Tuesday, July 11, 2006



Mount Rainier NP

Storms Lead To Area Evacuations, Rescue

Massive mudslides inundated portions of Route 410 east of Chinook Pass on the afternoon of July 4th. Cloudbursts had caused flash floods on portions of the American River within the Naches Ranger District in the Wenatchee National Forest; those flash floods had in turn caused sections of hillside to collapse. Several motorists were trapped on the highway. Park rangers evacuated campers in the vicinity and assisted the Yakima County Sheriff's Department and Washington State Patrol with closure of portions of Route 410 in the park and national forest. That evening, Lewis County dispatch forwarded a call to the park regarding a hiking accident. Three hikers had fallen into Chenuis Creek Falls. Two of them slid down a portion of the falls and made it to safety, but the third had become stranded on a rock slab in the middle of the torrent in the midst of the series of waterfalls. County deputies, a swiftwater rescue team, firefighters and rangers responded and rescued the stranded hiker, who was suffering from hypothermia but otherwise okay. [Uwe Nehring]

Gateway NRA

Life Saved Through Use Of AED

A woman was reported to be in cardiac arrest at the Area A Beach Center in the Sandy Hook Unit just after noon on July 4th. Park lifeguards, medical staff and rangers arrived on scene within minutes and found that the 54-year-old woman was not breathing and had no pulse. They immediately began CPR and employed and automatic external defibrillator (AED) in an effort to revive her. After about ten minutes, the woman's pulse was restored and she was able to again breath on her own. She was taken to Monmouth Center by a local ambulance squad. [Edmund Rezetko, Supervisory Park Ranger]

Natchez Trace Parkway

Two Attempted Suicides Successfully Interdicted

On July 1st, a ranger from the Leipers Fork District in Tennessee saw a vehicle speeding near the Highway 96 bridge at milepost 438. During the traffic stop, the ranger found that the woman driving the car was intending to jump off that bridge. A family member was contacted and took her to her mental health provider. During this contact, the ranger heard the Williamson County Sheriff's Department broadcast a ‘be on the lookout' message for another woman who'd told family members that she was going to commit suicide from the same bridge. She was not located until 4:30 a.m. the next morning, when a county deputy physically prevented her from jumping off the bridge. [Marty Huseman, Acting Chief Ranger]


Other news of interest from today's edition of InsideNPS, which can be found at this address if your inside the NPS ( HYPERLINK "" and at this address if you're outside the NPS ( HYPERLINK "" Note that not all articles that appear in the former make it into the latter:

Servicewide - The new issue of NPCA's National Parks Magazine has a good article on rock climbing in the parks: HYPERLINK ""

Joshua Tree - Ranger Jan Lemons wins several competitions at Western States Police and Fire Games: HYPERLINK ""

Delaware Water Gap - Ranger Chris Kross wins Pennsylvania Police Olympics: HYPERLINK ""

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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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