NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT BLACKBERRY EDITION Thursday, December 29, 2005 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Boston NHP Follow-up on Assault on Rangers A 36-year-old Charlestown man has been sentenced in federal court to three years and a month in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, following his guilty plea to charges of assaulting two park rangers in August, 2004. The rangers were patrolling the Bunker Hill Monument in Charlestown just before midnight on August 18, 2004, when they interrupted the man while in the act of breaking into a car. A chase ensued. When the rangers caught him, he fought them furiously, elbowing one ranger several times and kicking the other. The rangers managed to subdue him. When he complained that he'd been injured, they summoned medical assistance. The man was placed in the back of an EMS vehicle, where he again began resisting, kicking one of the rangers backward out of the vehicle, then biting him on the hand. The incident was investigated by the NPS and prosecuted by the US Attorney's Office. [Christopher O'Shea, Supervisory Park Ranger] OPERATIONAL NOTES Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center Update on Center Publications A new publication, "Hurricane Response Revisited - Lessons from Dennis, Katrina and Rita in 2005," is now on the Lessons Learned Center Web site at HYPERLINK "" This special edition highlights notable incident management team successes and difficult challenges while working at operational and logistics staging areas, shelter operations and field hospitals/trauma centers. Highlights of the National Response Plan and common lessons from the Aasignments are also featured. To learn even more, read the complete IMT hurricane response after action review (AAR) rollups on the AAR page at: HYPERLINK "" In addition, approximately 35 recent PowerPoint presentations on a variety of wildland fire subjects are available on the Learning Opportunities page at: HYPERLINK "" These presentations are from training sessions, workshops and conferences. [Paula Nasiatka, Center Manager] * * * * * Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA. --- ### --- |