NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT BLACKBERRY EDITION Tuesday, August 9, 2005 INCIDENTS Rocky Mountain NP Services Set for Jeff Christensen Additional details have been released on Jeff Christensen's death and on the memorial service in the park and the subsequent funeral in Minnesota. Jeff Christensen was killed on Friday, July 29th, when he suffered head injuries as a result of a fall near the south slope of Donner Ridge on Mt. Ypsilon. The accident, which was not witnessed, is estimated to have occurred in mid-afternoon while Jeff was on a backcountry patrol in the Mummy Range area of the park. His body was discovered at about 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 6th, by a group of hikers. His mother and father were out in the park at the time of discovery and were notified as soon as they could be reached. The Larimer County Coroner's Office has estimated the time of Jeff's death to be “late p.m.” on July 29th, which is defined as between 6 p.m. and midnight. His body was recovered on Saturday evening and evacuated by helicopter. Investigators from the National Park Service and the Larimer County Sheriff's Office processed the accident scene. A National Park Service employee fatality requires that a serious accident investigation team continue the investigation into his death. This team is now assembling and beginning to gather information. Upon conclusion of the investigation, more details will be released. The memorial service for Jeff will be held on Wednesday, August 10th, at 9:30 a.m. at Hyde Chapel at the YMCA of the Rockies complex in Estes Park. Jeff's family has asked that the memorial service be a celebration of his life. His family is encouraging park staff and volunteers to attend the service. A reception will follow in the Walnut Room within the YMCA complex. Uniformed employees attending the service are to be in summer Class A uniform. All uniformed employees are to meet at Hyde Chapel at 8:30 a.m. This was Jeff's fifth season as a Rocky Mountain National Park employee. His first four years were on the park's west side. His first season was with the maintenance division and his last four seasons were as a park ranger. Jeff's funeral is scheduled for 10 a.m., Friday, August 12th, at Saint Paul's Church, 1740 Bunker Lake Boulevard, Ham Lake, Minnesota. Representatives from the park and incident management team will be in attendance. If you want to assist Jeff's family, an account has been opened at a local bank. Donations should be sent to: Jeff Christensen Family Fund, The Bank of Colorado, PO Box 2560, 533 Big Thompson Avenue, Estes Park, CO 80517. Checks should be made payable to the Jeff Christensen Family Fund. Cards or remembrances may be sent to The Christensen Family c/o Rocky Mountain National Park, 1000 US Highway 36, Estes Park, CO 80517. Important note: Flags at all parks nationwide EXCEPT as noted below are to be lowered to half staff, effective this morning. They are to remain at half staff until Friday's interment, then should be returned to full staff on Saturday. The one exception is the National Mall and Memorial Park in downtown Washington. Flags at all sites in this park (the Washington Monument and the other memorials in the city's core area) are to remain at FULL staff. [Kyle Patterson, Public Information Officer, Rocky Mountain NP, and Cam Sholly, Chief of Staff, Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO] Blue Ridge Parkway Ranger Sustains Serious Injuries In Auto Accident On the afternoon of Monday, August 8th, ranger Brian Stackowicz was traveling south on US 221, a five-lane highway near Gilispie Gap Ranger Station, when he was involved in a collision with another vehicle. Road and weather conditions were a factor, as there was heavy rain in the area at the time of the accident. Brian was flown to Mission Memorial Hospital, where he will undergo a series of operations to correct injuries to both legs and his left arm. There's no indication of head, thoracic or abdominal injuries. Brian remained alert and oriented through the emergency response. Although trapped in his patrol car, he was able to call the incident in. His prognosis is good. The North Carolina State Highway Patrol is the lead investigative agency, as the collision occurred outside of the park. [John Garrison, Chief Ranger] Independence NHP Staff Respond To Employee Heart Attack On the morning of Sunday, July 31st, an interpretive ranger suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after finishing a program in Independence Hall. Interpretive ranger Chuck Kokolskyj and protection rangers Tony Salvemini and Eric Tillson quickly arrived on scene and started CPR. Paramedic units from the Philadelphia Fire Department were summoned and arrived shortly thereafter. Tillson and the paramedics continued CPR while in transport to Jefferson Hospital. The patient finally responded to the CPR and was rushed to intensive care. He has since been moved to a private room for recovery. [Ian Crane, Chief Ranger] Horseshoe Bend NMP Recovery of Drowning Victim On the afternoon of August 4th, the body of a 40-year-old man was recovered from the Tallapoosa River within the park following an extensive ground, aerial and water search. Family and friends had reported the man missing the previous afternoon. A joint interagency search was begun by the Tallapoosa Sheriff's Office, New Site Police Department, Alabama DPS aviation unit and NPS. The initial focus was on the area surrounding the park's boat ramp. The search was suspended at dark, then resumed at 6 a.m. the next day. Efforts to search the river were hampered by high water levels due to hydroelectric generation. The body was recovered by members of the Peckerwood Rescue Squad. Indications are that the death was a probable suicide. [Jim Cahill, Supervisory Park Ranger] FIRE MANAGEMENT NIFC remains at PL 3. Initial attack was heavy yesterday. More than 300 new fires were reported, eleven of which escaped initial attack and became large fires. Three more Type 2 IMT's have been committed. Individual fire entries for today for the National Park Service can be obtained at HYPERLINK "" . The full NIFC Incident Management Situation Report for today can be obtained at HYPERLINK "" OPERATIONAL NOTES Nothing today. PARKS AND PEOPLE
JOBS Nothing today. * * * * * Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA. --- ### --- |