Wednesday, December 27, 2006



In accordance with special Presidential Proclamation 3044, all American flags are to be flown at half-staff in tribute to former President Gerald Ford, who passed away yesterday. Flags are to remain at half staff for 30 days from date of death. A copy of the proclamation can be found at the following site: HYPERLINK "" For the text of the related DOI policy, go to HYPERLINK ""


Yosemite NP

Sentencing Of Man Who Started Fire

On November 20th, W.R. III was sentenced in federal court in Fresno, California, after pleading guilty to leaving a fire unattended and unextinguished (18 USC 1856) and to illegal camping (36 CFR 2.10). W.R. started the three-and-a-half acre Powerhouse Fire along the El Portal road in mid September (click on “More Information” for the original report). He was sentenced to nine months in jail and five years probation and was ordered to pay $22,293 in restitution to the United States. [Dan Horner, Special Agent]


Minute Man NHP

Suicide Victim Found In Park

Early on the morning of December 20th, searchers found the body of a missing 22-year-old man just off the Vernal Pool trail by Hartwell Tavern. The man had been reported missing from his home in nearby Burlington around 2 a.m. that morning. He was also reported to be suicidal. An hour later, a Lincoln PD officer found his vehicle in the Hartwell Tavern parking area and notified rangers and state police. A search team consisting of a ranger, a Lincoln police officer and a state police canine unit found the man about 50 feet off the trail. He was unresponsive and paramedics were unable to revive him. [Bill Brooks, Acting Chief Ranger]


Other news from today's edition of InsideNPS, the National Park Service's home page:

Yellowstone - The park's East Entrance has opened for the winter season. The opening was delayed due to avalanche danger.

Great Smoky Mountains - The park has announced the closure of a 1.3-mile section of the Trillium Gap Trail between the Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail (which is closed during winter) and Grotto Falls due to falling rocks and potential mud slides.

Wind Cave - The park is extending the public comment period on a draft environmental assessment written for the reintroduction of the endangered black-footed ferret within park boundaries.

Chamizal - Ed Pacheco, facility manager at Chamizal NM, is retiring on January 3rd after 33 years of dedicated service to the National Park Service

To link to InsideNPS, click on HYPERLINK ""

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Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA.

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