Everglades National Park (FL)
Entrance Closure Due to Bomb Threat
Miami-Dade County PD contacted park dispatch on the afternoon of
November 24th and advised of an ongoing incident involving a motorist
and a reported bomb threat near the park's main entrance west of
Homestead/Florida City. A park employee had also reported that an armed
man was in the area, walking toward the park. In response to the
county's request for assistance, rangers closed the main entrance to all
traffic. Officers contacted W.M., 38, about a half mile
outside the main entrance. A blue, 1983 Chevy van was parked along the
road, and W.M. was walking toward the park with a bandaged left
forearm and hand and a reported "black object" in his hand. W.M. told
them that his car was wired to an explosive device and threatened to
shoot any police officer who confronted him. Officers pursued him with
weapons drawn until he jumped into a canal near the entrance. He was
pulled from the canal, treated for a self-inflicted arm wound, and
placed on a suicide watch. The county bomb squad responded, but found no
explosives. An estimated 260 vehicles were held back from using the exit
during the incident. Visitors and employees were assisted by park staff,
who extended the hours of the Coe Visitor Center.
[Submitted by Rick
Baltimore-Washington Parkway (MD)
Suspect in Fatal Crash Pleads Guilty
On Thursday, November 20th, James Penamon pled guilty in county court
in Maryland to homicide while operating under the influence. The plea
stemmed from an incident that occurred in March, 2002. J.W.,
20, of Severna Park, Maryland, was driving down the parkway when her car
became disabled. She parked on the road's shoulder and employed her cell
phone to call AAA for assistance. While waiting for help to arrive, her
vehicle was struck from the rear by a Nissan Quest van driven by
Penamon. J.W. was seriously injured and passed away five months later
without ever regaining consciousness. Penamon fled before Park Police
officers arrived on scene. Investigators were unable to find him until
J.W.'s mother made a televised plea for Penamon to turn himself in.
That same night, Penamon's mother drove him to the Park Police station
in Greenbelt. Penamon was indicted on a charge of negligent manslaughter
by auto and seven other related offenses last March. He's scheduled to
be sentenced on December 2nd, and faces up to five years in prison.
[Submitted by Sgt. Scott Fear, US Park Police]
Director/Deputy Directors
Memorandum: "Thanksgiving Early Release"
To: All Offices
From: Director
Subject: Thanksgiving Early Release
In recognition of the outstanding dedication and contributions of all National Park Service employees as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, I am authorizing a two hour early dismissal on Wednesday, November 26, 2003. I ask all supervisors to use your managerial discretion, subject to essential workload and mission requirements to grant subordinate employees early release for up to two hours prior to the end of each employee's normal workday.
Again, my thanks to you all. Please have a safe and happy holiday.
Grand Teton National Park (WY)
Passing of Rich Spomer
Long-time park district ranger Richard Spomer passed away at his home in Grand Junction, Colorado, on Monday night. It was Rich's wish to be at home, and he passed away peacefully while in his sleep with his family beside him. Rich was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs's disease shortly before his retirement and the disease had progressed rapidly over the last few months. Colin Campbell, the park's assistant superintendent, offered the following tribute: "Rich 'Spome' was a great champion of Grand Teton for many years and beloved by all those who worked with him and for him. His wife, Leslie, is remaining strong through this; she is thankful for the support of family and friends and asks that we keep them in our thoughts." There will be a memorial service for Rich in Grand Junction, Colorado, in the near future, although details are not yet known. In lieu of flowers, Spome requested that donations be made to the Ranger Scholarship Fund through the NPS Employee and Alumni Association or the Muscular Dystrophy Fund. Additional details will be provided when available. Condolences can be forwarded to Leslie, Lissa and Ketti at the following address: 402 Willow Ridge Court, Grand Junction, CO. 81503.
