Tuesday, November 28, 2006



Shenandoah NP

Ice Storm Closes Portions Of Skyline Drive

Parts of Skyline Drive have been closed due to extensive damage caused by an ice storm that struck the park last week. The storm, which began on Thursday, November 22nd, caused power outages and downed thousands of trees and tree limbs. Crews worked throughout Thanksgiving Day and on Friday to open Skyline Drive from Thornton Gap south to the Big Meadows area and from Front Royal to the Dickey Ridge area. All other areas of Skyline Drive remain closed. Park staff began assessing trails and structures yesterday and continued clearing debris from the drive. Park visitor centers, lodges, restaurants and gift shops closed for the winter on November 26th. Park visitors are encouraged to call 540-999-3500 for additional information and updates regarding the status of the park. [Karen Beck-Herzog, Public Affairs Officer]

Haleakala NP

Recovery From October Quake Continues

The park continues to recover from the impacts of the 6.7 earthquake that shook the Hawaiian islands on October 15th. Aftershocks are still occurring, including a 5.0 quake on Thanksgiving Day. The county road on the north side of Maui to the Kipahulu area is expected to reopen this Friday following the installation of a temporary bridge. The southern approach to the Kaupo Gap portion of the park will remain closed, however, until a rockslide there can be removed. Work is set to begin in mid-December. The Ka'apahu unit will remain closed until further notice due to huge slabs of fractured rock hanging precariously over the roadway in the same location where ranger Suzi Roberts was killed by a rockslide in September, 2004. The park has been partnering with a number of organizations, including FEMA, the Corps of Engineers, the Red Cross and local and state organizations, to bring relief to the landlocked communities of east Maui (including park employees). These operations include food and water drops and the provision of emergency support. Park staff have provided transportation and support to fire and police department crews unable to get equipment and vehicles to the area. A landing zone has been established in the park to provide the Hawaii Air National Guard with a place to bring in supplies and relief workers. [Mark Tanaka-Sanders, Acting Superintendent]

Olympic NP

Access Restored To Quinault Area

The Finley Creek bridge along the Quinault North Shore Road, which was heavily damaged during the November 6th storm, reopened last Wednesday. With both the North Shore and South Shore Roads reopened, access has been restored to the entire Quinault Loop. The Hoh Road and visitor area remain closed because of extensive damage along that road. This temporary closure includes the campground, trails, road and other facilities. Park staff and Federal Highways Administration engineers continue to develop options for restoring emergency access across the 75-foot long washout at West Twin Creek. All park roads are now open with the exception of:

Staircase Road - The road is closed outside the park due to unstable soils caused by this summer's Bear Gulch 2 Fire.

Dosewallips Road - Closed outside the park boundary because of a washout.

Deer Park Road - Closed for the season.

Sol Duc Road - Closed because of fallen trees and debris on the road.

Hoh Road - Closed, as noted above.

Queets Road - Closed at Matheny Creek because of a slide and washout.

North Fork Road and Graves Creek Road in the Quinault Valley - Both remain closed because of storm damage.

For current road information, people should call the Olympic National Park recorded road and weather information line at 360-565-3131. [Barb Maynes, Public Information Officer]


Other news from today's edition of InsideNPS, the National Park Service's home page:

Biscayne NP - After nearly five years of negotiations, managers at Biscayne National Park and NOAA's Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary have signed a memorandum of agreement that will facilitate the protection of shipwrecks and other submerged cultural resources.

Cape Hatteras NS - As part of the ORV planning process, the park will host a two-day training workshop entitled “Participating in the Negotiated Rulemaking Process” on February 8th and 9th. The workshop will be held on the Outer Banks and will be open to the public.

Park NAGPRA - The deadline for the 2007 internship program is fast approaching. Parks and offices servicewide must submit project proposals by December 11th.

Ozark NSR - The chief ranger position at Ozark National Scenic Riverways is open and on USA Jobs. The closing date is January 2nd.

To link to InsideNPS, click on HYPERLINK ""

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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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