about three miles from the Sports
Center. When Beck stopped it, a passenger jumped out and fled. Other
units arrived within minutes and the passenger - identified as
28-year-old Andrew Means of Brooklyn - was arrested by USPP investigator
Karl Larsen after a brief foot chase and struggle. Further investigation
revealed a blue duffel bag and burglar tools inside the passenger
compartment of the vehicle. The bag's owner was traced via a luggage
tag. Officers found that the owner had been the victim of a car clout
only minutes before at a city-run golf course parking lot a mile north
of the Sports Center. The method of entry was the same as the Sports
Center car clouts. Means' companion cooperated with investigators,
providing a sworn statement implicating him in the thefts. Means was
arrested and charged in state court with possession of stolen property,
petite larceny, possession of burglar tools, and criminal mischief. The
Sports Center cases have been closed. [Lt. John Margiliano, USPP, GATE]

02-390 - Gulf Island NS (MS/FL) - Helicopter Forced Landing

On the afternoon of August 16th, a Navy TH-57 Sea Ranger helicopter made
a forced landing in the Santa Rosa area of the park. Rangers and
emergency personnel responded and discovered the two pilots still inside
the badly damaged helicopter. One was flown to a local hospital due to a
back injury; the other, who suffered only minor injuries, was
transported by ambulance. The helicopter was on a training mission out
of NAS Whiting Field and initial investigation indicates a mechanical
problem with the tail rotor. A fuel spill of approximately a half gallon
of hydraulic fluid was detected. The Navy is working closely with the
resource management division to limit and rehab any resource damage.
[John Bandurski, Acting CR, GUIS]

[Additional reports pending. . . . .]


National Fire Situation

Preparedness Level 4

Initial attack yesterday was heavy in the Northwest, moderate in the
northern Rockies, and light elsewhere. Over the past three days, 563 new
starts have been reported; of these, 18 have become large fires. Another
seven large fires have been contained.

Very high to extreme fire indices were reported in the following states:

*     Continued from yesterday - Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho,
Kansas, Massachusetts, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon,
South Dakota, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 
*     Added since last report - None. 
*     Removed since last report - Rhode Island.

National Resource Commitments

                    Sun     Mon     Tue     Wed     Thu     Fri     Sat     Sun
Date                8/11    8/12    8/13    8/14    8/15    8/16    8/17    8/18
Crews               518     503     481     502     502     478     466     622
Engines             734     754     635     614     703     718     822     971
Helicopters         152     140     135     140     164     146     160     180
Air Tankers         3       7       4       11      10      8       3       3
Overhead            3,429   3,707   3,762   3,505   3,821   3,514   3,313   4,613
Area Commands       1       1       1       1       1       1       1       1
Type 1 IMT          5       5       5       5       5       5       7       7
Type 2 IMT          5       5       5       9       9       11      13      13
T1/T2 S/IMT *       1       0       0       1       1       3       5       6
Fire Use IMT        0       0       0       2       1       3       3       4

* Type 1 and Type 2 state incident management teams
# Information not available

National Fire Warnings and Watches

NICC has posted the following for today:

A RED FLAG WARNING for gusty south to southwest winds and low relative humidity for 
southwest and west central Utah.
A FIRE WEATHER WATCH for dry thunderstorms, high temperatures, low relative humidity 
and a high Haines index for southwest and west central Colorado.

Park Fire Situation

Mount Rushmore NM (SD) - The Battle Creek Fire (6,000 acres) is burning
about six miles east of the park in the Black Hills National Forest. The
town of Keystone and the park are on pre- evacuation notice of 30
minutes. Strong west winds have been moving the active portions of the
fire to the east and south. Firefighters were removed from the fire late
Saturday afternoon due to erratic fire behavior. Heavy smoke and haze is
present in the area. Additional fuel reduction and clean-up is being
conducted in and around structures in the park.

Big Hole NB (MT) - The Sheep Creek Fire (1,200 acres) is burning 15
miles northwest of Wisdom, Montana, and is not far from the park. The
park has reopened its visitor center, but trails remain closed. Highway
43 is open, with traffic being led by a pilot car. Some extreme fire
behavior has been observed in heavy dead and down lodgepole pine.
Structure protection is in place and plans are in place to move valuable
museum collection items if needed.

Sunset Crater Volcano NM (AZ) - The Fence Fire (75 acres, lightning
start) is burning on the north side of the park. Erratic winds have
caused rapid growth and torching. The fire is burning in heavy timber
and downed logs and is producing noticeable smoke.

Walnut Canyon NM (AZ) - The Soon Fire (lightning start) is burning 200
yards south of Walnut Canyon on Forest Service lands. A Type II crew is
working on hand lines. The fire is creeping through grass and
undergrowth. Smoke is visible from the visitor center and is attracting
visitor comment. No acreage figures available.

Wupatki NM (AZ) - The majority of the Antelope Fire (1,800 acres,
human-caused) acreage is on park land, with the remainder on the
Coconino National Forest. The fires has been contained. About 300
archeological sites were exposed to the fire.

Redwood N&SP (CA) - The Biscuit Fire/Zone 2 (28,772 acres), the portion
of the fire burning in California, was fully contained late on Thursday.
Roads and services are still open in the park, although the park has
instituted fire restrictions in the backcountry and a ban on smoking
except in developed areas due to extreme fire danger.

Glacier NP (MT) - The park is managing five fires as wildland fire use

Yellowstone NP (WY) - The Phlox Fire (2780 acres) has been active due to
strong west winds. A large convection cloud is visible and smoky
conditions have been noted in Jackson. Burning is occurring to the east
and southeast in unburned heavy timber along with large dead and downed
materials. A Stage III wildland fire use analysis will be completed. The
Broad Fire (9,140 acres, 95% containment) showed no activity.

Sequoia and Kings Canyon NP's (CA) - The Slide Fire is still active and
is being managed along with two other fires as wildland fire use fires
(the Moraine and Fallen Moon Fires). The McNalley Fire (142,815 acres
and 87% contained) is on the Sequoia National Forest.

Yosemite NP (CA) - The Wolf Complex is being managed as a wildland fire
use complex. Smoke from the fire is visible from Tioga Road near Siesta
Lake. A structure management plan is in place. Two other  fires are
being managed as wildland fire use fires: The Wilmer Fire (5 acres) is
burning east of Wilma Lake and the Virginia Fire (3 acres) burning west
of McCabe Lake. Both are displaying low fire activity. Five more fires,
each less than 2 acres, are located near Nancy Peak, Rancheria Mountain,
Tuolumne Peak, Table Mountain, and Lower Merced Pass Lake. These fires
are showing little activity and are being monitored.

Additional Information

For additional information on all fires, check the following web sites:

Map of fire locations - 
Details on all current major fires - 
Fire news and fire year in perspective - 

[NICC Incident Management Situation Report; Judy Chetwin, Fire Information Desk, NIFC]

*  *  *  *  *

Prepared by the Division of Ranger Activities, WASO, with the
cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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