Friday, March 10, 2006



Saguaro NP

Death of Trail Crew Member

Trail crew member John "Jake" Quilter, 26, died yesterday while hiking to Manning Camp in the Rincon Mountains. The crew was beginning a project to rehabilitate a fire damaged trail. His death, which was not witnessed, is estimated to have occurred at around 12:15 p.m. on the Manning Camp Trail near the mountain's 6,700 foot elevation. Quilter had hiked out ahead of his group and was found by another crew member lying on the trail. CPR was begun and a cell phone call for assistance was made. A medical helicopter was able to land nearby, but Quilter was pronounced dead at the scene at 2:08 p.m. Quilter's body was evacuated by helicopter and transferred to the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner. An autopsy was expected to be performed on Thursday afternoon. Quilter was a first year seasonal at Saguaro and had worked trail crew assignments at Grand Teton, Grand Canyon and Olympic. He'd also performed volunteer work at Arches and Canyonlands. The park's superintendent, Sarah Craighead said: "We are deeply saddened by Jake's sudden death. He was a fine young man, with a positive outlook on life. He loved working for the National Park Service, and was very passionate about trail work." Jake's parents shared the following: "Jake was a very special young man. He lived life to the fullest. His love of the outdoors led him to the park system and the many friends he grew to know and respect along the many trails he blazed. Jake was a very independent young man who spent much of his time hiking and traveling and seeing more of this country than most people do during a long lifetime. His family and friends will always remember his mischievous grin and sense of humor. We appreciate those of you that became a part of Jake's life in the park system. He thought of you as his extended family. We will all miss him dearly." Memorial and funeral services are pending, as is a possible memorial fund. Cards and notes may be sent to Jake's parents, Ju.Q. and Jo.Q. [Bob Love, Chief Ranger]

Dry Tortugas NP

Death of Illegal Immigrant

On the morning of March 8th, a commercial fisherman radioed the park and reported a body with a yellow flotation device on it floating in the water. Rangers and the captain of the M/V Fort Jefferson headed toward the location and found the victim. The body was recovered and lifted onto the Fort Jefferson and taken to Key West for transfer to the medical examiner there. The victim is believed to be an illegal immigrant from Cuba. The Coast Guard subsequently advised the park that they'd interdicted two boats from Cuba during the early hours of March 8th. The occupants of one boat reported that they'd had a death on board and that the person had been “buried at sea.” When the Coast Guard intercepted the second boat, four of its occupants jumped into the ocean. It's believed that the victim was one of the four. A search is underway for the remaining three people. [Bonnie Foist, Chief Ranger, Everglades NP/Dry Tortugas NP]


NOTE: Insofar as is possible, new training submissions will now be run as separate, discrete entries when they are received, then will be briefly summarized and posted in this weekly training calendar, which comes out on Fridays. This will provide readers with two opportunities to catch new training postings. Please submit information to HYPERLINK "" New listings and revisions are in bold face.


March 14 - March 17

Boundary Management, Catoctin Mountain Park, MD. Upon conclusion of the course, participants will be able to research boundaries, plot a deed, then identify, find and mark a boundary. Part of the session will be spent in the county courthouse, learning to use courthouse records and perform deed searches. There will be three sessions in the field, performing boundary identification and maintenance. This is a one-of-a-kind class in learning how to manage your boundary from A - Z. The class will be co-taught by NPS and BLM and will include a field boundary handbook. It is very unlikely that this class will be presented again, so register now before the class fills up. Funded by benefiting accounts. Rustic accommodations are available free on site. For more information, contact Mike Barnhart at 301-416-0012.

March 14 - March 17

Annual LE Refresher, Great Smoky Mountains NP, Gatlinburg, TN. The course will include two eight-hour defensive tactics sessions - one on March 16th, the other on March 17th. The topics in each will be the same. For further information, contact Rick Brown at the park.

March 20 - March 24

First Responder Training, Cape Hatteras NS, Buxton, NC. The course will be taught in accordance with the national standard curriculum and meets all First Responder requirements of NHTSA and the National Registry. CPR is a pre-requisite. Students will be given the chance to acquire current CPR certification on the first day of class, if needed. For more information, contact Gary Henson via email or at 252-995-5044.

April 3 - April 7

Wireless Telecommunications Systems, BLM National Training Center, Phoenix, AZ. This is a multi-agency course taught in conjunction with industry representatives. The course provides information about the construction, operation, and management of wireless telecommunication systems. Participants will learn to distinguish among different wireless technologies and services. The course number is BLM-2000-21. There is no tuition for NPS participants. Contact Lee Dickinson at 202-513-7092 for more information.

