Director/Deputy Directors
Flags to Be Flown at Half-Staff on Thursday
By order of President Bush, all flags are to be flown at half-staff on Thursday, May 15, 2003, for Peace Officers Memorial Day. They are to be returned to full staff on Friday. The proclamation can be found at the following link:
Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Rape and Homicide
On Tuesday, May 6th, A.L.S., 20, broke into the apartment of
S.J., 25, in Maryville, Tennessee, and raped her. A.L.S. then
kidnapped S.J. and transported her to the Look Rock area on the
Foothills Parkway. At Look Rock, A.L.S. pushed S.J. off an overlook
and she fell to her death. On Friday, May 9th, Maryville detectives
arrested A.L.S., who confessed to the burglary, rape and kidnapping.
Rangers were notified of the situation and responded to the spot where
S.J.' body was found. Both the state and park have jurisdiction on
the parkway; following discussion, it was decided that the Blount County
Sheriff's Department would handle the death investigation. After the
scene was processed, S.J.'s body was taken to the University of
Tennessee, where an autopsy was performed. The results of the autopsy
revealed that she died from injuries sustained in the fall. A.L.S. is
being held in the Blount County jail in lieu of bonds totaling $725,000.
A.L.S. has been charged with aggravated burglary, especially aggravated
rape, especially aggravated kidnapping and first degree murder.
Investigators have determined that S.J. and A.L.S. had never met prior
the incident. S.J. was scheduled to graduate from the University of
Tennessee on Saturday. For a related news story, go to http://www.
[Submitted by Jack
Piepenbring, District Ranger, Cades Cove District]
Saguaro National Park (AZ)
BLM Ranger Involved in Shooting
On May 9th, a BLM law enforcement ranger assigned to Ironwood
National Monument was shot during a traffic stop on a reported stolen
vehicle. After being stopped, the lone occupant fired on the ranger, who
was struck twice. The BLM ranger returned fire, hitting the driver in
the head. Both the ranger and his assailant were flown to a hospital in
Tucson. The BLM ranger was treated and released, but the driver remains
hospitalized in critical condition. Saguaro rangers Jason Smith and
Brian Rutledge responded to the incident. Smith was one of the first on
scene and provided medical assistance to the BLM ranger. Ironwood NM is
25 miles northwest of Tucson. Although a link has yet to be established,
the monument is a heavily-used drug and illegal immigrant smuggling
corridor. The BLM and FBI are investigating the incident.
by Bob Love, Chief Ranger]
Independence National Historical Park (PA)
Assault on Rangers
During the early morning hours of May 3rd, patrolling rangers saw a
man walk by another man eating a pizza, knock it out of his hand, then
continue walking into a nearby bar. About a half hour later, they saw
him come out of the bar and put his hands on the same man's shoulders
for no apparent reason. When the man escaped his grasp, the second man
began following him. A fight ensued that carried over onto park
property. Two rangers who attempted to stop the fight were in turn
assaulted. Both men were taken into custody. Charges of assault on
federal officers were filed with the U.S. attorney.
[Submitted by
Katherine Korte, Law Enforcement Specialist]
Intermountain Region
Assist in International Cultural Theft Investigation
On April 30th, the Bureau of Immigration and Customs in Albuquerque
asked Intermountain Region special agent David Sandbakken and retired
NPS special agent Phil Young, now working as an archeologist for the
state, for technical assistance in the investigation and recovery of a
16th century Spanish colonial church altarpiece that had allegedly been
stolen from Challpama, Peru, and taken to Santa Fe. On May 1st, Young
and Sandbakken participated in the execution of a 'sealed' search
warrant in Santa Fe and contributed significantly in determining where
the altarpiece had been located and recently removed from
the search site. On May 6th, federal authorities took possession of the
altarpiece, which is evidence in an on-going federal grand jury
investigation in New York.
[Submitted by Albuquerque Journal]
Independence National Historical Park (PA)
Suspicious Backpack Leads to Detention of Disturbed Person
An abandoned backpack was found on a stairway inside the park's
visitor center on the afternoon of May 3rd. The owner had previously
been seen in the VC, acting strangely and attempting to gain access to
secure areas. He could not be found, so the building was evacuated. The
city bomb squad responded and remotely x-rayed the pack. After
determining that it didn't contain any explosives, they opened and
searched it. Numerous vials of prescribed anti-depressants and HIV
medications were found inside. Rangers searched the complex for a man
matching his description who displayed "stalking behaviors." After the
visitor center was reopened, he was seen entering one of the movie
theaters. Because of his medical state, extra caution was used when
contacting and dealing with him. Attempts to communicate with him proved
fruitless, ad he was incoherent and became uncooperative. As rangers
attempted to take him into custody, he resisted and became combative.
The man and a ranger sustained open wounds as restraints were being
applied. He was eventually subdued and placed on a 72-hour psychological
hold and evaluation. Charges will be filed after he clears from a
psychological hearing.
