Monday, April 24, 2006



Olympic NP

Suicide in Sol Duc Valley

The body of a 57-year-old instructor from Olympic College in Bremerton was found by hikers in Sol Duc Valley on April 12th. The man was last seen on March 31st and a missing person's report had been filed on him on April 5th. His vehicle was found about a mile from the body. An investigation was conducted by the park and the Kitsap County Sheriff's Office and an autopsy was conducted by the Clallam County coroner. The coroner determined the cause of death to have been a self-inflicted injury and has ruled the death a suicide. [Barb Maynes, Public Affairs Officer]


Alaska Region

Jay Liggett To Retire In June

Jay R. Liggett, regional chief ranger for Alaska Region, has announced his retirement, effective Friday, June 30th.

Jay began his career with the National Park Service 28 years ago as a seasonal at Grand Canyon, followed by another seasonal position at Indiana Dunes. He then became a permanent park ranger at Big Bend. His career continued as a park ranger, with positions of increasing responsibility at Dry Tortugas, Voyageurs, Everglades (district ranger for the Flamingo District), and Theodore Roosevelt (chief ranger).

Jay moved to Alaska in 1997 as the regional law enforcement specialist and became the regional chief ranger in 1998. He chaired numerous groups, including the regional chief rangers and the multi-region coordinating group (MRCG). He is a recipient of the Alaska Region's Harry Yount Award.

“I have been fortunate to work in a wide variety of parks and with a lot of very good people,” he says. “Whether it's been chasing smugglers at Big Bend, herding bison in the Dakotas, or living through hurricanes at the Everglades, it's been a great journey.”

Jay and Deb will remain in Anchorage, Alaska, and look forward to more time enjoying our national parks.


Links to stories for those of you who are within the NPS…

Pinnacles NM adds 2,000 acres to its size: HYPERLINK ""

Today's combined NPS/NIFC fire report:


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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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