[Submitted by Colin Campbell, Assistant Superintendent]
Denali National Park & Preserve (AK)
Three GS-7/9 Protection Rangers
The park will be recruiting to fill two permanent subject-to-furlough protection ranger positions (Wonder Lake and Toklat) and one permanent full-time protection ranger position (Headquarters). The rangers selected will perform traditional ranger duties, including EMS, law enforcement, SAR and firefighting in frontcountry, backcountry, and winter environments. Denali National Park and Preserve is a large (6.2 million acre) destination park containing three visitor centers, 95 miles of road and six campgrounds serving over 300,000 visitors a year. Outstanding opportunities for wilderness recreation. Some housing is available. A 25% COLA applies. The park will be recruiting through both merit promotion and all sources. Interested individuals should contact supervisory park ranger Ann Marie Chytra 907-683-9527. [Ann Marie Chytra]
Fire and Aviation Management
Rocky Mountain Area IMT Nominations
Reply Due December 15, 2003
The Rocky Mountain Area (RMA) supports five fire management teams, including one Type I Incident Management Team, two Type II Incident Management Teams, and two Fire Use Management Teams. Last year we recruited personnel to serve on the teams during the 2003-2005 term. This year we are extending an opportunity to supplement that recruitment in order to fill mid-term vacancies, and to identify additional alternates and trainees. Personnel who have already competed and been selected for a primary position on a team DO NOT need to re-apply for the same position. A copy of this memo and attached application materials are also posted on the RMA Fire Home Page at: http://www.fs.fed.us/r2/fire/
In order to provide the best possible pool of candidates, we are recruiting applicants for all identified team positions. If the position is presently encumbered, successful applicants will be identified as alternates. The list of alternates will be used to fill any permanent or temporary vacancies that occur during the remainder of the term.
During the 2003 Fire Season, the Rocky Mountain Coordinating Group committed to sponsor nearly three times as many assigned trainees as has previously been sanctioned. As a result, RMA Teams provided several hundred training opportunities. Over one hundred trainees were recommended for certification in their positions. To continue this great success, we are encouraging everyone in the fire community, in need of on-the-job training and who is willing to commit to team participation, to apply to be identified as a priority trainee. If you applied last year, but are not presently assigned to a team, you MUST re-apply to continue to be considered for training vacancies. You may apply for training in any position that you have been issued a training task-book, including positions not identified as part of a primary team roster. Applicants will be selected based on RMA position needs and interagency priorities. Trainees assigned to a team will be expected to be available to respond whenever the team is assigned. Upon successful completion of their training and certification by their home unit, candidates will be placed on the Rocky Mountain Areas list of alternates. A new trainee will then be selected for that team.
Each of the three types of fire management teams has a slightly different mixture of positions that comprise the team roster. A listing of all the positions presently identified for inclusion in Rocky Mountain Teams is attached for your use in determining what you wish to apply.
Please complete the attached RMA Fire Team application, include a copy of your Fire Training and Experience Record, have your application signed by your immediate supervisor and any other required local approvals, and then submit it through your sponsoring agency's channels to the agency's Operations Committee Representative. For non-federal applicants, submit through your state's Operations Committee Representative. Listed below are the Rocky Mountain Operations Committee Agency Representatives. If you have questions about filing an application, contact your agency representative.
RMA Operations Committee Agency Representatives
(As of 10/22/03 )
Colorado State FS Bill Graepler Colorado State University Fort Collins , CO 80523 970 491-6303 (w) 970 491-7736 (fax) wgraeple@lamar.colorado.edu |
Wyoming Division of Forestry Mike Hostetler 600 Veterans Lane Buffalo , WY 82834 307 684-2752 (w) 307 684-7636 (fax) mhoste@state.wy.us |
Fish & Wildlife Service Ken Kerr 2850 Youngfield St. Lakewood , CO 80215 303 445-4369 (w) 303 445-4319 (fax) ken_kerr@fws.gov |
BLM Wyoming & Colorado Steve Eckert POB 1828 Cheyenne , WY 82003 307 775-6235 (w) 307 775-6098 (fax) steve_eckert@blm.gov |
Bureau of Indian Affairs Don Mitchell POB 158 Ft. Washakie , WY 82514 307 332-4408 (w) 307 332-5017 (fax) mail364986@pop.net |
US Forest Service Jim Krugman 740 Simms Street Lakewood , CO 80401 303 275-5228 (w) 303 275-5754 (fax) jkrugman@fs.fed.us |
National Park Service Doug Alexander RR1, Box 190 Hot Springs , SD 57747 605 745-1156 (w) 605 745-1162 (fax) doug_alexander@nps.gov |
/s/ John Glenn
John Glenn
Chairperson, Rocky Mountain Coordinating Group
Fire and Aviation Management
Eastern and Western Great Basin IMT Nominations
Please find attached the form for submitting nominations to the Great Basin Interagency Incident Management Teams, both Type I, Type II and FUMT positions and trainee positions. Please have nominees complete the appropriate nomination form(s), and return them through their supervisors to their respective Agency Representative who will then forward them to the appropriate Great Basin Coordination Center by January 16, 2004 . It is important that only individuals with the proper qualifications be nominated to these positions. Current incident management team members who have been on the same team in the same position for 3 consecutive years must reapply; all other current team members do not need to reapply for their positions. Individual and agency commitment to team participation is the key ingredient in making the Interagency Incident Management teams successful. Type I management team call-up periods are one week in length, occurring at three week intervals during the activation period. FUMT and Type II management team call-up periods are two weeks in length, occurring every two weeks during the activation period. FUMT and Type II management teams should not be brought up to on-call status during the two week off-call period.