April 3 - April 14

Covert Electronic Surveillance Program (CESP-604), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 9th.

April 4 - April 21

Law Enforcement Control Tactics Instructor Training Program (LECTITP-603), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 9th.

April 17 - April 21

Police Bicycle Training Program (PBTP-603), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 14th.

April 17 - April 21

Archeological Resources Protection Training Program (XP-ARPTP-602), Custer, SD. Training in all aspects of archeological investigation and subsequent prosecution of crimes. Taught by instructors who are nationally-recognized subject-matter experts in the fields of law enforcement, archeology and law. Questions should be directed to senior instructor Charles Louke (912-280-5188,; for NPS course registration information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, Closing date for applications is March 17th.

April 17 - April 28

Survival Shooting Training Program (SSTP-601), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 16th.

April 18 - April 21

Fundamentals of Special Park Uses, Omaha, NE. Midwest Region is sponsoring a competency-based training course on special park uses. Topics include authorities for special park uses, the permitting process, compliance issues, special events, filming, use of parks for First Amendment activities, rights-of-way for public utilities, telecommunications, commercial use authorizations and leasing, and cost recovery. For more information, contact Floy Westermeier at 402-661-1652 or Lee Dickinson at 202-513-7092.

April 19 - April 21

Basic EMT Refresher, ALS Refresher, Zion NP. The park will be hosting a 24-hour EMT refresher from April 19th to the 21st and an ALS refresher on April 18th. No fee/tuition. For more info, contact Cody Cole at 435-772-7826 or via email at HYPERLINK ""

April 24 - May 5

Physical Fitness Coordinator Training Program (PFCTP-604) FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 20th.

April 30 - May 6

Advanced Resource Protecting Training, San Luis Obispo, CA. This 50-hour course beings at 6 p.m. on Sunday, April 30th, and ends at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May 6th. The course includes classroom, outdoor and evening sessions. Visit the website for the course at HYPERLINK "" For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 20th.

May 1 - May 5

Eastern High Angle Rescue Course, Big South Fork NRRA, TN. This course is designed to instruct rangers and response personnel who are tasked with the extrication of victims in a high angle environment. All participants need to be in good physical condition and are expected to spend periods of time on fixed lines with high exposure. The course will begin with basic knots and anchors and will progress to rigging rescue load anchor systems and finally to patient packaging in a litter, attending a litter on a cliff face, and raising and lowering rescue loads. Participants need to supply their own harnesses, helmets, gloves, and personal locking carabiners. Travel and per diem will be benefiting account. Participants will be staying at a park campground in order to reduce costs and make night operations and exercises more accessible. For more information, contact any of the following via email or at the indicated phone numbers - Rob Turan at 706-866-6627, Randy Scoggins at 423-569-2404 ext. 260, or Kevin Moses at 423-569-2404 ext. 267.

May 1 - May 5

Preservation and Treatment of Park Cultural Resources - Module #2, March-Billings NHP, Woodstock, VT. Module #2 is part of a two module competency-based curriculum designed specifically for facility managers and chiefs of maintenance. The curriculum focuses on the foundation knowledge and skills crucial for facility managers/chiefs of maintenance as frontline stewards to provide essential direction and oversight relating to the preservation, treatment, and maintenance of park cultural resources. This module provides the knowledge and skills to improve performance in providing essential direction and oversight relating to the management and maintenance of park cultural resources with specific emphasis on historic structures, cultural landscapes, and archeological resources. Contact Kevin Turner at Albright Training Center (928-638-7988) for more information.

May 1 - May 12

Seized Computer and Evidence Recovery Specialist (SCERS-602) FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 20th.

May 1 - May 12

Firearms Instructor Training Program (FITP-605) FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 20th.

May 2 - May 4

Situational Leadership II (Law Enforcement Version) (SLTP-603), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 22nd.

May 8 - May 12

Law Enforcement Advanced Interviewing Training Program (LEAINTP-605), FLETC, Glynco, GA. For more information, contact Wiley Golden (912-267-2246, HYPERLINK "" Closes on March 26th.

May 15 - May 19

Submerged Cultural Resources Law Enforcement, Homestead, FL. Biscayne NP will host the class. Diver certification is desirable, but not mandatory. There will be snorkeling during the class, but no scuba diving. There are two steps in the registration process. First contact class coordinator Larry Murphy at 505-988-6750 or via email, then make arrangements for payment of the $400 tuition with archeologist Martin McAllister (406-728-7195, HYPERLINK "" The registration deadline is April 14th.

