NATIONAL PARK SERVICE MORNING REPORT Tuesday, January 30, 2007 =============================================================================================================== INCIDENTS Coronado NM Illegal Border Activities Increase Despite Barrier Over the past ten days, more than eight vehicle drug loads have made it around the new vehicle barrier installed on the border with Mexico and onto park roads. Once in the park, the smugglers were able to mix into traffic and avoid being apprehended. These vehicles typically carry from $1 million to $1.5 million in drugs and are therefore more closely guarded. The smugglers are also instructed to employ violence if necessary to prevent the loss of their loads. Meanwhile, crossings on foot by illegal aliens are also returning to levels seen before the barrier was erected. It's believed that several circumstances have combined to cause the return of high levels of criminal activity in the park, including changes in criminal organizations, restoration of infrastructure damaged by floods in both the U.S. and Mexico, and the staffing levels of area law enforcement agencies. Within four days of discussing short-term solutions with the Border Patrol, a solution was in place - park staff, Border Patrol agents and National Guard soldiers closed a gap in the vehicle barrier by extending its coverage an additional 50 feet. Park staff will be working with the regional office to conduct an environmental impact assessment for a more permanent solution involving further extension of the barrier. [Chief Ranger's Office] Blue Ridge Parkway Man Commits Suicide Along Park Trail On Friday, January 26th, rangers discovered the body of 31-year-old Fletcher, North Carolina, man along the Mountain to Sea trail near the Dingle Creek parking area. He'd died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Rangers began a search for the man after finding his unlocked vehicle at the trailhead with a note on the passenger seat. Investigation revealed that he was having personal problems and was being treated for depression. [Tim Francis, Pisgah District Ranger] OTHER NEWS Other news from today's edition of InsideNPS, the National Park Service's home page: Saguaro NP - On January 22nd, the park and the Southern Arizona area were treated to a rare snow storm. Much of the park received snow - from just a dusting in some places to about a foot of snow above the 8,000-foot level in the Rincon Mountains. Yosemite NP - Associated Press news story: A court battle over development in Yosemite may come down to the challenge facing all of America's parks: Should they remain open to everyone, or should access be limited in the interest of protecting them? Chickasaw NRA - Bruce Noble has been selected to serve as superintendent at Chickasaw National Recreation Area and as Oklahoma state coordinator. He will assume his new responsibilities effective February 4th. Zion NP - Zion National Park is reannouncing an FMO position as a GS-0401-11/12. Human Resources - There will be a Telnet broadcast on recruiting for the National Park Service from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 13th. To link to InsideNPS, click on HYPERLINK "" * * * * * Prepared by Visitor and Resource Protection, WASO, with the cooperation and support of Delaware Water Gap NRA. --- ### --- |