[Submitted by Katherine Korte, Law
Enforcement Specialist]
Natchez Trace Parkway (AL,MS,TN)
Search and Recovery of Possible Suicide Victim
Ground searchers for the Williamson County SO found the body of a
Smyrna, Tennessee, man on private lands adjacent to the park on May 3rd.
On March 29th, Leipers Fork rangers had received a report that the man
had intended to jump off the Highway 96 bridge within the park. An
extensive search was made for him that night that entailed a helicopter
with infrared equipment and the use of a bloodhound. All efforts proved
unsuccessful, however. Subsequent investigation and interviews by
rangers and county detectives strongly indicated that he was staging his
disappearance to start a new life. The cause of death is unknown, but an
overdose of prescription medications is likely.
[Submitted by Jackie
Henman, Assistant Chief Ranger]
National Interagency Fire Center
NIFC Situation Report - Tuesday, May 13, 2003
Preparedness Level 2
Initial attack was light yesterday, with only 60 new fires reported. Two were large fires the A Bar Fire on the Coronado NF in Arizona (457 acres) and the Bernard Fire in Big Branch Marsh NWR in Louisiana (157 acres).
A Type 2 team is assigned to the Columbia Response operation to search a 1,161-acre area near Modena, Utah. Crews have completed search operations.
Fire Danger
State |
5/8 |
5/9 |
5/10 |
5/11 |
5/12 |
5/13 |
Alaska |
VX |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Arizona |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
Colorado |
VX |
VX |
VX |
-- |
-- |
VX |
Kansas |
-- |
VX |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Massachusetts |
VX |
VX |
-- |
-- |
-- |
-- |
Minnesota |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
New Mexico |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
VX |
Oklahoma |
VX |
VX |
-- |
-- |
VX |
VX |
Texas |
VX |
VX |
-- |
-- |
VX |
VX |
VH Very high
EX Extreme
VX Very high to extreme
Fire Weather Watches and Warnings
No warnings or watches have been posted for today.
National Resource Commitments
Day |
5/8 |
5/9 |
5/10 |
5/11 |
5/12 |
5/13 |
Crews |
3 |
3 |
11 |
17 |
19 |
35 |
Engines |
6 |
13 |
19 |
36 |
25 |
47 |
Helicopters |
1 |
2 |
1 |
3 |
1 |
6 |
Air Tankers |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Overhead |
373 |
397 |
434 |
429 |
433 |
483 |
National Team Commitments
State |
Type Team |
Team IC |
Incident/Fire |
Acres |
Percent Contain |
Est Full Contain |
UT |
T2 |
Suwyn |
Columbia Response |
1,161 |
100% |
N/A |
NM |
T2 |
Raley |
Walker Fire, Lincoln NF |
3,434 |
85% |
5/13 |
AZ |
T2 |
Kvale |
A Bar Fire, Coronado NF |
457 |
35% |
Park Fire Situation
No reports today.
Law Enforcement and Emergency Services Division
GS-0301-12 Personnel Security and Suitability Specialist
An announcement has been posted on USA JOBS for a GS-0301-12 personnel security and suitability specialist. The announcement number is NPS WASO-03-026 and it closes on June 6th. The critical portion of the job description reads as follows: "The purpose of this position is to ensure NPS compliance with the uniform Federal personnel security program as established by Executive Orders 10450 and 12968, Access to Classified Information. The incumbent will coordinate the personnel security for law enforcement park rangers and special agents who will be considered for initial or continued access to classified information....(The) incumbent shall ensure NPS compliance with Executive Order 10577 regarding "suitability" for competitive Federal employment and more specifically '5 CFR Part 731- SUITABILITY.' Suitability means fitness and eligibility for employment and refers to identifiable character traits and past conduct that are sufficient to determine whether a given individual is likely to be able to carry out the duties and responsibilities of a law enforcement officer with the appropriate efficiency and effectiveness required in police work. Determinations of 'suitability' are focused on whether or not the employment or continued employment of an individual can reasonably be expected to promote the efficiency of the NPS law enforcement program. The incumbent is responsible for the NPS's implementation of the Department of the Interior security clearance program. This entails becoming thoroughly familiar with all phases of position sensitivity and the necessary investigative requirements for each level of sensitivity. He/she is required to maintain all security files and ensures that investigations are initiated and/or updated periodically on those employees holding special access clearances. He/she ensures the appropriate retention and security of all personnel files under his/her control." For more information, contact the Office of Human Resources at 202-354-1995 or Dennis Burnett at 202-513-7128.
[Submitted by Dennnis Burnett]
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area (PA)
GS-9 STF Protection Ranger
The park is seeking candidates for a lateral transfer to a GS-9 protection ranger position (subject to a six-month furlough) for its New Jersey District. Interested parties should contact DR Brad Clawson, New Jersey District, at 973-948-6500.
[Submitted by Brad Clawson, District Ranger]
Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found on the left side of the front page of InsideNPS. All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office and a copy to Dennis Burnett in Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO.
Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.