Positions that lack nominations for qualified current agency employees may be filled by AD's/Contractors/Retired Annuitants. It is recommended that the following positions be filled by current agency employees: Finance Section Chief; Procurement Unit Leader; Compensation/Claims Unit Leader; and Compensation Specialist. If IC's want to utilized an AD/Contractor/Retired Annuitant on their team for any position, then approval will need to be granted by the Great Basin Coordinating Group and Great Basin Operations Committee prior to placing the individual in the team position. Approved AD's/Contractors/Retired Annuitants should have a trainee assigned to them. All AD's/Contractors/Retired Annuitants assigned to the team will be required to attend annual team meetings to get current agency policy changes related to the position assigned. AD's/Contractors/Retired Annuitants will only have a one year team commitment.
Team members missing three call-up periods during a season, without extenuating circumstances, will find their continued team participation the subject of interagency management review. Nominees for positions will make a minimum three year commitment to team participation.
Again this year, the Great Basin will offer the opportunity to nominate an individual for any team position as an Alternate. Use of an alternate as a replacement for a regular team member will be only for the remainder of the year until the next team selection, and any time served will not count against the three year time committed to the team. Individuals who would like to be considered only as alternates need to submit an application form. These individuals will be given first consideration when looking for alternates for replacement of team members for the remainder of the year.
The surest way for an individual to become fully qualified in a position is to be assigned to an incident management team as a trainee. Nominees for trainee positions should understand that they will not be full time members of a team. After a trainee has met the training requirements for a position, the trainee will be replaced on the team in order to allow others to fill a trainee position.
The following positions have been added to TYPE 1 team positions:
IOF2 | SOF2 |
The following positions have been added to TYPE 2 team positions:
The following positions have been added to FUMT team positions:
The following schedule will be used for the selection of the Incident Management Teams (IMT), (Type I, II and FUMT) in the Great Basin for the upcoming fire season. These timelines have been identified by the Great Basin Operations Committee (GBOC).
Current IMT members need not reapply. The exception for the Type I , Type II and Fire Use Teams would be that after three years in one position, incumbents will need to reapply and compete for a new team position with a minimum commitment of three years.
Nomination forms will be submitted through supervisors to your Agency Representatives by January 12, for Type I , Type II and Fire Use Teams. Nominations received after January 16 will have to be approved by the Great Basin Operations Committee. Individuals should be nominated for any positions that they are interested in and qualified for, regardless of whether there is a known vacancy or not. Agency Representatives will submit names of individuals for trainee positions as well.
Type I , Type II and Fire Use Teams Recruitment and Nomination Process Guidelines.
- 10/22 Coordination Center Managers initiate nomination letter to the agencies within their Geopraphic Area for Team Member and a separate letter for Incident Commander and Deputy IC's.
- 10/22 Announcement for Incident Commander/Deputy Incident Commander. Closes December 10. All applications due to Coordination Centers.
- 12/20 GBOC recommends new Incident Commanders and Deputy IC's for selection to GBCG.
- 1/12 Nominations due to Agency Representatives from nominee supervisors.
- 1/16 Nominations due to Coordination Centers from Agency Representatives.
- 2/10-11 Team selections
- 2/18 Coordination Centers notify team members of selection.
- 4/5-7 IMT Meeting, Reno, Nevada
Nomination Form: -due January 16, 2004
- Type I and II Interagency Incident Management Teams
- One Type I Deputy IC, one Type II IC and six Type II Deputy ICs
- Fire Use Management Teams
Nomination Form - Type 2 Incident Commander - FUMT - Due December 10, 2003 More Information...
Fire and Aviation Management
Northern Rockies and Eastern Area IMT Nominations
Nominations Due December 15, 2003
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT : The Northern Rockies Coordinating Group sponsors two Type 1 Incident Management Teams, two Fire Use Management Teams as well as six Type 2 Incident Management Teams. Type 2 Teams are managed at the zone level. All teams will be filling vacant positions for the 2004 season. Contact Mike Plattes for information on vacant positions for Type 1 Teams and Kathy Elzig for vacany information on the Fire Use Teams. Type 2 Team Coordinators should be contacted for information regarding Type 2 Team vacancies.
AREA OF CONSIDERATION : All state, federal and local government employees within the Northern Rockies Geographic Area and the Eastern Geographic Area.