May 18 - May 19

GPS for Law Enforcement Applications, Barataria Preserve Education Center, Jean Lafitte NHP, Marrero, LA. This two-day course will focus on the history, function, capabilities and applications of PGS to search and rescue, mapping and map applications, law enforcement activities and courtroom testimony. Training will include lectures, lab/field exercises, and “homework.” Attendees must bring their own GPS receives. First priority will be given to LE officers; second priority will be given to all other applicants. Tuition: $75. For more information, contact Leigh Zahm at 504-589-2330 ext. 17.

June 13 - June 16

“GPS to GIS: Pathfinder Systems,” training course, Anchorage, AK. The class will focus on the field and office work flow for using Trimble GPS equipment to generate data for use in the ArcGis 9.1 environment. For details, go to HYPERLINK ""

or contact Joel Cusick via email.

June 21 - June 23

Housing Training and Workshop, Anchorage, AK. The course will provide employees responsible for employee housing a better understanding and working knowledge of the housing program. Specific topics will include roles and responsibilities, WASO updates, QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, needs assessments, condition assessments (FMSS/FCAS), GPRA, housing management plans, PMIS projects, DAB, budget tracking and conflict resolution. Closes on May 17th. For more information, contact Hala Bates via email or at 303-969-2742.

August 9 - August 10

Interviewing and Interrogation, Federal Mine Safety and Health Academy, Beaver, WV. It is the goal of this course to familiarize both new and seasoned investigators with the various disciplines of "detecting deception." This is accomplished though learning to recognize non-verbal body language, eye-assessing cues (neuro-linguistics), and by being introduced to the newest form of conducting a detailed analysis of verbal and written statements. This unique course offers investigators insight as to what a person is actually saying, and, most importantly, what they are not saying. No tuition. Nearby lodging is available at government rates. Anyone interested in this training should contact Chuck Noll at HYPERLINK "" or call him at 304-763-3145 x16 for more information.

October 16 - October 20

Housing Training and Workshop, Denver, CO. The course will provide park staff responsible for employee housing with a better understanding and working knowledge of the housing program. Specific topics will include roles and responsibilities, WASO updates, QMIS inventory requirements, required and non-required occupancy, safety and health issues, needs assessments, condition assessments (FMSS/FCAS), GPRA, housing management plans, PMIS projects, DAB, budget tracking and conflict resolution. Closes on September 27th. For more information, contact Hala Bates via email or at 303-969-2742.


NOTE: Insofar as is possible, submissions on upcoming events will now be run as separate, discrete entries when they are received, then will be briefly summarized and posted in this weekly events calendar, which comes out on Fridays. This will provide readers with two opportunities to catch new event postings. Please submit information to HYPERLINK "" New listings and revisions are in bold face.


April 27 - April 30

“Preserving the Historic Road,” conference, Omni Parker House Hotel, Boston, MA. This biannual, national conference will attract engineers and designers, preservationists and grassroots advocates and will showcase the historic roads and parkways of greater Boston and Massachusetts. A downloadable conference registration brochure is available at HYPERLINK "" (look under “Register now”). Space is limited, so register early. More information on historic road issues can be found at HYPERLINK ""

June 14 - June 20

International Ranger Federation Fifth World Congress, Stirling, Scotland. IRF is a federation of about 35 national ranger organizations from around the world - from Uruguay to Scotland, from India to Iceland. Meetings are held every three years in different continents. The four main themes of this congress are:

Access- Managing access from doorstep to wilderness

Benefits- Sharing environmental values and perceptions

Connections - Benefiting people and places

Delivery - Making the connections work

For details on the congress, go to HYPERLINK ""

October 13 - October 16

Alumni Reunion, Mesa Verde NP, Colorado. One of the events commemorating Mesa Verde National Park's centennial this year will be an alumni reunion. The reunion will include a welcome social on the first day, followed by field trips, sessions on the park's past and future, talks, and evening gatherings with music and food. All past employees are invited. If you know of past employees who don't have access to InsideNPS, please pass the word to them. For further information, contact Beverly Cunningham ( HYPERLINK "", 970-529-4610), Linda Martin ( HYPERLINK "", 970-529-4632), Sue Johnson-Erner ( HYPERLINK "", 970-529-4612) or Don Ross ( HYPERLINK "", 970-560-9984 or 1-888-882-2840). To register for the reunion, go to HYPERLINK ""

November 11 - November 14

Ranger Rendezvous XXIX, The Association of National Park Rangers, Coeur d'Alene Resort, Coeur d'Alene, ID. For more information, go to HYPERLINK "" . Additional details will appear as the event gets closer.

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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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