Wednesday, January 18, 2006



Lassen Volcanic NP

Successful Search for Missing Skiers

On the morning of January 14th, three people - a couple, each 52 years old, and a 34-year-old woman - set out from the southwest parking lot for a day ski trip in the park's backcountry. The party set out in poor weather conditions with heavy snow falling and limited visibility. The park was under a winter storm advisory at the time, and conditions continued to deteriorate throughout the day. When the party failed to return that evening, the husband of the younger woman contacted the park. Search urgency was high due to the weather, extreme avalanche conditions, and the fact that one of the missing people had a heart condition. The lost skiers had also failed to register for the day trip, so their destination was unknown. Search operations were begun immediately. Confinement was established and the first hasty search teams were sent in after the weather improved around 3 a.m. on the 15th. With daylight, more teams were committed, including the Lassen volunteer ski patrol, two dog search teams, employees of the US Forest Service on snowmobile, and two California Highway Patrol helicopters. That afternoon, the three skiers were spotted by one of the CHP helicopters. High wind gusts prevented the helicopter crew from evacuating the party, so they were brought out by members of the ski patrol. Exhausted, cold and dehydrated, they were otherwise in good condition. They had become disoriented during the storm and topped over a ridgeline by mistake. They then headed downhill, believing they were heading south towards the parking lot instead of north and out of the park. The skiers came across a group of summer cabins and broke into one of them to spend the night. Realizing where they were with daylight and clear skies, they then began skiing back into the park. [Gabe Asarian, Incident Commander]

Natchez Trace Parkway

Suicide at Park Picnic Area

Rangers and Wayne County Sheriff's Department deputies are investigating the death of a 50-year-old resident of Collierville, Tennessee. On January 11th, park dispatch received a report of an apparently abandoned vehicle in the Holly picnic area near milepost 346. Rangers began and investigation to determine the whereabouts of the vehicle's registered owner. The information they obtained led to a search of the nearby area, where the victim's body was found. The death was evidently a suicide. [Charles Cuvelier, Chief Ranger]


National Park of American Samoa

GS-025-13 Park Manager

Pacific West Regional Office has issued an announcement (PWRSEA-2006-04) for a GS-025-13 superintendent for the National Park of American Samoa. The announcement opened on January 11th and closes on February 27th. Salary includes a 25% non-foreign post differential for those hired from outside American Samoa. For a full copy of the announcement, click on “More Information” below.

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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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