October 15 Team needs identified prior to this date.
November 15 Nomination forms distributed and posted on Northern Rockies Geographic Area web site ( www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcc ).
December 15 Nomination forms due back to Type 2 Team Coordinators. All nominations (Type 1, Type 2 and Fire Use) from indivduals in the Northern Rockies Area must be sent toType 2 Team Coordinators. All nominations from individuals in the Eastern Area must be sent to the Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC).
January 13-14 Team members selected (Type 1 & 2 ICs, FUMT ICs Team Coordinators, NRCG Operations Committee, NRCG Fire Use Committee and Eastern Area representative).
April 27-29 Combined Type 1, 2 and Fire Use Team Meeting (Spokane, WA)
- All individuals selected for membership on teams, including trainees, will be expected to attend the Northern Rockies Teams Meeting in Spokane, WA, April 27-29, 2004. Alternates are encouraged, but not required, to attend.
- The Eastern Area will be guaranteed 20 positions, including trainees, on Northern Rockies teams.
- For information on the schedules, policies, team configuration, etc. refer to the team operating plans posted on the NRCC web site ( http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcc ).
- Incident Management and Fire Use Management Teams are utilized on complex incidents and face great challenges in directing interagency resources towards a common goal. When a team is on call, it is expected that the team member will be available. Granted, events can occur that make individuals unavailable for assignment, but these events should be few and on a short-term basis. Please give serious consideration to the availability requirements when applying for an Incident Management Team position.
- Short Team members must commit to the tour of the incumbent IC. Per the Team Operating Plan Steve Frye will be in place through February 2005 and Wally Bennett through February 2006. Current Short Team members do not have to reapply.
- Long Team members must commit to a one (1) year tour.
- Current Long Team members MUST reapply for their position and will be considered along with other applicants.
- "Free-lancing" by Type 1 Team members is allowed on a case by case basis as agreed to by the Section Chief and IC.
- We realize that people have personal commitments during the fire season which might affect their availability (vacations, planned leave, business meetings/seminars, etc.). We will do everything possible to accommodate those needs.
Individuals interested in participating on Type 2 teams should contact Type 2 Team Coordinators for detailed information. The Northern Rockies Intergency Type 2 Incident Management Teams Operating Plan can be found at the NRCC web site ( http://www.fs.fed.us/r1/fire/nrcc ).
- Team configuration and qualifications will mirror those of the national FUMTs to the extent possible. Individuals not meeting the qualifications for national FUMT membership are still encouraged to apply for the Northern Rockies FUMT. Contact Kathy Elzig (406) 329-4709 for detailed information on FUMTs.
- All team members must commit to a two (2) year tour.
- Individuals who are members of a Type 1 or Type 2 Incident Management Team are ineligible to join the FUMT.
HOW TO APPLY : Fill out the attached nomination form (common form for both Type 1, Type 2 and Fire Use Teams). Each nomination form must be accompanied by a supervisor approval of availability and commitment. In order to better coordinate Type 1, Type 2 and Fire Use Team activities, submit the form through the appropriate Zone Type 2 Team Coordinator:
North Idaho Zone: Sally Estes - E-mail saestes@fs.fed.us; FAX 208-762-6909; Ph 208-772-3283
Western Montana Zone: Sandy Evenson - E-mail sevenson@fs.fed.us; FAX 406-829-7083; Ph 406-829-7050
Eastern Montana Zone: Chris Shelton - E-mail Chris_Shelton@mt.blm.gov; FAX 406-896-2950; Ph 406-896-2901
Eastern Area: Dave Boyd - E-mail dwboyd@fs.fed.us; FAX 612-713-7317; Ph 612-713-7300
Do not know: Mike Plattes - E-mail mplattes@fs.fed.us; FAX 406-329-4891; Ph 406-329-4880
Those individuals not selected, but otherwise qualified, will be placed on the alternate list. Those on the alternate list will be considered first for filling unforeseen vacancies. If you ONLY wish to be considered for the alternate list (any Short or Long team position), please indicate that preference on the nomination form.
If you wish to be considered as a trainee for ANY position, indicate that desire on the nomination form with a (T) following the position name.
If you have any questions regarding Type 1 teams, contact Mike Plattes: 406-329-4880
More Information...
Submission standards for the Morning Report can be found on the left side of the front page of InsideNPS. All reports should be submitted via email to Bill Halainen at Delaware Water Gap NRA, with a copy to your regional office and a copy to Dennis Burnett in Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO.
Prepared by the Division of Law Enforcement and Emergency Services, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.